A feature that has been highly requested by the Tenori-On enthusiasts is the ability to expand and edit the instruments global note scaling. Rather than being confined to a range of 16 consecutive notes per layer, its now possible to create a global ‘User Scale’ allowing different notes from different octaves to be accessed and sequenced within one single layer. This new function will open up many new musical dimensions for the Tenori-On player as any note can now be assigned to a layer.
6 - Swing
With a new ‘Swing’ function implemented in Version 2.0 its now possible to give the entire instrument a new level of musical ‘feel’. With a -23/+23 swing parameter its also possible to fine tune this ‘feel’ using the jog wheel in real-time. The new Swing feature is especially creative when Slaved to an external DAW as it allows the Tenori-On to swing while the DAW remains rigid.
User Scale tres sympa mais il n'y a qu'une seule User Scale, donc en gros si tu veux une mineur harmonique et que pour un autre morceau tu veux une pentatonique sur 3 octaves tu dois tout rechanger manuellement (pas moyen des sauvegarder des presets de user scales par exemple). Mais une fonctionalité vraiment bienvenue (meme plus puissante qu'on pourrait le croire car on peut vraiment changer ce qu'on veut et faire un accordage "réentrant" par exemple).