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Xt Software energyXT
Xt Software energyXT

La 1.3.6 stable est sortie!

  • 2 réponses
  • 3 participants
  • 448 vues
Sujet de la discussion La 1.3.6 stable est sortie!
Voila, la liste parle d'elle meme, attention ça fait assez mal aux yeux...

Citation : Version 1.3.6 15-november-2005
- Automatic plugin delay compensation on intruments, insert FX and send FX
- "Wait note" recording
- Envelope tracks can now be mapped to tempo
- Added option for Track delay (samples, ms or ticks)
- You can now replace insert fx on comps in main window
- Glitch-free volume/pan automation and fader/knob dragging
- Pan automation
- Improved text handling in edit boxes (selection, copy, paste etc)
- Duplicate arrangement
- Duplicate variation
- Preset generator Random now with 1-100% option
- Added new line mode for envelope tracks: step/flat, can be used in combination with ramp/curve
- Input envelope values manually in in-track mode
- You can now edit the midi channel of events in the MIDI editor
- Power off VST comp will now bypass audio to next comp in audio chain
- Multicore support
- Support for panning law -6dB, -3dB or -0dB
- Press 'n' to mute notes and audio events in sequencer
- Split selected parts from arr menu now also works in multi mode
- You can now edit the audio intput/output configuration of VSTs loaded into the sequencer
- Ch mixer in audio part comp stopped working after editing events, now fixed
- Click on a variation in multimode will now switch to that arrangement/variation
- Fixed a bug with changing buffer size in Audio setup (when using only audio tracks)
- Sampler slice will now always insert at least one slice
- Drag and drop re-order arrangements in multimode
- In-track envelope will now diplay values on the break points
- Use Ctrl+u to unghost parts
- Fixed midi channel problem with pitch bend and cc in sampler in multimode
- Fixed problem with exporting midi file with multiple midi channels (could not be read in some hosts)
- Recording in the VST version will now not start until you start playback in the host
- Fixed a volume bug with frozen tracks and using groove with velocity effect
- You can now set pos and loop locators from inside audio and MIDI editors
- After offsetting the start of a midi part, recorded notes was time stamped incorectly. Same with export to midi file. Now fixed
- Fixed a loop bug in live mode
- Less sub-menu levels on output routing in mixer (if comp has only one audio out)
- MIDI file export from sequencer now includes track names
- Changing the number of audio outputs in a eXT VST loaded into eXT SA will no longer delete the inserts effects on the unaffected audio outputs
- Copy to audio folder will not copy the sample if it was linked from the same folder as the audio folder
- Paste and duplicate bitmaps in GUI editor will now keep the alpha color properly
- Resizing note in MIDI editor will now update the length box in the toolbar
- VST versions would cause a crash on VST scan in some hosts, fixed
- New ASIO dll, better support for Echo ASIO cards
- Added option to Copy all wavs to audio folder
- Added button in mixer title section for opening VST editors
- Option for temp audio folder. You can then record audio, freeze and bounce before you have saved the project
- You can now move controller events with alt + arrow keys in MIDI Editor
- Alt + down to change velocity in step mode also moved the step cursor, now fixed
- Changing sampler comp params will now flag it as modified
- Fixed some issues with 'auto show' and 'show selected' in mixer
- Open insert fx editor would unselect audio track in mixer, now fixed
- CC map window now works without capturing all keyboard/mouse input
- Export MIDI file in sequencer now uses .mid as default
- Alt + right-click to slice in sampler (same as with parts, notes and audio clips)
- You can now "ungrab" screenshots of VSTs
- Fixed some display problems with the Sampler comp and the preset selector in the mixer
- Added checkmarks to main popup menu to show which midi and audio outputs are connected
- Unlinking audio inputs on VSTs didnt work properly after reloading the project, now fixed
- Volume meter led was showing too low value, now fixed

je suppose qu elle est gratuite pour les possesseurs de la précédente. mais comment faire la mise à jour ? pas d indications sur le site.
a ciao les amigos

Oui, bien sûr. Tu peux la télécharger sans problème, elle se substitue à ton ancienne version.