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Xt Software energyXT
Xt Software energyXT

Multiples sorties d'eXT ?

  • 1 réponse
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  • 642 vues
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Sujet de la discussion Multiples sorties d'eXT ?
Salut à tous,

Voilà mon soucis, je ne me souviens plus du tout comment récupérer plusieurs sorties d'eXt dans mon séquenceur. Je sais qu'il fallait modifier un truc quelque part, puis changer une nouvelle .dll ...
Je l'avais fais sur mon ancien Daw et je récupérai 8 pistes d'eXT dans mon séquenceur, mais là...

Si quelqu'un passe par là.


Trouvé, dans le manuel:

Citation de Manuel :
For Multi−output routing with EnergyXT as a plugin there is a little more work to setup, but you only
have to do it once.
The setup depends on how many outputs you want:
...for an 8 stereo output VSTi: Copy the EnergyXT.dll file and rename it to 'xt8out.dll'. Open
notepad and type in: [VST] outputs=16 (16 outputs = 8 stereo) save this text file as
'xt8out.ini', to your windows folder.
If you want 4 outputs: follow the same procedure but, name the dll 'xt4out.dll' and since 4
stereo outs=8 outputs, in the ini file type: [VST] outputs=8 and save the ini as 'xt4out.ini' to
your windows folder.
You can change the numbers to however many outputs you want/need, but I've only tested 4,8, and
16. And more outputs will use more CPU, so don't get to carried away. I made a batch file to do it for
me since it was a pain as often as a beta version comes out