Sujet de la discussionPosté le 07/03/2011 à 00:04:51Des nouvelles du front !
En me baladant sur les forums de, une news intéressante :
Hey all,
So today I was speaking with some folks from Elektron and wanted to pass along some of the details of that conversation...
The plans for the Octatrack OS looks like this. In time for the Frankfurt Musikmesse an OS opening up for external MIDI control of the Octatrack will be released. It will allow tracks and samples to be externally trigged and samples to be played back chromatically from an external MIDI device. This OS will also contain various interface tweaks and menu layout updates.
OS 1.0 will be released some weeks later. It will contain the MIDI sequencer, improvements to the sample playback, a real-time recording mode and a slew of other nice things. The next major OS revision after OS 1.0 will contain a new machine dedicated to looping duties.
They will of course continue to release smaller OS updates, aimed at squashing eventual bugs while possibly also introducing smaller features and tweaks. Such an OS, OS 0.995, will be released next week.
- - -
Plenty of goodies coming away and soon!
NOTE: there's no point in asking me questions or for more details, I have relayed all I can here. So enjoy these gems.
En gros, pour ceux qui captent rien à l'anglais, Elektron prévoit une mise à jour "mineure" (correction de bugs et ajouts de mini-fonctionnalités) cette semaine. On est en droit d'espérer la version 1.0 de l'OS (implémentation MIDI entre autres) pour le moi d'avril (Frankfurt Musikmesse) !