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Sujet de la discussion octa-swarmatron
épique :aime:

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Process: Emulating The Swarmatron with an Octatrack

For my fellow electronic music artists here are the details on how I pulled this off with the Octatrack.

I sampled sawtooth wave from the Nord into track 1 of the Octatrack using a Flex machine.
I used the on-board audio editor to normalize the audio; set start, end an loop points to zero crossings; and then cropped the sample.
I used the file menu to save the sample and assign it to the track naming it “Nord01”.
I duplicated this idea on to tracks 2-7 in pointed Flex machines for those tracks to the same source sample.
I went through each track and panned and slight detuned each one.
I configured each track to have slightly different effects. So some had chorus delay. Others had filter and phaser etc… all in the box.
Track 8 is a master track with filter and reverb in Part 1 and in Part 2, comb filter and reverb – so my Swarmatron is 7 voice :^)
I made some scene B variations so the crossfader would either detune or change the playback speed emulating the swarm.
Like a real Swarmatron, I use the track mutes to bring oscillators in and out.
I performed using mostly chromatic trig mode and manually modulated parameters with the crossfader and manually manipulated parameters. I used a little sequencing of some notes with “slide trigs” to emulate playing notes on a ribbon (in addition to manipulating pitch and swarm with crossfader).

All the distortions are intentional (as in I’m not over-driving the inputs). I’m super happy with the non-linearities in this and I think this shows once again that digital can be unstable and organic when you use feedback in effects circuit models in the proper way.
Carrément. L'un des exemples qui m'a décidé a en acheté un.