Sujet de la discussionPosté le 03/12/2007 à 12:06:07ESMerger1
Un combinator pour vos patterns...
Citation : ESMerger combines the patterndata of 2 ES1 files. It does not add the sampledata from the 2nd file.
The new ES1 file ist saved as newFile.es1 .
I think I have to say now that I will not take any responsibility for any damage to your soft- or hardware. You use this program at your own risk. It is not supported by Korg.
But I have tested it and it works fine.
How it works:
Put 2 es1 files into the same directory as the ESMerger.exe
First it asks you to which file to add patterns and from which file to take the patterns.
Then it makes a copy of the first file.
Then it asks you which patterns to keep on this file. For example patterns 1, 3, 6
Then it asks you which patterns to add from the second file. For example patterns 11, 13, 17
Finally it overwrites the patterndata of the copied files. First the patterns from file 1.
Then the patterns from file 2.
The new file will look like this: