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Tonelab SE: Correspondances amplis?

  • 3 réponses
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Sujet de la discussion Tonelab SE: Correspondances amplis?
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Est-ce-qu' un gentil AudioFanzinié aurait connaissance d'un site Web où l'on peut trouver les noms et modèles des vrais amplis originaux simulés dans le Tone SE et peut-être également les effets.
Line6 avait pu obtenir les licences pour citer les marques et modèles simulés par le Pod XT, mais apparement Vox n'a pas pu les cités dans sa doc.donc......??????
J'ai quand même certaines idéesmais...
Merci pour vos réponses

Citation :
AC15: Modeled after a 1962 VOX AC15
Amp specs: 1x12”, 15 Watts
Valve specs: 1xEF86, 3xECC83s, 1xECC82, 1xEZ81, 2xEL84s

*CONTROL NOTE: The original AC15’s Top Cut control works in the opposite way you’d expect – it “cuts” when you turn it up! You’ll be glad to read that our model of the Top Cut control (the PRESENCE knob) works in a much more logical fashion – turn it up for more “sparkle”, turn it down for less.

AC15TB: Modeled after a Korg re-issue VOX AC15TB (Top Boost)
Amp specs: 1x12” Celestion “Blue” speaker, 15 Watts
Valve specs: 5xECC83s, 1x5Y3GT, 2xEL84s

*CONTROL NOTE: The original has two tone controls – Treble and Bass. So, as is the norm, the Valvetronix’s TREBLE and BASS controls mimic their namesakes while the MIDDLE (“neutral” at 12 o’clock) and PRESENCE (“neutral” when turned off) add further tonal flexibility…should you want it. To ensure maximum “Voxiness,” we’ve made sure that the PRESENCE control behaves exactly like the “Top Cut” on the original AC15 – except in reverse (“off” = cut) to make it more logical, just like on our AC15 model.

AC30: Modeled after a 1960 VOX AC30
Amp specs: 2x12” Celestion “Blue” speakers, 30 Watts
Valve specs: 4xECC83s, 1xECC82, 1xGZ34, 4xEL84’s

*CONTROL NOTE: Once again, our PRESENCE control models the “Top Cut” on the original AC30 exactly – except in reverse (“off” = cut) to make it more logical, just like on our AC15 model.

AC30TB: Modeled after a VOX AC30TB (Top Boost)
Amp specs: 2x12” Celestion “Blue” speakers, 30 Watts
Valve specs: 5xECC83s, 1xECC82, 1xGZ34, 4xEL84s

*CONTROL NOTE: Once again, the PRESENCE control of our model acts as the original’s Cut (but in reverse: “off” = cut) while the GAIN, TREBLE and BASS mimic the original’s Volume, Treble and Bass controls. The MIDDLE is an “extra” with 12 o’clock being its “neutral” position

NERDY HISTORICAL NOTE: VOX initially called this their “Brilliance Unit” but it quickly became known as “Top Boost.” When Top Boost was first introduced it was only available as a retrofit assembly. Even though this modification was not particularly difficult to add, it was beyond most folk (hey, I dunno about you, but messing around with electricity is hardly my idea of fun!). Consequently, in 1964, Top Boost was fitted to the AC30 as standard.

UK Blues: Modeled after a Marshall JTM45
Amp specs: 30 Watt head
Valve specs: 3xECC83’s, 1xGZ34, 2xKT66’s

UK 70’s: Modeled after the High Treble channel on a 1971 Marshall Plexi
Amp specs: 100 Watt head
Valve specs: 3xECC83’s, 4xEL34’s

UK 80’s: Modeled after a Marshall JCM800 2203
Amp specs: 100 Watt head
Valve specs: 3xECC83’s, 4xEL34’s

UK 90’s: Modeled after a Marshall JCM900 4100
Amp specs: 100 Watt head
Valve specs: 4xECC83’s, 4xEL34’s

UK Modern: Modeled after a Marshall JCM2000 DSL100
Amp specs: 100 Watt head
Valve specs: 4xECC83’s, 4xEL34’s

Recto: Modeled after a Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier
Amp specs: 150 Watt head
Tube specs: 5x12AX7’s, 3x5U4G’s, 6x6L6’s

US Higain: Modeled after a Soldano SLO100
Amp specs: 100 Watt head
Tube specs: 4x12AX7’s, 4x6L6’s

Boutique OD: Modeled after a Dumble Overdrive Special
Amp specs: 100 Watt head
Tube specs: 3x12AX7’s, 4xEL34’s

Boutique CL: Modeled after a Dumble Overdrive Special
Amp specs: 100 Watt head
Tube specs: 3x12AX7’s, 4x6L6’s

Black 2x12: Modeled after a Fender Twin Reverb
Amp specs: 2x12”, 85 Watt
Tube specs: 4x12AX7’s, 2x12AT7’s (ECC81), 4x6L6’s

TONAL HINT: BLACK 2x12 is the perfect partner for ACOUSTIC (Acoustic Guitar Simulator) in the Pedal section.

Tweed 1x12: Modeled after a Fender Tweed Deluxe
Amp specs: 1x12”, 18 Watt
Tube specs: 1x12AY7, 2x12AX7’s, 1x5Y3GT, 2x6V6’s

Original Tone control turned all the way down (off) = BASS on full; TREBLE and MIDDLE at 9 o’clock (PRESENCE “off”).

Original Tone control turned up “full” (on 10) = TREBLE on full; MIDDLE and BASS at 3 o’clock (PRESENCE “off”).

NOTE: As the original doesn’t have a Presence control, PRESENCE is “neutral” when “off,” but can be used to add “extra” sparkle and cut to the model if you so wish.

TONAL HINT: To duplicate this “big sounding” little amp even more accurately, turn the POWER SELECT to 15W on the AD60VT and 15W x 2 on the AD120VT.

Tweed 4x10: Modeled after a Fender Bassman 5F6-A
Amp specs: 4x10”, 35-40 Watts
Tube specs: 1x12AY7, 2x12AX7’s, 1xGZ34, 2x5881’s

TONAL NOTE: Just like on the original, the Middle and Treble control of TWEED 4x10 are highly interactive and high settings of the Middle control automatically add treble to your sound. As a result, you may want to turn down the Treble control as a counter measure. Conversely, low Middle settings reduce treble so you might wanna crank the Treble a little more in such instances.

Mais franchement je vois pas l'interet de savoir ca, tant que ca sonne bien on s'en balance :roll:

Citation : Mais franchement je vois pas l'interet de savoir ca, tant que ca sonne bien on s'en balance

Quoi aucun orange n'est simulé????c'est alo balo, mais..des bons s'y trouvent quand mê puis tant que sa sonne!!!(mais je toruve ca interessant de connaitre sur quoi on joue...mais c'est très personnel!)