C'est easy! Tu flanques la Version 2 à ton Firmware. Ensuite si tu ne l'as pas encore telecharger, tu downloades le logiciel Monkey sur le site de Line6. De la, tu achetes les models packs. Me concernant, ils m'ont couté en euros 81,OO Euros (pour 99 Dollars US).
Une fois payés, Line 6 te balance un email avec le numéro reference du produit.
Tu retourne alors sur Monkey, tu cliques sur les add on et purchase. Tu copies colles a reference envoyée par email et Hop! Tu devras éteindre ton HaricotXT et les models packs seront installés.
Soit dit en passant, la procedure d'installation est dispo sur site de Line6.
Bon alors maintenant c'est la carte qu'est visa mais pour eux non !
Citation : Oops! Your Order Did Not Go Through
Your order has NOT been placed and we have NOT charged your credit card. Please double-check the expiration date and card number you provided. Only cards with the American Express, Mastercard or VISA logos can be used. If you continue to be unable to place your order, we recommend that you try another card. Or try your order again tomorrow, in case the problem is due to a temporary problem with our card authorization system. For additional assistance, please visit our support pages, where you will also be able to contact our Customer Support staff.
When attempting to process your purchase, our system reports the error: "12: Declined. Check the credit card number and transaction information to make sure they were entered correctly. If this does not resolve the problem"