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iCon QCon
iCon QCon

Surface de contrôle MIDI motorisée de la marque iCon

Prix public : 500 € TTC

Help Sonar x1 and Qcon

  • 14 réponses
  • 3 participants
  • 5 703 vues
Sujet de la discussion Help Sonar x1 and Qcon
sorry if i prefer to write in English, i can speak French but to write without make violence to the language is a match.
I hope someone will help me cause i decided to buy the Qcon few days ago, firmware version 1.03, working in the Win7 64 bit environment.
I tested the unit with cubase 5.1 with great results, perfect mapping, lcd display and so on but not with Sonar X1 Producer, my preferred DAW.
Considering the Mackie Control compatibility, i've try to configure the Icon Qcon in the control surface panel as "Mackie Control" but the reply is "Connecting..." with no results.
I've try different configuration and the working one was the "VS700" Cakewalk control surface but without the display support (nothing on the lcd display except the selected Daw name. Some botton are not correctly mapped.
Jogwheel, play/rec, mute, solo, rec are correctly mapped and working but the result is not the same as in Cubase.
The Qcon is giving only half a part of the potential.
I've try to ask to Cakewalk without reply's, the same with the Icon local (Italy) and Global support.
Considering the high number of Sonar users it seem a pity not to have a full support. It seem a firmware problem, probably they didn't yet implemented the Cakewalk specs but i'm not sure, theoretically it shoud be Mackie Control compatible.
I know in this forum there are experts and someone is in touch with them in Hong Kong, if so i would appreciate yours and their advices or ideas.

Many thanks in advance and Happy 2012 in music.

[ Dernière édition du message le 03/01/2012 à 16:40:24 ]

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Hi !

Could you please explain exactly what you did ? The explanations on Sonar Forum was not very clear. And do you have to do this everytime you start Sonar ?

For the firmware, I'm not sure they will do it, really. I think they're mostly aiming at the European and Asian markets and in these regions Sonar is very little used (most people use Cubase, Logic and Pro Tools, plus Live). I'll see with them what is possible, though.

For you fader problem, try this. Switch off the QCon and switch it on while holding the F6 button in the functions section of the device. Here, you can set the sensitivity of the faders. With the DAW selection buttons, going toward 1 makes the faders more sensitive and going toward 10 is the opposite. Or it might be the other way around, I don't remember, but while the faders get more sensitive, you'll see the sense LED blinking more and more, even lighting fully. Try this.

If it doesn't work, I guess your unit is still under warranty so you can have it changed.

Hi !

Update on this problem ?


I did successfully used the workaround and it works fine but I have one issue the now time display remains off. I tried with Samplitude and it works so at least I know it's not the QCon. I also have an iPad console application who is able to display the now time with Sonar so I don't think it's a Sonar issue either (for what I understand)...

Any idea on how to have sonar sending the proper information to the QCon? Is this a problem with the Sysex used?

Also with Sonar I noticed some strange behavior when I use the buttons Track, Pan, Eq, ... the QCon remains blocked in the display and I truly don't know what to do with this.

Many thanks,

Puisque tu es français, faisons ça en français ;o)

Alors, l'astuce du SysEx pour le QCon Pro et Sonar reste un workaround et le QCon Pro n'est pas pour l'instant conçu pour fonctionner totalement avec Sonar. Ca fonctionne mais il n'y a pas de mode propre à ce soft inclus dans le firmware de l'appareil. Il est clair qu'ils devraient le faire, mais en utilisant le mode Cubase/Nuendo, il y a fatalement des fonctions qui manquent, dont le timecode.

J'ai fait déjà plusieurs demandes pour qu'un mode exclusif Sonar soit ajouté. Ils disent qu'ils vont y travailler. Ils pensent que le plus gros des utilisateurs sont sous Logic ou Cubase, mais s'ils veulent vendre ce produit aux USA, il faudra qu'ils pensent à Sonar, séquenceur majoritaire là-bas.

Pour l'instant, il faut se contenter d'un fonctionnement parcellaire. Il y a bien un mode soit disant midi-learn, mais pour l'instant, il est inutilisable aussi.

Bref, cet appareil a encore une marge de progression.

Merci merci :)

Cela va m'éviter de chercher pendant des heures ;) A l'usage la QCon est très très bien et c'est certain qu'il y a une grosse marge d'amélioration et que si ils pensent percer aux US il va leur falloir travailler Sonar...

Au pire si ils pouvaient rendre la chose programmable avec le midi learn ça serait jouable mais franchement je ne pense pas que l'on puisse faire grand chose avec pour le moment.

Ce qu'il manque à ce produit c'est une vraie documentation technique car la doc fournie est franchement légère.

Dans tous les cas merci pour la réponse et je serai très preneur si ils reviennent vers toi. Je vais leur laisser un message également par email on sait jamais et ça ne peut pas faire de mal.

A bientôt,

[ Dernière édition du message le 24/09/2012 à 00:15:31 ]