Freq: 4 to 4.5
Res: 5.5 to 6.5
Env: 6
Mod: 0
Kybd: 10
mode: Gate
Mode: Gate+Trig
A: 0
D: 1 to 3
S: 0
R: 0
Portamento: 3-6 (Auto)
Transpose: L
To get the sound to your liking, just slightly adjust:
ENV decay, VCF cutoff, res, env, kybd
To get great "blurred" slides when using that legato trick I told you. Put
the ENV mode to "Gate" (Cool effect)
To vary the general sound slightly, try setting the VCO range to 8' and add
some sub Osc.
To really make a cool sound, use the VCF Mod slider while tweaking the cutoff
and res. By playing a sequence and having the VCF modulated randomly by the
LFO and using the legato trick with env in Gate mode, Really moving grooves
can be made