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Waldorf Micro Q Keyboard
Waldorf Micro Q Keyboard

Caracteristique du waldorf micro Q

  • 1 réponse
  • 2 participants
  • 644 vues
  • 1 follower
Sujet de la discussion Caracteristique du waldorf micro Q

Je voudrais si il vous plait les caracteristiques du microQ
Car j ai en projet d en acheter un (j hesite entre un G2,MicroQ,Nordlead3) et je suis un peut perdu chez waldorf avec leur reference ?
J ai eu l occasion d essayer un wave xt + rack et un Q+ !

Merci d avance
Salut, toutes les infos sont dispo sur le site Waldorf

il y a aussi beaucoup de ressources pour les synthés de la marque ainsi que des démos audio.

Bonne lecture

link >


* up to 25 voices, expandable up to 75 voices
* 16 part multi timbral
* 300 single programs
* 100 multi programs
* 20 drummaps
* 7 endless dials
* 16 buttons for editing
* 2 x 20 character display
* 6 analog outputs (3 stereo outs)
* 2 analog inputs (1 stereo in)
* MIDI In/Out/Thru
* color: classic blue

Per Voice:

* up to 5 Oscillators per voice
o Pulse with Pulse Width Modulation
o Sawtooth
o Triangle
o Sine
o 2 wavetables with 128 waves each and suboscillator per alt-wave
* Oscillator FM
* Noise generator
* Ring Modulator
* Mixer with Balance, each signal source (oscillator, noise, ringmod, external audio material) can be balanced individually between filter 1 and filter 2
* 2 Filters (serial and parallel routing switchable), different types, all including FM and distortion
o Low Pass (12dB/24dB)
o Band Pass (12dB/24dB)
o High Pass (12dB/24dB)
o Notch (12dB/24dB)
o Comb Filter (positive/negative feedback)
* Modulation Matrix with 16 slots, freely routable
* Pre-routed Modulation destinations, sources selectable
* modulation update frequency in audio range to allow the oscillators to be used as modulation sources
* 4 Modifiers
* Arpeggiator with user pattern, including accents, timing information, swing, glide, chords and more
* 3 LFOs up to audio range
* 4 envelopes, enhanced ADSR configuration with loop and one shot function, bipolar
* different trigger modes for each envelope, poly, mono, dual, unisono, manual trigger etc.
* 2 individual high-quality effects per single program, up to 5 effects in total in Multimode
* Effect Types:
o Reverb
o 2 x Surround Delay
o Chorus
o Flanger
o Phaser
o Distortion
o Delay
o 5 FX
o Vocoder with 25 bands
* and lots lots more...
