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John Bowen Synth Design Solaris
John Bowen Synth Design Solaris

Clavier synthétiseur numérique de la marque John Bowen Synth Design

Prix public US : $4,099 incl. VAT

Solaris : tutoriels - pics - specs

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Sujet de la discussion Solaris : tutoriels - pics - specs
John Bowen a publié des vidéos tutorielles sur chaque section du Solaris : déjà 10, encore quelques unes à faire pour montrer les séquenceurs / arp mais le plus gros est là.
Même si vous ne captez rien en anglais, vous aurez une idée de l'ergonomie qui est très standardisée d'une section à l'autre, on pige très vite le fonctionnement ! :bravo:

Je vous recommande de passer en plein écran en cliquant le petit pictogramme à côté de vimeo.

A noter que lorsque les valeurs changent par magie ce n'est pas du control mental mais la grosse "data wheel" à droite qui prend le relai sur le dernier potard tourné.

Des photos !

Des gros plans avec l'arrière en prime :

Les specs quasi définitives ( de la V 1.0 ) avec mes petits commentaires en gras, cette première mouture sera monotimbrale et si vous trouvez que cela limite beaucoup les possibilités, je vous invite à regarder les videos sur les mixers / filtres /VCA :clin:

* Price - retail US price will be $3,999
3000 euros + TVA pour nous normalement
* General availability - April 2009 (after all pre-sales are filled)
Clavier 5 octaves avec aftertouch, PolyAT dans les menus de modulations c'est pour une injection par MIDI de messages polyaftertouch via Cubase par exemple
* 4 Oscs, 2 Rotors, 4 Mixers, 4 Filters, 4 Amp/Pan sections, 8 Envelopes, 5 LFOs, 4 External Inputs, Flanger/Chorus, Phaser, Delay, 3 band EQ, Overdrive
* 2 Vector Mixers
* 2 separate AM (amplitude modulation) sections, with Ring, AM, Rectify, & Clip algorithms
* Joystick and multi-touch Ribbon controllers
Utilisation de deux doigts possible = rib1 et rib2 dans les menus de modulations
* Arpeggiator and control Step Sequencer provided, with MIDI output
* Performance buttons include 2 assignable switches, Arpeggiator Start, Sequencer Start, Hold, (Tap) Tempo, Unison
* Polyphony count - expected to be 24 voices with all 4 oscs, 4 filters, 4 mixers, envelopes, LFOs, etc. running
* 96 kHz internal processing rate
* Insert FX pre-/post each filter section, with BitCrush, Decimate, and Distortion
* 4 pair of outputs; Main pair for v1.0, additional outputs reserved for future use (when Multi-Timbre Mode is implemented)
* separate Headphone out

Detail per section:
Oscillators - each osc type selects from standard waveshapes (MultiMode Osc), wavetable (PPG) type, sample (WAV) playback, CEM (Prophet 5) type, or Prophet VS type. The MM (MultiMode) type provides the following waveshapes:
Sine, triangle, ramp, saw, pulse, noise, S&H, morphing sine-to-saw, morphing sine-to-square, and a stacked "supersaw" with varible detune (based on the Shape parameter).
S/H = P(itched) Noise, à noter que l'on peut injecter directement Noise et P Noise dans les mixers pour ne pas " sacrifier " un oscillo, évidemment dans le cas du P Noise vous ne pourrez pas le moduler
Mini( Moog ): 6 waveforms en plus
Type WAV : vos propres samples injectés par l'USB, je crois qu'il y a aura 32 MB de capacité, ce n'est pas un ROMPLER juste un petit bonus ...

Hard Sync is only available for MM saw, ramp, pulse, and the CEM osc models.
New types will be added as they are developed via an upgrade to the OS.

Les boutons Clock Sync / No Track / Low ( cf video Rotors ) s'appliquent également aux oscillos !!!!

Individual "analog-style" glide is available for each oscillator.
Possibilité d'avoir un temps de glide différent pour chaque oscillo : géant !

There are 4 mod paths. Each one is freely assignable to select exponential frequency (normal pitch mod), Linear FM, or Shape as their destination. Mod Sources include any oscillator, any filter, the 4 external inputs, any of the lfos, envelopes, controllers, etc.. A 'sidechain modulation' function is provided for each path, using Controller (non-audio rate) signals. Controller signals are all lfos and envelopes, velocity, note, aftertouch, mod wheel, ribbon, joystick, select MIDI controllers, assignable CC knobs, etc.
sidechain modulation : par exemple utiliser la vélocité, une envelope, un LFO ...etc pour moduler la quantité de la modulation appliquée

Filters - 4 filters, each with selectable inputs.

Filter types include:
1) all pole possibilities for the MultiMode (MM1) filter, including 24 dB Lowpass, Highpass, and Bandpass, 12 dB Lowpass, Highpass, and Bandpass, and 6 dB Lowpass, Highpass, and Bandpass, along with some other combination modes, for a total of 23 variations.
Les combos de filtres ( cf vidéo ) sont très intéressants
2) 24 dB Lowpass modeled on the Prophet 5 Rev1 filter (SSM2040)
3) 24 dB Lowpass modeled on the Rev 3 Prophet 5 (CEM3320)
4) 12 dB Lowpass modeled on the Oberheim SVF
5) Comb/Tube filter (the "tube" is a comb with negative feedback)

New filter types will be added as they are developed via an upgrade to the OS.

For filter modulation, it's the same structure as the Oscillators - there are 4 mod paths. Each one is freely assignable to select Cutoff, Resonance, or Damping (if Comb/Tube is selected) as their destination. Mod Sources include any oscillator, any filter, the 4 external inputs, any of the lfos, envelopes, controllers, etc.. A 'sidechain modulation' function is provided for each path, using Controller (non-audio rate) signals. Controller signals are all lfos and envelopes, velocity, note, aftertouch, mod wheel, ribbon, joystick, select MIDI controllers, assignable CC knobs, etc.

ADSRs - there are 6 standard DADSRs. Each overall amount can be modulated by Velocity, and each segment can be individually modulated from Velocity, Note, Mod Wheel, and assignable Midi Controllers (CC1-CC5). Also, each segment can have a variable slope, from linear to exponential.

Looping Envelopes - there are also 2 looping envelopes, each with 8 Time&Level segments. There is overall modulation possible of Time and Level.

LFOs - there are 5 identical LFOs, with the fifth being permanently connected to the frequency of all oscs (therefore, it is called the Vibrato LFO). The LFOs have the standard waveshape types, and range from 0-524 Hz. There are parameters for Delay Start, Fade In, Fade Out, Rate, Waveshape, Retrigger, Phase, Level, MIDI Clocking, and Offset (offset provides a positive unipolar signal for the lfo outputs). There are 3 mod paths, similar to the Oscillator modulation structure. The destinations here are selectable for Rate or Level.
Le vibrato c'est généralement une sinus a faible dose et petite fréquence alors une square en bonne quantité et haute fréquence ça fait très mal !! :oo:

VCAs - There are several models implemented for the final output stage circuit. VCA Types include: Linear, Log, and Sigma (Minimoog style)courbe en S. There is 1 mod path for the VCA, and 1 for the Pan position.

Vector Synthesis - There are 2 Vector Mixer sections. The Joystick (non-spring loaded)(sans ressort - ne revient pas au centre) in the leftmost section is normally connected to both Vector Mixers, but can be disabled.

AM Sections - 2 Amplitude Modulation sections, each of which have Carrier, Modulator, Algorithm and Shaper parameters. Ring Mod is one of the algorithms provided.

Effects - Initially available will be delay, flanger/chorus, reverb, EQ, Overdrive. As with the other sections, additional FX types such as a vocoder or resonant filter bank will be added as they are developed via an upgrade to the OS.
:8O: Wow, quelle bête! Dommage que ça dépasse largement ma bourse! :noidea:

A bientôt :coucou:
