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Site pour sons

  • 28 réponses
  • 9 participants
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Sujet de la discussion Site pour sons
Bonjour, existe t- il un site intenet on l'on peut télécharger des sons pour d50 ou w30 et mettre le tout sur disquette marci d'avance :bravo:
@ plus
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Hello ;

je recherche les patch qui etais dispo sur les card-rom D50 devenu obsolete.

une ame charitable par ici ?? ( on se contact par email .. merci )

( assez inadmissible que rec'up se fasse du blé la dessus enfin bon ... )
J'ai les carte rom 00 01 02 03 04 !

j'essais d'en faire des fichiers pour d50Vetitor et pour les transferé
Super ! tu peux me contacter par mail pour la suite . thx :bravo:
Je suis en train de mettre des sons sur mon site. faites vous plaisir !!!

c'est pas la panacée, mais bon, c évolue de jour en jour !
J'ai une compile de presque 250 fichiers sysex du D50 (64 patchs chacun, ou presque) mais pas de site web. Si tu veux l'héberger, je te l'envoie

Si Epo veut pas, y'a de la place sur le miens :P:
J'en ai pas mal aussi... j'ai quasiment toute la série qu'il y a sur recup.
mais si tu en as d'autres, je suis preneur ! par contre, je ne ferais pas de démo pour chaques sons !!! lol

tu peut m'envoyer tes banques sur dj.epo@wanadoo.frNOSPAM (virer le nospam a la fin.) mais je pense qu'on doit avoir a peu près les mêmes !
C'est le gros zip de recup (de l'époque ou il était dispo...). c'est le même que tu as ?, 2 688 ko.
composé de d-50_v01 à d-50_v31.
liste des banques :
j'ai fait la liste globale des sons du zip en compilant toutes les petites listes :
======= D-50_v01 =======

This volume contains 6 SysEx (*.syx) banks extracted from original sold out PN-D50 cards produced by Roland

======= D-50_v02 =======

This volume contains 51 SysEx (*.syx) banks from the Chris Bosshardt collection. Some of them were SysexD50 (*.d50) files. We've converted it in SysEx (*.syx) format

======= D-50_v03 =======

This volume contains 18 SysEx (*.syx) banks from the Eric Putman's collection

======= D-50_v04 =======

This volume contains 25 SysEx (*.syx) banks from the T. Loepp's collection

======= D-50_v05 =======

This volume contains 20 SysEx (*.syx) banks from the Scott Enteman's collection. Many of them were SysexD50 (*.d50) files. We've converted it

======= D-50_v06 =======

This volume contains 1 SysEx (*.syx) bank from a german Roland D-serie patch sharing website. It was originally a MIDIFile (*.mid). We've converted it

======= D-50_v07 =======

This volume contains 1 SysEx (*.syx) banks from the Mike Gig's collection

======= D-50_v08 =======

This volume contains 1 SysEx (*.syx) banks with 21 patches programmed by Stefan Stoffel

======= D-50_v09 =======

This volume contains 3 SysEx (*.syx) banks from a Jean-Michel Jarre tribute british site

======= D-50_v10 =======

This volume contains 10 SysEx (*.syx) banks extracted from sold out cards produced by MIDI Music: two from England, two from Sweden, one from Japan and one from the USA. The four others are specific banks ideal for soundtracks or film songs

======= D-50_v11 =======

This volume contains 6 SysEx (*.syx) banks extracted from sold out cards produced by Leister

======= D-50_v12 =======

This volume contains 2 SysEx (*.syx) banks extracted from sold out cards produced by MediaCraft: "Golden Memories" and "Moods & Textures"

======= D-50_v13 =======

This volume contains 1 SysEx (*.syx) bank edited by Musitronic, a company which has developed an expansion board card for the D-50

======= D-50_v14 =======

This volume contains 6 SysEx (*.syx) banks extracted from three german sold out double sided cards produced by PA-Decoder (Vol. 1-3)

======= D-50_v15 =======

This volume contains 1 SysEx (*.syx) bank extracted from a Bo Tomlyn's sold out card ("Top 40"

======= D-50_v16 =======

This volume contains 17 SysEx (*.syx) banks from the "Power Music" collection. There were originally Atari (*.bnk) files. We've converted it for Mac and PC

======= D-50_v17 =======

This volume contains 8 SysEx (*.syx) banks from the "Best Of USA" collection. There were originally Atari (*.bnk) files. We've converted it for Mac and PC

======= D-50_v18 =======

This volume contains 8 SysEx (*.syx) banks from the "Classical" collection. There were originally Atari (*.bnk) files. We've converted it for Mac and PC

======= D-50_v19 =======

This volume contains 8 sysEx (*.syx) banks from the "Eurocharts" collection. There were originally Atari (*.bnk) files. We've converted it for Mac and PC

======= D-50_v20 =======

This volume contains 1 SysEx (*.syx) banks with 10 patches: 7 J-MJ replicas from the Luc Alexandre's website, 2 brazilian pianos and a "Doors" organ sound

======= D-50_v21 =======

This volume contains 13 SysEx (*.syx) banks extracted from sold out cards produced by Valhala ("Analog", "Classic II", "D-502", "Digital", "Effects", "New Age", "Orchestral", "PCM", "Top 40", "Screamin' B3"

======= D-50_v22 =======

This volume contains 1 SysEx (*.syx) bank sent by an internaute. It's a specific pianos patches bank

======= D-50_v23 =======

This volume contains 2 SysEx (*.syx) banks extracted from sold out cards produced by Sound Source Unlimited (volumes 4&9)

======= D-50_v24 =======

This volume contains 1 SysEx (*.syx) banks from Jean-Philippe Glomot

======= D-50_v25 =======

This volume contains 1 SysEx (*.syx) bank which gather all the patches published in the french issue "Keyboards" lasting the periode 1988-98 (most of them are readers' creations)

======= D-50_v26 =======

This volume contains 1 SysEx (*.syx) demo bank (18 patches) produced by Rec'Up

======= D-50_v27 =======

This volume contains 1 SysEx (*.syx) bank containing 64 patches from the Dan Walker's book "Roland D-50 - 64 New Sounds Volume 1" (Alexander Publishing - 1987)

======= D-50_v28 =======

This volume contains 18 SysEx (*.syx) banks. There were originally Atari (*.bnk) files, we converted it for Mac and PC

======= D-50 _v29 =======

An hybrid folder with 8 SysEx (*.syx) banks. Some of them have been sent by internautes

======= D-50_v30 =======

This volume contains 2 SysEx (*.syx) banks containing 128 patches from the Diego Navarro's french book "Roland D-50 - 128 original sounds to program" (Ed. Oscar Music-1988)

======= D-50_v31 =======

This volume contains 4 SysEx (*.syx) banks extracted from ROM cards edited by Patch Pro (produced by Valhala)

J'en ai une partie, mais il m'en manque.
de plus, y a plus moyen de les choper sur recup, alors je pourrais les remetre en ligne sur mon site. ca permettra de pas se faire avoir (comme moi) sur ebay.
Dj_epo, c'est parti.