Ca m'plairait bien tien une bestiole comme ca, mais c cher ou pas, il me semble que non... mais tt de meme, j aimerais avoir l avis de fins connaisseurs.
C'est exactement le meme kit et moitié moins cher!!!! A ce prix là, même si le son est pas extraordinaire.... ca vaut le coup!!! D'ailleurs, je viens de le commander.... avec le port, ca me reviens à moins de 35 euros.... je vous tiendrais au courant sur la livraison et le montage du kit....
Citation : Topic: Very Displeased
I bought the theremin kit from Jaycar Electronics and I am very displeased. The circuit board holes were not drilled to the correct dimentions, the holes in the kit box for the power switch, the power cable and the RCA out were all too small. It also came with no instruction. It had a schematic and a completely incorrect construction diagram and provided no info on how to properly tune the coils! Not to mention it took almost a month for them to get it to me! Overall I am very displeased and I am going to be sending them an e-mail about it!
Citation : Ouch!!! On one hand one should not complain for $26, but still, one would hope that there would be at least a slip of paper telling someone how to build and tune it...
But hey....think of it as an opportunity....go to Maxie's pages, and make his modifications from the start!!