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Gunnar Ekornas messiah
Gunnar Ekornas messiah

Messiah : La version 2.1 vient de sortir

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Sujet de la discussion Messiah : La version 2.1 vient de sortir
La version 2.1 de Messiah vient de sortir.

Citation :

Messiah updated to version 2.1. Update is free. You can use same download links as version 2.0.

Improvements in version 2.1:

  • New skin by Graphomet. The skin size is in 3 sizes. You select the size in the upper left corner. Changes will not take effect until you close the GUI and open it again.
  • Sound engine oversampled 4x
  • Attack times are now true 0s at minimum attack.
  • Delay knob for LFO2 and LFO3. This allows for slowly LFO fade in.
  • New "Thump" button in the envelopes. Gives a 4ms hold time for the VCA envelope like the minimoog with its clipped envelopes.
  • New "NOTE ON SYNC" button in the oscillator section. Normally the oscillators are free running. The downside to this might be that each note will start with slightly different phase, and sometimes two oscillators will phase each other out. We added this knob so that you can be sure that every note has the same energy at note start. This is especially useful for bass patches. You will find a similar button on the moog minitaur.
  • New CC presets for many hardware synthesizers. To load a CC preset hit: "File" button, and then browse to C://Documents-and-settings/All-users/Shared-documents/Messiah/presets. In the Messiah/banks folder you will find all the banks installed. CC presets included for the following synths: Minilogue2.0 , MoogSUB37, NordStage3, OB6 , Prophet6 , Prophet REV2 , RolandXa (this synth will send very few CC messages, so the control is limited) , Roland System8 and Soundforce SFC5.
  • New destination for mod wheel: Chorus speed. This is to allow the mod wheel to control leslie speed in organ patches.

New Win10 systems don't have all the historical runtime dlls installed. Maybe you will have to put msvcp100.dll and msvcr100.dll manually in the C:/windows/system folder. The files are available from Microsoft.

On old Windows 32 bit systems it is necessary to install latest Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Update 3. Just search for Microsoft Visual C++ and download it from microsoft`s webpage. The install takes 10 seconds. If you fail to do this you will get the windows error: The file MSVCP140 not found!

En plus, il est maintenant livré avec pas moins de 1280 presets !

Et pour rappel, notre ami AFien Laurent Bergman avait fait le manuel utilisateur en français de la version 2:

Messiah, c'est une émulation du Prophet 5 qui n'a pas du tout à pâlir face à U-He Repro (je le préfère même à Repro)... et qui est vendue pour seulement 40 dollars ! (37 euros)

Une dernière note : quand vous achetez un des trois synthés de Gunnare (Gunnare Ekornas, le "boss de l'équipe"), surtout conservez bien les e-mails qui vous donnent les liens de téléchargement ! Car ces liens sont permanents, ils servent aussi pour avoir en permanence la dernière mise à jour de ces instruments !

[ Dernière édition du message le 29/10/2019 à 01:51:07 ]