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Dave Smith Instruments Mono Evolver Keys
Dave Smith Instruments Mono Evolver Keys


  • 2 réponses
  • 2 participants
  • 1 041 vues
Sujet de la discussion Arpegiateur

Quelqu un pourrai me dire où se trouve l arpegiateur?

À la page 32 du manuel :

Citation :
As a last-minute addition, a simple arpeggiator was included as a hidden function. As a hidden function, the operation is a little less than obvious, but the assumption is that it’s nice to have anyway.
Note: The Arpeggiator settings are not saved as part of the Program.
Basic operation is simple: while holding the RESET switch, simply hit the Sequencer 1 switch for an Up direction arpeggio, Sequencer 2 for Down, 3 for Up/Down, and 4 for Assign, which remembers the order the keys are held. The sequencer switch LED will blink indicating which mode is currently selected.
Note: You can change modes at any time while playing, or while the keys are latched.
The Sequencer clock determines the speed, which means it also takes into account the Clock Divide value. This gives a very wide range of speed, and also enables swing timing on the arpeggio. And, it can sync to MIDI.
To latch an arpeggio, simple hit the WRITE switch, and the notes will be held when you remove your fingers from the keyboard. If you then hit another key, it will also be latched. Hit the WRITE switch again to un-latch.
Note: You can hit the WRITE switch with no keys held, and then just start hitting the keys you want in the arpeggio, and they will be latched.
Hit the RESET switch to clear the latched notes.
Note: You can only have any specific key played one time in the arpeggio; ie if you are latching keys, and hit the same note twice, it will only latch the most recent hit.
To stop the Arpeggiator, simply hit the START/STOP switch.

Merci désolé je n ai pas le manuel et je ne l ai pas télecharger car mon niveau d anglais est médiocre mais je pense que même en anglais il me sera utile.

Encore merci