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MOOG mother 32

  • 31 réponses
  • 20 participants
  • 8 140 vues
Sujet de la discussion MOOG mother 32

Personne n'a entendu parler de çà ou j'ai raté un truc, obnubilé que j'étais par Roland  icon_mdr.gif.

Key Features:

  • All-in-one Moog synth voice (VCO, noise, multi-mode VCF, envelope generator, VCA, LFO) in Eurorack format
  • It manages to pack a lot of interesting features into a small synth, including:
    • frequency and pulse-width modulation on the oscillator;
    • invertable envelopes on the filter mod:
    • 1-octave keyboard controls in the front panel, similar to the Werkstatt’s; and
    • normalized connections let you use it without patching, but extensive patching options let you create a custom signal path.
  • Can be used as a standalone desktop synth module or as part of a Euro system
  • MIDI & CV control
  • 32 patch points
  • Built-in 32-stage step sequencer, with per-note control over a large number of parameters, including gate length, accent, glide and ratcheting
  • External control of the step sequencer, including tempo, run/stop, reset and more
  • 64-sequences can be saved
  • In addition to the single case, Moog will have racks that will stack 2 or three of the Mother32 synths

The Moog Mother32 is expected to be available in early October, priced at US $599. 


NOT OFFICIAL !!! MOCK UP!!! mais icon_aime.gif

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@Fleur71 si si, je te confirme, il au format eurorack ! Et même s'il est utilisable en standalone comme synthé a part entière, tu peux quand meme le sortir de son rack actuel pour le mettre en Eurorack ;) Ce qui est assez cool !
here a eurorack example