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Luxonix Ravity

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  • AlanForPresidentAlanForPresident

    Freeware qui fonctionne très bien

    Luxonix RavityPublié le 09/09/12 à 07:37
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    The Luxonix Ravity is a plug in that is 100 percent free to have. You can download it and start using it right away. It is very easy to understand and to install. It will only take a few short minutes before it is on your computer and running in your DAW or music production software. The Ravity has several envelopes that can each have up to twelve different sounds and for each sound you get a choice of using 3 effects. You can also color code your presets so that you can easy recognize them later on in the project if you need to. For this program to be free they put some pretty cool features in it to allow us to have a faster work flow with it. I do not think they offer a manual for this freeware though, you may need to check online and see. But you probably wont need one.


    The Luxonix Ravity works great and has never caused any issues. For it to be free, I expected a few small bugs here and there but I have experienced none on my quad core PC running Windows 7. I have not been using Ravity that long, but it has been out for a while now. I just like finding plug ins that are “new to me” no matter how long they have been out.


    The fact that Ravity is free, you really have noting to lose. It is a must try, just make sure you download it from a credible vendor or the official website. It is a very stable program that can bring some new possibilities into your music with some cool effects and processing. I am very happy with this freeware plug in and will continue to use it for years to come. I would like to see them create a new one though, even if it cost I would still buy it.
  • Clown ElectrikClown Electrik

    Luxonix RavityPublié le 04/06/06 à 14:33
    L'installation se fait-elle sans probleme ? bah c'est un plugin vst quoi aussi simple que de se faire une omelette ( aux mushroom bien sur )


    C'est un outil tres puissant et a la fois tres stable ( je l'utilise avec Orion platinum 6 et il ny a aucun soucis )


    Je l'ai depuis 2 semaines et je suis encore sur le cul : une interface classe et efficace, une banque de sons assez baléze, et des sons destructeurs, puissants, tout chauds et vraiment variés, un truc de niqués ! c'est tout simplement le meilleur plugin, "Le-plugin-de-la-mort" ! achetez-en, c'est de la bonne
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    L'installation se fait-elle sans probleme ? bah c'est un plugin vst quoi aussi simple que de se faire une omelette ( aux mushroom bien sur )


    C'est un outil tres puissant et a la fois tres stable ( je l'utilise avec Orion platinum 6 et il ny a aucun soucis )


    Je l'ai depuis 2 semaines et je suis encore sur le cul : une interface classe et efficace, une banque de sons assez baléze, et des sons destructeurs, puissants, tout chauds et vraiment variés, un truc de niqués ! c'est tout simplement le meilleur plugin, "Le-plugin-de-la-mort" ! achetez-en, c'est de la bonne
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