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  • Kasei no hitoKasei no hito

    C'est quoi ce son ?

    Sugar Bytes UniquePublié le 01/04/17 à 05:50
    Comme tous les trucs Sugar Byte ça me donnent cette impression : il y a pour certains une interface moderne et sympa (ce qui n'est pas le cas de Unique qui est laid) mais c'est comme si ils avaient juste branché derrière un truc de test pour générer les sons...
    Très électronique brut de fonderie sans âme. Pas de caractère, rien qui plaise à mon oreille.

    Après tous les goûts sont dans la nature, ça se discute pas, il y a probablement un moyen de faire de la musique avec ce VST (laquelle je ne sais pas), mais moi je ne vois pas ce que je pourrais en faire.

    Mais testez par vous mêmes n'écoutez que vos oreilles, toutefois puisqu'on peut donner son avis je donne le mien, il vaut ce qu'il …
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    Comme tous les trucs Sugar Byte ça me donnent cette impression : il y a pour certains une interface moderne et sympa (ce qui n'est pas le cas de Unique qui est laid) mais c'est comme si ils avaient juste branché derrière un truc de test pour générer les sons...
    Très électronique brut de fonderie sans âme. Pas de caractère, rien qui plaise à mon oreille.

    Après tous les goûts sont dans la nature, ça se discute pas, il y a probablement un moyen de faire de la musique avec ce VST (laquelle je ne sais pas), mais moi je ne vois pas ce que je pourrais en faire.

    Mais testez par vous mêmes n'écoutez que vos oreilles, toutefois puisqu'on peut donner son avis je donne le mien, il vaut ce qu'il vaut. Faites vous votre propre idée en testant le truc.

    Pour le décors :
    J'ai testé sur un gros PC 8 coeurs bien puissant, une carte son Focusrite externe 18i8 et de bons hp et casques. Donc pas de lézard niveau config qui pourrait donner un son pourri à un truc génial.

    Je possède des synthés hardware (Roland System 1m, Moog Mother 32, Korg MS20...) et en VST j'utilise Saurus de Tone2 (vraiment excellent), les VST de Roland très fidèles (SH101, System 100), ceux de Arturia (dernière version V) principalement l'émulation de l'Arp2600 et le SEM le reste m'intéresse moins dans le bundle. Le tout sous Ableton Live 9 avec plus de 50 librairies/instruments Ableton.
    Je fais plutôt dans le genre electronica, ambient, berlin school, IDM quelques fois, jazz aussi selon l'humeur.
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  • AlanForPresidentAlanForPresident

    2e à aucune

    Sugar Bytes UniquePublié le 01/08/12 à 10:00
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    Sugar Bytes Unique was a vst synth that I purchased over a year ago for around 200 to 250 dollars. At first I though that was too much to pay because they didn’t have a demo online to download available and I was worried about paying that amount of money and not feeling satisfied with what I purchased. The only reason that I purchased it is because they had a demo video online just showing some of the features and sounds that it offers. After I watched the video once I knew for a fact that I would end up getting it. It did take me some time to fish out the 250 though, I didn’t purchase it right away.


    Using this at first cause some problems on my 64 bit computer, it actually caused a lot of problems. I emailed them about the problems several times and they kept saying they would release an update, so finally they did and it worked great after that. I had to use it on my windows XP system in order to use it without it crashing on me.


    Sugar bytes Unique does have a Unique sound and with all of the effects that you can get and the ability to control the sounds with the basic XY field like some of the other synths used to have makes everything better. They have took some old techniques that you use to be on older VST’s and reinvented it to keep it current. But there is no doubt, that my favorite thing about Unique are the sounds. The sounds are amazing and they are some of the best that I have heard in a vst in a long time. You can build your own sound and be very different with Unique. You will have to have at least 256 MB of ram in order to use it though. It does use a lot of CPU. But you can use it on almost any system now that they have updated it. Or you can use it stand alone.
  • songboysongboy

    Sugar Bytes UniquePublié le 18/11/09 à 21:17
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    No, there were no compatibility issues with this plugin and my Macbook running Logic 9 and Ableton 7. 
    I browsed the manual once before I installed it, but there is no real need to look at it.  That is, if you are familiar with the operations of a synthesizer.  If not, then it will definitely help you out and does a good job of being clear and helpful.
    In the sense of virtual synth interfaces, this is simple enough.  All the main parameters are right in front of you.  The effects are easy to access and easy to tweak.  Yes the typical functions are easily accessed.


    Yes, the software works great in Logic and Ableton.  It is stable and there has been no problem with sound at all.  It also reacts very well with all of my midi controllers.  I have used this live many times with out any problems.  I give it a 10 out of 10 for performance. 
    I have had this plugin for about a year or so. 


    What I like about this synth is it lives up to its name.  It pretty unique sounding.  I find it works the best with electronica style music.  It fairly harsh at times but thats what I like.  It also has some great presets to start you off and all the parameters being right in front of you makes for some easy tweaking. 
    I am pretty satisfied with this plugin, I can't think of anything negative worth writing.  Good sounds and easy control.
    The sound coming out of this little guy is pretty big.  I love using it with a little distortion to get some real in your face leads.  It also has some pretty mellow sounding pad sounds in it to when you need them.  Its certainly not my favorite synth out of my collection, but its up there and makes into a lot of mixes and live shows.
    Yes I have played a bunch of different virtual synths.  When I heard this one though, I decided quickly to buy it. 
    I would definitely make the same choice again.  Its a great synth for the price.
  • moosehermanmooseherman

    Mon nouveau synthé virtuel favoris!

    Sugar Bytes UniquePublié le 26/04/11 à 19:17
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    This is a really nice virtual synth plug-in. It is basically an analog synth emulator. It has great oscillators and phase shifters on it, and can really get some wacky, awesome sounds. I didn't have any issues getting it set up in Logic. In fact, I found that after I installed it, it had no compatibility issues or anything like that. The sounds also work really well, which is to be expected nowadays. The setup took me no time at all and in less than an hour I was already getting comfortable with it. I basically had to play around with all the settings and look a little bit at the manual to get a feel for it, but it didn't take me long as it's a pretty intuitive synth.


    I've had no issues with my Logic 9 software when using the Unique synth. It works really well with my MIDI controller too. I'd say the performance is as good as my Logic/MIDI controller combo ever is (which means that occasionally it slows down but for the most part is fine.) I've only recently got it but I love it.


    This synth is perfect for anybody who loves Daft Punk, or other electro stuff that has the warm, semi-distorted tones going. Also great for 80s funk lovers looking to recreate that kind of synth sound. I haven't really found many virtual synths quite like this one, hence the name "Unique". While I've heard some of the sounds before in some of my favorite records, I hadn't really seen them on many of the cookie-cutter synths I see a lot. It also helps that it uses "vowel filters" and other such names to make the sounds you want easy to identify. In fact the filters and oscillators are really the biggest draw here.
    Since I'm not a huge expert on all the different kinds of synths that are out there, I often get frustrated when I hear really "techno-y", smooth, lush sounding synths, and not the ones like this that are really powerful, warm, and sometimes harsh. This is really a fine piece of work.
  • kaliteakalitea

    Une Bombe

    Sugar Bytes UniquePublié le 14/04/11 à 15:30
    aucun probleme d'install sur mac os 10.6


    Mac book pro 2.4 GHZ...

    5 instances chargées dans logic, avec quantité d'autres plugs sans aucuns problemes.
    consomme visiblement peu de ressources


    je l'utilise depuis plus d'un an.

    il porte bien son nom. ce synthé ne ressemble à aucuns autres .
    pour vous faire une idée faites un tour sur le site de sugar bytes .
    la prise en main est assez rapide puisque les controles et réglages sont assez intuitifs .

    Pour des prods electro avec un son typé daft punk et consort, c'est LE synthé à posséder. ON ne retrouve les sons qu il peut générer sur aucuns autres synthé logiciel et j'en ai testé b…
    Lire la suite
    aucun probleme d'install sur mac os 10.6


    Mac book pro 2.4 GHZ...

    5 instances chargées dans logic, avec quantité d'autres plugs sans aucuns problemes.
    consomme visiblement peu de ressources


    je l'utilise depuis plus d'un an.

    il porte bien son nom. ce synthé ne ressemble à aucuns autres .
    pour vous faire une idée faites un tour sur le site de sugar bytes .
    la prise en main est assez rapide puisque les controles et réglages sont assez intuitifs .

    Pour des prods electro avec un son typé daft punk et consort, c'est LE synthé à posséder. ON ne retrouve les sons qu il peut générer sur aucuns autres synthé logiciel et j'en ai testé beaucoup.

    rapport qualité prix imbattable .
    je referais cent fois ce choix
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