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Akai Professional EWI4000S
Akai Professional EWI4000S

ewivoicing : un rotator pour mac

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Sujet de la discussion ewivoicing : un rotator pour mac
dans la lignée du "rotator" , la version 2.0 d'EwiVoicing intègre cette  possibilité , c'est pour Mac...

Citation de null :
What's New in This Release:

· Rotate voicing - rotate voicing is available. Choose “Rotate voicing” in Voicing method popup and open setting sheet by Edit button.
· Each voice maximum cycle is 4 cycle.
· It is updated at every note on for the cycle.
· Please appoint the interval that want to pronounce in each cycle in the relative interval from an input interval.
· Consideration to the single channel instrument
· About setting every each voice, are able to set effective invalidity.
· In addition, for a case put the instrument that breath control could perform and the instrument that cannot perform together, and to use, is able to convert a breath controller into the volume or another control every each voice.
· Matters that require attention at the time of the old document use
· Voicing method popup becomes "Chord vicing" when open an old document.
· "Enabled" of each voice which is "MIDI Send Setting" becomes invalid when open an old document.

voici une demo réalisée avec cette nouvelle version,réalisée par kirino de la Japan Wind synthetizer association :

Japan Wind Synthesizer Association