Sujet de la discussionPosté le 20/11/2004 à 14:38:34Vive le rebetiko!
Ela! Epa!
Geia sou aderfaki Giannh mourmourh mou me to kanonaki sou!
Ainte! Ante kai m' efages kakourga de lupasai!
Citation : Rebetiko is the music played and sung to by the rebetis. The term «rebetis» implies an attribute. It describes a characteristic type of man, of a particular mentality, behavior, stance and way of life. Etymologically the word derives from the Turkish «rebet» meaning the intractable, the rebellious, the unruly. The characteristic rebetis is a dropout par excellence. He defies institutional power, but in no case does he engage in militant action against it. He poses as being out of social conformities, thus being regarded more often than not as an outlaw. Despite this, he does not identify himself with the underworld. He is intently provocative, adopts a slang language and almost always carries a weapon. A rebetis though belongs to the impoverished, common and under-privileged people. The establishment calls him an «outsider».