question d'un futur fusionnaute in english from slovenia
- 9 réponses
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- 458 vues
toux ranjo
Hi all !
Lets say I multisample my electric guitar clean into Fusion and make my own program and then would like to add to it external distortion amp and cabinet simulator rather than the internal Fusion amp/cab sim. Is this possible? In more detail: Lets say I already have some synth (MIDI) tracks recorded in sequencer (which play internal fusion preset patches) and I want to record (in sync of course) a audio track of me playing/triggering my custom guitar patch (dry and clean el. guitar samples) which is routed to aux 3 and 4 outs and goes into external amp/cab sim effect processor and comes back to one of the multitrack inputs. At the same time I would like of course to listen to the whole mix in my headphones or on main 1 and 2 outs (all the MIDI tracks and the audio track that is recording distorted guitar).
Sorry maybe I didn't say it clear that I would only send my clean guitar patch which I will be playing on keys to aux 3 and 4 and the rest of the MIDI tracks and the recorded audio will stay on main 1 and 2 of course.
Sorry for my English so please let me know if you don't understand exactly what I want to do and I'll try to explain. You think it would work? If not could you please ask it on the audiofanzine forum again?
Thanks again so much!
Cheers from Slovenia,
Hi Danijel,
All you want to do is possible. If I understood what you explained, you want to record in an audio track what you play with a custom sound passing through external effetcs using the AUX outputs.
You can monitor the multitrack audio inputs while playing or recording a MIDI part, no problem. So it will work !
toujours la soluce...
meme en anglais
PK crew( à l'abandon) / Mixcloud / 3'ks
En vrai t'es Eddie Barclay avoue :oops2:
toux ranjo
oui, il est balèze dans toutes les langues, le sieur Deweak ...attends ... j'en ai une autre du même Danjiele de Slovénie ...
Vas-y, envoie !!! lol
Plus sérieusement, comme je te disais sur Youtube Danjiele avait déjà trouvé lui-même la solution, j'ai juste confirmé.
toux ranjo
c'est fait dans un nouveau post ; merci Deweak !
toux ranjo
attends, je la recolle ici aussi :
Thank you tlnet37 so much for your help and I am really glad that it is possible! Deweak understood it correctly. Except I am not sure if it is possible to monitor only the guitar patch that I'll be playing (the one routed through aux 3, 4 to external fx back to audio multitrack inputs) or I will also hear the rest MIDI tracks already recorded (so I can play the guitar patch along and not with just a tempo click sound).
So, if you don't mind, tlnet37, can you copy/paste this question (and 2 more below) to the same thread you previously posted?
Here are 2 more:
2)I have some AKAI CD-ROM libraries in S1000,3000 and S5000 format. With the Alesis Fusion converter, will I able to convert the AKAI programs with chromatically sampled instruments (each key has its own sample) and with as many as 8 different samples per key (velocity switched) successfully?
3)when making my own multisampled instrument with sampler feature, is it possible to chromatically sample it (again, each key gets its own sample) and make more samples per key (velocity switched)?
Thank you,
Merci pour lui ! (message transféré depuis ma messagerie YouTube)
Citation :
Plus sérieusement, comme je te disais sur Youtube Danjiele avait déjà trouvé lui-même la solution, j'ai juste confirmé.
oui mais je suis d'humeur flatteuse aujourd'hui...
peut etre l'"Oasis" de ce matin qui m'a mis de bonne humeur
PK crew( à l'abandon) / Mixcloud / 3'ks
En vrai t'es Eddie Barclay avoue :oops2:
1) you can monitor whatever you want, as the levels for all tracks including audio tracks can be set separatly. Just the guitar part, the guitar part + the audio input, the guitar + the whole song... as you want !
2) the Fusion Convertor was designed for this use, but I've never tested it with Akai CDs, only with soundfonts (without velocity switches)
3) the sample player has 512 zones that you can use in layer or split, since each zone has keyboard and velocity mapings. So the maximum use of the Fusion's sampler is theorically a 64 * 8 velocity switches multisample. But you should run out of RAM before acheiving this...
Voilou, j'ai fait ce que j'ai pu !
salut à tous.
pour les splits / layers, je suis même pas sûr que les derniers roland/yamaha fassent aussi bien.
pour les yam xf, je crois que c'est 8 couches pour deux oscillateurs (1 stéreo) et quatre oscillateurs stéreo max par prog.
idem pour le fantom Gx et XV.
pour le fusion, c'est de mémoire 4 oscillateurs (multisamples) stéreo par prog.
donc comme le dit ludovic ... 512 zones fois 4 oscillateurs stéreo.
ou dans le cas présent 64x8x4 ...
donc mieux que ses concurents.
après les 62 Mo utile vont vite souffrir.
mais bon, c'est quand même dans la bête,, c'est bon à savoir.
avec cela, on peut largement émuler la "super articulation" de yam.
et encore on ne parle même pas des modélisations, du DtD, des matrices, des effets, des bla bla bla ...
bref ... je garde amoureusement mon Bébé.
amitié à tous ... david
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