Editorial du 24 octobre 2020 : commentaires
- 17 réponses
- 16 participants
- 1 060 vues
Los Teignos
D’aucuns rêvaient d’un vrai Shazam où il suffit de fredonner une chanson pour retrouver instantanément son titre, et sans trop de surprise, c’est Google qui semble l’avoir réalisé via son appli Google Assistant. Fini donc de demander aux potes s’ils reconnaissent tel air qui nous trotte dans la tête depuis une semaine, Big Don’t be Evil Brother est là pour nous aider, et noter au passage dans sa base de données qui a quelle musique en tête, cependant qu’un petit bandeau vous incite lourdement à ouvrir l’accès à vos contacts pour profiter de toutes les possibilités de l’assistant, et compléter accessoirement ses petits dossiers dont l’exhaustivité aurait fait rêver la Stasi… Tout cela repose évidemment sur du « Machine Learning » et on nous promet un algo toujours plus performant, mais du coup, la vraie question est de savoir si l’on a réellement envie que Google en apprenne toujours plus et sois toujours plus intelligent, lui qui en sait déjà sans doute trop pour ne pas menacer nos vies privées comme nos libertés. Google sait où nous sommes, ce que nous faisons, qui nous voyons, ce qui nous intéresse et on sent que son doigt mécanique tente de se frayer un chemin jusqu’au centre de notre cerveau où sautent ces petites mélodies dont on ne sait plus à qui elles appartiennent… et ce n’est pas bien grave. C’est peut-être même une bénédiction si l’on considère que ces notes perdues dans la mémoire du musicien font un compost où naîtront d’autres chansons.
Plutôt que d’aller fredonner à l’oreille du monstre, on préférera aller consulter le sommaire d’Audiofanzine, où le matinal Red Led nous propose sa sélection de news de la semaine, ou Arvinmedia teste l’émulation de Minimoog signée Softube, ou Hushman vous dit ce qu’il a pensé de la Lâg Tramontane HyVibe et où moi-même vous explique d’où viennent, à la base, les sept notes que nous utilisons pour faire de la musique.
Sur ce, bon week et à la semaine prochaine.
Los Teignos
From Ze AudioTeam
Le GIEC chiffre à 3,3 milliards le nombre de victimes du réchauffement climatique. On en parle ?
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Certains vont être tentés d'en faire une nouvelle religion
Et çà va marcher à fond
Mais je dois quand même ajouter un truc. Car il existe depuis 10 ans une app plus ou moins efficace permettant de fredonner une chanson pour retrouver son titre, en tout cas sur iPhone. Au départ elle s'est appelée Midomi et a changé de nom au bout de 2 ou 3 ans pour s'appeler SoundHound.
Comme avec Shazam, on peut lui faire "écouter" un titre commercial qui passe par une sonorisation, ou bien on peut fredonner une mélodie. Dans les deux cas on peut espérer retrouver le titre, mais ça ne marche pas à tous les coups dans le second.
Personne n'est obligé de murmurer dans l'oreille d'un assistant domestique, à ma connaissance.
J'en profite pour signaler la sortie d'Odin 2, plugin de synthé soustractif poly 24 voix avec des belles modélisations de filtres, plein de modulations, open source et dispo pour toutes les plateformes
Odin 2
Hermon de Vinon
Citation :J'en profite pour signaler la sortie d'Odin 2, plugin de synthé soustractif poly 24 voix avec des belles modélisations de filtres, plein de modulations, open source et dispo pour toutes les plateformes
J'espère qu'il fonctionnera mieux que la v1 qui plantait régulièrement mes hôtes vst, mais c'est de l'open-source, ça évolue bien.
De là à dire que certains (es) composent de la merde, il n'y a qu'un pas
Mais bon, j'espérais que Los Teignos parlerait du retour étrange, voir absurde, du vinyle
Parce que, de toutes façons, ils en savent déjà beaucoup sur nous rien qu'avec nos portables et cartes bleues
Ha oui ça évolue ... fichtre !...Spoiler - Cliquer ici pour lire la suiteChange Log
Version 2.2.4
- fixed Legato carrying current value over to Attack rather than to current ADSR section
- ChipDraw tables now available as LFO waves
- XY-Pad automation can now be recorded in DAW
- added background fill to chipdraw and wavedraw editors
- disabled "Made with JUCE" splashscreen
- fixed permissions path in mac installer script when copying file over from old soundbank location
- added new patches to factory sound bank
- git commit hash is now displayed in the help-section
Version 2.2.3 beta
- upgraded to JUCE 6
- removed automatic analytics-collection by JUCE
- removed linux VST2 version
- added linux VST3 version
- added linux LV2 version
- new playmode: Retrig
- playmodes Legato and Retrig will now play linguring notes again after the current key is released
- improved opening time for GUI
- added scroll bars to patch-browser
- changed MAC file location
- debian package now correctly packed for amd64 rather than i386
Version 2.2.2 beta
- fixed plugin validation in Logic
Version 2.2.1 beta
- hotfix: fixed some versions only playing sine-wave
Version 2.2.0 beta
- new feature: patch-browser
- Odin 2 now ships with installers for all platforms
- Odin 2 now ships with a Factory Soundbank
- A manual for Odin 2 was added to the website
- ping-pong delay will now always start left, regardless of amp-pan
- added XY-Pad X & Y as modulation destinations
- drastically imrpoved patch loading times
- fixed issue where Filter 2 would use the wrong 'right vowel'
- fixed issue where glide time was dependent on samplerate
- fixed issue where comb filter would produce smear effect on first note
- fixed issue which would crash pluginval
- removed save / load section from top of GUI
- rearranged layout on top of GUI
- renamed OH-12 filter to SEM-12
- renamed KO-35 filter to KRG-35
- changed location of config file on Win & Mac
Version 2.1.0 beta
- new feature: Arpeggiator / Step Sequencer
- new modulation sources: Arp Mod 1 & 2
- new modulation tagets: Arp Speed & Arp Gate
- all sync-time selectors now show a dropdown with most common times on click
- unison selector now shows dropdown rather than being click-draggable
- fixed issue where unison+legato would produce clicks
- changed default value for Delay-Feedback to 0.45
- changed default value for Delay-Wet to 0.7
- implemented MIDI-AllNotesOff
- implemented MIDI-allSoundOff
- modwheel and pitchbend are no longer loaded with patches
- drastically reduced filesize for patches without draw-oscs
- enlargened the height of the GUI, thereby relaxing the spacing in the LFOs
Version 2.0.22 beta
- fixed issue where wave-/chip-/specdraw oscs would use default waveform before opening GUI in some hosts
Version 2.0.21 beta
- increased number of voices from 12 to 24
- patch-display now has up and down button to browse through patches in same folder
- clicking the patch-display now reveals a list of patches in the same folder
- reworked how volume- and modulation works for osc-vol, filter-gain, amp-gain and master-gain
- updated voicing priority: voices in release are prioritized when stealing notes
- now applying random phase at note start when using unison or multiosc (overwritten by osc-reset)
- changed range for volume of oscs and filters to [-Inf dB, 12dB]
- changed range for main filters to [20Hz,20kHz]
- fixed FM carrier ratio not being loaded
- fixed FM modulator ratio not being loaded
- fixed pitchbend amount not being loaded
- FM carrier ratio, FM modulator ratio and pitchbend amount are no longer modulatable by the host
- fixed issue where FM-osc moddepth was dependent on pitch-controls
- fixed ".odin" file still being saved when canceling patch-saving
- fixed Decay and Release parameters not automatically updating after change in samplerate
- removed 12-voice option from unison
- removed "Poly Aftertouch" from modulation sources
- fixed LFO-sync button always being off on GUI-load
- fixed reversed sawtooth icon in small GUI LFO
- adjusted sync-time-selector font justification
- removed saturation modulation target for OH-12 filter
Version 2.0.20 beta
- fixed legato not set before opening GUI
Version 2.0.19 beta
- implemented Unison
- removed amp-width parameter
- added amp-velocity parameter
- added "Unison index" modulation source
- split "Aftertouch" modsource into "Aftertouch" and "Channel Pressure"
- lowered default master-volume to -7dB
- increased oscillator-octave range to [-4, 4]
- fixed specdraw-osc crosshair alignment
Version 2.0.18 beta
- made amplifier and distortion polyphonic
- moved amp-envelope after distortion
- fixed oscillator as polyphonic modulation source
- fixed glide in multi-oscillator
- lowered the minimum volume for osc-volume to -60dB
- lowered the minimum volume for filter gain to -60dB
- lowered the minimum volume for amp gain to -30dB
- lowered the minimum volume for master to -30dB
Version 2.0.17 beta
- fixed global mod-sources crashing plugin on some machines
- removed requirement for AVX instructions
Version 2.0.16 beta
- GUI-size now toggleable between 100% and 150%
- decreased mastervolume of init-patch
Version 2.0.15 beta
- fixed a deadlock when assigning modsources in some hosts
- fixed a deadlock when loading synth in some hosts
- removed a lot of linux-dependencies, which caused problems in some hosts
- adjusted behaviour of ADSR as modulation targets
Version 2.0.14 beta
- added AudioUnit version
- fixed phaser not working
- modulation amounts are now resettable by ctrl-click
Version 2.0.13 beta
- fixed issue where FLStudio would freeze upon loading Odin
- added thewavewarden logo to XY-pad
Version 2.0.12 alpha
- fixed issue where osc volume would not show up as mod destination for noise osc
- added better render for knob graphics
Version 2.0.11 alpha
- fixed issue where multiple plugin instances would share the same wave-/chip-/specdraw data
Version 2.0.10 alpha
- fixed VST3 project restore bug
- changed company name in plugin
Version 2.0.9 alpha
- fixed load functionality for draw-oscs, comb polarity and formant vowels
- changed backdrop panels for korg and diode filters
- fixed issue with bright formant panel on mac
Version 2.0.8 alpha
- fixed load functionality in modmatrix, lfo- & fx sync, distortion panel, lfo wave
- made several parameters non-audio
- fixed .odin not being appended to filenames
- set main-font to runestyle
- changed various panel colors
- changed modmatrix and XY pad colors
Version 2.0.7 alpha
- increased modulation depth on phaser-, flanger- and chorus- rate
- fixed bug where flanger would glitch on high sample rates
Version 2.0.6 alpha
- major overhaul of save-load system
- backwards compatibility for patches now guaranteed
- removed amp velocity as modulation target
Version 2.0.5 alpha
- replaced amp velocity with amp width
- linux now using AVX but no AVX2
Version 2.0.4 alpha
- fixed modamount component crashing on win build
- taken measures to avoid denormals
Version 2.0.3 alpha
- using optimization option for Win build
- added flag for using AVX in Win build
- using link time optimization in Win build
- fixed missing tooltip for left routing button
- fixed ringmod in filter3 not working
- introduced patchversion 1
Version 2.0.2 alpha
- newer patch-versions than current can not be loaded anymore
- changed distortion panel to stripe pattern
Version 2.0.1 alpha
- fixed crash in specdraw osc
Version 2.0.0 alpha
- added patches folder and first patch
Version 1.9.18
- changed vector, multi, distortion panels
- fixed formant filter not working
- code / peformance improvement (removed unnecessary virtual classifiers)
Version 1.9.17
- Valuetree & patches now with version number
- fixed sync-backrops in LFO
- Korg HP now has distinct panel
Version 1.9.16
- performance improvements filters and phaser
Version 1.9.15
- big performance improvement for all VA Filters
Version 1.9.14
- performance improvement in linterpol
- performance improvement in all filters
Version 1.9.13
- major performance improvement for ALL oscs
Version 1.9.12
- added modsource dropdown to wavetable oscillator
Version 1.9.11
- WavetableOsc now has native modenv control
- performance improvement for oscs and filters
- fixed issue with modamount on big display
Version 1.9.10
- major performance improvement for all filters
Version 1.9.9
- major performance improvement for multiosc
Version 1.9.8
- all notes off can no longer trigger MIDI learn
- destortion now has two panels for on/off
- chipdraw now interpolating correctly on fast draws
Version 1.9.7
- now dynamically deciding which interpolation function to use depending on desktop scale
Version 1.9.6
- complete rewrite of the midi learn functionality
- thereby fixing crashes when midi learn is active and GUI is not
Version 1.9.5
- show only .odin files in save and load window
- automatically append .odin on file save
Version 1.9.4
- now saving last save/load location
- default save location was changed to "Documents"Folder
Version 1.9.3
- fixed issue where LFO and FX plates were not loaded correctly on GUI start
- fixed issue where patch label wasn't loaded correctly on GUI start
Et même réflexion que ripger sur le compost !!!
(-; Be Funky ;-)
[ Dernière édition du message le 24/10/2020 à 11:31:04 ]
Jean miX.L.
Et même réflexion que ripger sur le compost !!!
Et de là à dire qu'ont postent pour écrire de la merde, il n'y a qu'un pas, dedans...
Du coup, "ABBA le vinyle"
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