Added 'insert char' functionality to name editor using [func] + [yes].
Show sequencer in paused state with lit [play] and [stop] keys.
Sample Manager now displays the current folder.
When a pattern is saved for the fist time, the pattern rename dialogue now opens.
[page] button LED is now lit when in scale setup.
Show tag selector when exporting a sound.
Adjusted text input screen so that the input field is not hidden by the character matrix.
Bug fixes
Large number of files in a folder caused the unit to freeze.
Copy/paste did not work on the MASTER page.
Pattern change occurred one pattern length to late after receiving a Program Change message
from other Elektron device.
Pressing [trk] + [clear] did not perform an undo operation unless you release [trk] in
[func] + [sampling] (Direct sampling) on Recorder screen did not clear the waveform.
Selecting project in Project Manager did not show any checkmark until moving the cursor.
"Enter search string" title in the SEARCH option on the Sound Managers SORTING menu did not fit
the screen window.
The function to copy, clear and paste one or several patterns at the same time without leaving the
active pattern did not work.
The MIDI tracks did not react to MIDI messages received on the track's set MIDI channel.
[ Dernière édition du message le 09/03/2018 à 21:06:54 ]