Sujet de la discussionPosté le 15/01/2019 à 18:01:17Enfin Overbridge en beta publique...
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The Overbridge 2.0 Public Beta offers audio over USB functionality for all Overbridge-enabled devices and both Standalone Editor and VST Plugin for Mac and Windows for: Digitakt, Analog Heat, Analog Four, Analog Rytm and Analog Keys. The Digitone Standalone Editor and Plugin are currently in development and will be released at a later date.
Both software and firmware for the beta are available through our user forum Please read the instructions thoroughly before installation.
The benefits of having this are pretty major. GUI interface for the machine. Makes it easy to swap samples out, you now have a visual on what LFOs are doing. Very tight DAW integration, and it starts and stops on a dime.
In other words, you can use the Digitakt as your SYNC BOX. I have really tight timing doing this and sending it into my Cirklon. The USAMO shows a little tighter on the Cirklon BPM screen, but it is not noticeable. Plus I am able to send MIDI back into the Digitakt and control it with my Cirklon now. Already got my Boog up and running and it plays right in time with the Digitakt. Its awesome.
Another cool thing is you can set the Digitakt as your PC's record-in soundcard. So you can easily sample anything you want from youtube or whatever website. It's crazy. I had youtube playing through my Digitakt and I was just grabbing random stuff.
Messing with the Engine and getting the buffer right is key. I have mine running at 64 with my DAW set the same and it's all good.
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I got the impression that Digitakt sounds better through Overbridge, what makes sense not having the DA conversation inside the device.
« What is full of redundancy or formula is predictably boring. What is free of all structure or discipline is randomly boring. In between lies art. » (Wendy Carlos)