Sujet de la discussionPosté le 07/01/2008 à 00:00:05MD Machine Lab
Salut à tous!
j'ai vu dans la rubrique astuce d'AF qu'il y avais un soft permettant de creer ces kits à partir du mac : MD Machine Lab, mais malheureusement il n'est plus dispo sur le net (pourtant j'ai googlelizé à mort!!!
Un utilisateur a fait un bon editeur sous MAX/MSP :
Citation : Elektron Machinedrum SPS-1 UserWave Software Editor
Machinedrum Editor is a program, which controls almost all parameters of Elektron Machinedrum SPS-1 UW beatbox.
At this moment it has these features:
- assigning any machine (including MIDI, Control 8 and ROM/RAM) to any track
- every machine has its own UI
- controls machine, track effect and routing parameters with feedback (you turn knobs in MD - they turns in editor too)
- controls master FX with feedback
- controls LFOs with feedback
- hardware output routing for any track
- MIDI THRU MODE (if you want to control MD with external controller - just select input port, to which it connected)
- track trig and mute
- intelligent parameters randomizer with three algorithms
- up to 10 patch variations
- saves patch in XML format
- patch genetics - mutate your parameters
- XY-controller, on which you can assign two parameters from any track
- naming and saving kits in internal memory of MD
Machinedrum Editor is a standalone program for Windows XP and Mac OSX.