Avant toute chose il serait bon d'ouvrir ta bécane et de vérifier ce qu'il y a dedans :12AX7 ou 12AT7, parce que le manuel mentionne 12AX7. Si c'étaient des 12AT7 (et que tu as acheté la machine neuve), tu peux chercher des .12AT7 en NOS, car elles sont nettement moins onéreuses que les 12AX7. Et les groove tubes, c'est pas franchement bon. Cela marchera si tu veux de la disto sur un ampli guitare, mais pour un préampli tu n'auras pas mieux que les tubes qui sont dans l'Art d'origine.
[ Dernière édition du message le 17/10/2015 à 13:51:02 ]
13Posté le 19/10/2015 à 00:33:26
Le manuel mentionne des 12at7
Pro VLA IIOverview Features Specs Owner's Manual
Two Channel Vactrol-based Compressor
The ProVLA II is a tube driven Vactrol®-based Compressor / Leveling amplifier designed to excel in any professional audio environment. Superior performance and an incredible tone makes the ProVLA II and indispensable tool for tracking, mixing, mastering, dynamic control of live sound sources or for use in broadcast audio.
Capable of delivering a far more musical natural sounding and sonically transparent compression than competitive units in its class, the ProVLA II uses an Opto-electronic circuit rather than the more typical design VCA driven level detection circuit. This VCA-less design coupled with a 12AT7 vacuum tube in the gain stage makes the Pro-VLA II the ideal dynamic control device for critical audio applications.
Exceptional signal integrity with extremely low noise and low distortion is achieved in the ProVLA II by utilizing a transformerless design throughout.
Vactrol® Technology
Unlike typical compression units that use Voltage Controlled Amplifiers (VCA's) to handle level detection, the Pro VLA II's Opto-electronic design allows a far more transparent and musical sounding compression without sounding aggressive or un-natural. This Vactrol based optical electronic circuitry is the basic component of the classic highly sought after compressors of past.