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CDSoundMaster Punch VCA Compressor

CDSoundMaster Punch VCA Compressor

Compresseur logiciel de la marque CDSoundMaster

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Prix public US : $149 incl. VAT

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Fiche technique

  • Fabricant : CDSoundMaster
  • Modèle : Punch VCA Compressor
  • Catégorie : Compresseurs logiciels
  • Fiche créée le : 05/03/2015

VCA style compressor plug-in with two operation modes

In "Tight" mode, the compressor is tight, clean, and punchy (hence the name"Punch!"). The deeper the amount of compression, the more it clamps down on the loudest aspects of the signal, getting tighter, punchier, and crisper.

In "Warm" mode, the compressor is still punchy, but rounder and defined, clamping down on a wide range of low-to-high mid frequencies, and as compression increases, it is able to lock the signal in place without extreme pumping or breathing.

Threshold, ratio, drive, makeup gain, input level and output level controls

VST for Windows


Autres catégories dans Traitements dynamiques logiciels

Autres dénominations : punchvca compressor, punchvcacompressor