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< Tous les avis Massey Plugins CT4 Compressor
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Massey Plugins CT4 Compressor
Massey Plugins CT4 Compressor
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mooseherman mooseherman

« Solid Compressor Plug-In »

Publié le 15/12/10 à 21:00
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
This is a compressor plugin made by Massey based on a hardware compressor. I haven't had any issues of compatibility with this plug-in at all. The setup of the plug-in was easy and I was using the plug-in pretty soon after I got it. I started with the demo version which was free and works fine, the only problem being that I couldn't save settings or use automation. The full version included all these once I upgraded. I didn't need a manual at all while using this as it's a really simple plug-in, I would only consult that if I ran into an issue with installation which I didn't.


I have yet to run into an issue with this plug-in's performance. It's really easy to use as there's only a few functions that are accessible. There is a knob for compression (which, according the website and confirmed by my use, acts as a combination of a threshold and ration knob), one for make-up (which is like output gain), and switches for fast/slow attack and fast/slow release. This makes it easy to use, though not the most functional compressor out there.


While this doesn't have the most flexibility, this compressor is a really good one a lot of instruments. It tends to keep the sounds uniformly great, which is a testament to its quality. I find that with some compressors there are a lot of options and thus you can get some really bad sounds if you don't know what you're doing. This one doesn't give you that much freedom! It basically makes it easy for you to find the sweet spot.
It's very good at preserving the tone of the track you used while tightening up the dynamics of the track. Sometimes this is exactly what you need especially if you are in love with the tone you have while tracking. I like this probably the most about it.
I'd say that there's no reason you shouldn't download the free demo, as you can use it pretty well. Be warned though, that eventually you'll probably just go ahead and buy the plug-in so that you can save the settings!