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TZM Creative Lab Motus
TZM Creative Lab Motus

Autre Contrôleur MIDI de la marque TZM Creative Lab

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réactions à la news Mo-mo-motus !

  • 46 réponses
  • 16 participants
  • 5 057 vues
Sujet de la discussion Mo-mo-motus !
Ce n'est pas Thierry Beccaro mais bien la jeune compagnie TZM Lab qui nous présente Motus, un contrôleur d'un nouveau genre.

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Le GIEC chiffre à 3,3 milliards le nombre de victimes du réchauffement climatique. On en parle ?


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Le site est bien en ssl : , j'avais effectué l'achat par celui là. Mais les autres déconnent complétement. Je ne sais pas trop à quoi ils jouent !? Ils font les morts ...
Bon ... Toujours aucune réponse ... C'est bien parti pour ne jamais voir arriver ce contrôleur ... ni mes €€€ ...
Aucune nouvelle, pas une seule publication sur les réseaux sociaux, aucune réponse par email, trop c'est trop ! Infos après quelques recherches :

Nom du CEO : Mindaugas Badokas
CV : (archive :
Email :
Spoiler - Cliquer ici pour lire la suite

Profil Facebook :
Spoiler - Cliquer ici pour lire la suite

Il y a également un n° sur leur page : +569 513 41888
Le domaine expire le 16 août :

Je pense également passer un coup de téléphone à PayPal voir s'il n'est pas trop tard.
Terminé pour moi aussi les projets qui ne passent par aucune plateforme connue.
Un des mecs m'a répondu ça sur facebook : "Hello, sorry for the long delay, we had some problems with communications. You should receive an email shortly. " et j'ai demandé s'il y allait avoir des news, il m'a répondu " Yes, we're putting everything to an email update." ... Bon on verra bien ... pour paypal je pense que c'est cramé ... C'était une première aussi pour moi , je ne referai pas !
Nouvelle réponse... je rêve ?

Citation :
Hi! That is super weird that you didn't got an email. I'm going to send it manually. Your money is safe and we can refund you any time on your request. Sorry for the slow news.

Rien reçu évidemment. Je vais répondre. A suivre... :??:

Edit | nouvelle réponse :

Citation :
Ok, I'll process this in 12h. Sorry for bad communication, we had some serious internal problems.

[ Dernière édition du message le 05/07/2016 à 20:54:38 ]

moi j'ai reçu ça sur facebook " : Hi! That is super weird that you didn't got an email. I'm going to send it manually. Thanks for the update! ".

Ce copié/collé...

Du coup, nouvelle réponse :

Citation :
Our team shrank, development was interrupted. Despite huge delay, we'll be shipping in August. We'll inform you in the following email. Motus is not dead!

J'ai reçu un mail aussi et un questionnaire :

[quote] The date of Motus shipment is 22th of July, 2016
Despite the fact we ordered all required parts for your Motus, we still can refund you
Here's an update on Motus development on our website:

Why everything takes so long?

Bringing product to the market is a long and hard task. We're a small team and since March Motus team shrank to 2 employees company. We've encountered legal issues, a hole in manufacturing and production line (remotely managing things in Shenzhen sometimes is a hell), problems with certificates, licenses and testing. Furthermore, Motus crowdfunding didn't achieved its goal. We took a decision to fulfill all pre-orders even our minimal target hasn't been reached $28k USD. As we're thinking right now it's an extreme task to implement and build a product in this setting. However, it is the only way to keep developing and advance. We're pushing through and your Motus is almost ready.
No one responded to my messages!

Despite how strange this might sound, there was a problem with our mailing system, specifically inbox and outbox on our @tzm emails. We've changed our CRM and email operators some months ago and, as inspected, during the transition credentials got mixed somewhere. We didn't saw any errors for outgoing emails as well there was no incoming emails. After a while we noticed messages in social media platforms and private mailboxes. We're very sorry for the inconvenience and all troubles you've had. And we'll start monitoring our FB account actively.[/quote]

[ Dernière édition du message le 06/07/2016 à 02:26:25 ]

Idem :

Citation :
Dear <user>

It has been a very long time since we've wrote to you. First, the most important thing: backer survey. We ask you to fill out this short survey (which includes your shipping address specification and Motus product preferences) before we start shipping out Motus devices. It's very important!

Your unique backer survey URL: https://xxx
The date of Motus shipment is 22th of July, 2016
Despite the fact we ordered all required parts for your Motus, we still can refund you
Here's an update on Motus development on our website:


Why everything takes so long?

Bringing product to the market is a long and hard task. We're a small team and since March Motus team shrank to 2 employees company. We've encountered legal issues, a hole in manufacturing and production line (remotely managing things in Shenzhen sometimes is a hell), problems with certificates, licenses and testing. Furthermore, Motus crowdfunding didn't achieved its goal. We took a decision to fulfill all pre-orders even our minimal target hasn't been reached $28k USD. As we're thinking right now it's an extreme task to implement and build a product in this setting. However, it is the only way to keep developing and advance. We're pushing through and your Motus is almost ready.


No one responded to my messages!

Despite how strange this might sound, there was a problem with our mailing system, specifically inbox and outbox on our @tzm emails. We've changed our CRM and email operators some months ago and, as inspected, during the transition credentials got mixed somewhere. We didn't saw any errors for outgoing emails as well there was no incoming emails. After a while we noticed messages in social media platforms and private mailboxes. We're very sorry for the inconvenience and all troubles you've had. And we'll start monitoring our FB account actively.

Thank you for being with us! We wouldn't be able to develop Motus without your support. Don't forget to fill out the form. We'll email you when your Motus will be shipped.

Kind regards,

Motus team
TZM Creative Lab

J'ai répondu aussi, voyons voir ou va nous mener la suite. Par contre attention car de mon côté j'ai également reçu un remboursement à accepter ou refuser sur PayPal en sus. C'est refusé de mon côté, et ils m'ont confirmé la réception du formulaire rempli.

Cela n'excuse pas le manque de communication (qu'ils reconnaissent tout à fait, notamment en privé), mais on comprend mieux pourquoi ils avaient la tête sous l'eau après les avoir lu.

[ Dernière édition du message le 06/07/2016 à 11:42:24 ]

Affaire à suivre !!!
pour ma part avec grand intéret...

quelqu'un a des nouvelles de Motus ?