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Sujet Belle gratte land

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Sujet de la discussion Belle gratte land
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J'aime pas trop la carte au trésor mais faut avouer que c'est un travail de maître !
De géo-maitre plutôt...

.::. maladiction ! .::. Nouvelle chanson : "Est-ce?". Prise 'live' avec un harmo rajouté. Bibi à la guitare/chant, avis bienvenus!



à con promis, chose dure...

De loin, la "carte au trésor" fait penser à ces grattes taillées dans des bois-qu'on-voit-pas-partout, genre les Langcaster qu'on a vues il y a peu, et de près, c'est !............ Wahouuuuu!..... qu'on aime ou pas, faut s'incliner, là
Concernant la "carte au trésor", je me posais une question : est-ce que le motif du bois de la table (spalted maple ?) convenait justement bien à cette réalisation, ou bien est-ce un assemblage de plusieurs bois, ou carrément une toute autre technique ?

Sinon, du bien beau ces dernières pages !
"Déjà qu'avec le clerc, le sens vicié s'éclaire, de double-sens éclairs...." - Les reflets d'acides
Hors sujet :
J'ai le père d'un potes qui cherche des "styles" à télécharger gratuitement sur son Yamaha Tyros2. Quelqu'un aurait-il des tuyaux ?



à con promis, chose dure...

Evil, si tu veux en savoir plus sur la "Carte au Trésor", voici ce qu' n dit son heureux propriétaire:
Citation :
Last Jan.when Ron intro'd his So Cal line with the R/S and G/T, I thought hey I would dig somewhat of an 80's style single h/b, single vol., with a graphic on a Thorn. Yeah Ron has the most amazing wood stash bar and ability to turn that into a smoking guitar, but what if we went with a graphic on it. So Deposit sent in right away I post on A couple forums I am going to get one with the single h/b, vol. 2tek, etc.

I sit down with artist Dan lawrence and was going to a portrait of my daughter on it. Kind of real life/kind of like the "Madonna" he did on Dweezil's Charvel bck in the 80's. We go back and forth for a while, due to me trying to figure out layout etc. Ron is giving imput but as alwys is allowing the "customer" to decide. The treasure map theme comes up and I'm like HELL Yes.

I am excited as I have been in a long time and I spend some serious time with Ron going through his wood stash. I know I want Limba for the body, and I see this stuff on the rack actually labeled "Fugly Limba", Fugly cuz it had been there for quite some time and wasn't the sweet clean White Limba, or the killer Black Limba Ron has it is what appears to be the Mutt. Holy crap that's it look at the colors in it, the unnatural lines, yeah "Fugly Limba" is off the market. (sorry all you who passed on it, but thank you!!!) ONce it was carved it even got more badass.

I dig me some Birdseye Maple just oiled and silky smooth for the neck so we go through it all. I mean it all. Same thing find a piece that has some staining, dark streaks, crazy birdseye tough, yeah perfect for this build. Not the pure clean beautiful white stuff, it's killer (as you can see) and it has natural staining, streaks etc. It was made for this build. It too is now off the market.

We go with an African Blackwood F/B, I dig the color contrast from the Birdseye to dark African blackwood and we choose some that does not have a lot of color and streaking in it, so it will not detract from what the graphic and entire vibe will be. 

Ron and I start going through some Maple tops. Looking for some with a very slight grain pattern that we could use for an outline of the land mass/water on the map. Ron's idea and it ruled. We find a piece and we think will work and layout some land options on it, including ship etc. ok this is it ends up being 1 piece and it's going to be glued on for the drop top. We discuss additional layout options before going to paint, like how about using the FireSun logo for the Compass, Bitchen hell yes. We discuss mini three way toggle to be centered in the Fireson compass for the H/B (Series/Split/Parallel), perfect.

The 2TEK was the plan along so that part was easy.

OK we're good for now build on and when it gets to paint come up with names
What I can pick the names on the map to include, wife, kids, pets, freinds, other items, "Puto Point",Hard Rock Hills", "Party cove", Some obvious and some slightly more subliminal. Nice.

I get a pic after the seeler and artwork is on but prior to clear and rub out. I go by to check it out approve, holy crap didn't even see that much figure in the top and with how Dan did the art work it is killing. He does the Headstock to match and the Thorn Logo in this bitchin BLue. Dan wants to do something on the back to look like old planks. We discuss I'm cool as long as it doesnt mess up my Fugly Limba or cover it up. ok go ahead I trust you. BAM the plank lines and nail holes look freakin amazing.

It's out of paint and now back to Ron's eye. We were doing a Thorn H/B a Pasadena + slightly hotter to fend off Whenches, and Mr . Thorn says before we custom wind it it has to have Birsdeye bobbins and matching ring. He's the master, ok. He pulls them out (he'd already done them) to gain my approval I figure why fight him on it.

Attention to detail, ok how about the vol. knob, it's black metal, but he thinks that might take some frm the map. Ok how about if we mill out some of the top and use some spalted maple with the black vein through it. Again all I can do it say yes. We went over se tup specs prior to all good there.

This badboy is then complete and I get the call we all dig. She's done and I just got done trying her thru an offset Marshall cab in the shop. "HOLY Crap complete badass" is what I hear Ron say thru the phone. I'm on my way only an hour drive or so (at 80 mph)

I get to hear Ron ripping on it through some "old" amp (I believe a '64 Fender something or other Bandmaster completely clean matching head and cab), for 20 min or so yeah sounds effing amazing.

I put her in the case and come home. A friend meets me at my house who after only a few minutes of me jammin her he plays her for 30 mins. He comes over on his lunch hour, then leaves. I spend the next 2.5 hours going through mutliple rigs, a Marshall JMP-1 with Peavey Stereo 50 watt tube amp, into a red 2x12 Marshal Cab, A VHT Pitbull 1x12 50 watt combo, a johnson Mellenium stereo 150 2x12 combo. I run out of time and don't get to hear it thru the '73 Marshall 20 watt head into a matching '73 cab, or even the '69 Marshall 20 watt head.

I played clean the chime and clarity were amazing. I played Dirty and the growl is yeah man. even unplugged plucking or striking a string and feeling the resonance and sustain the entire package with the 2Tek is giving. Just rest your hand on the body and feel it vibrate/sustain for ever it's very cool.

So yes this theme turned out better than I had hoped and beyond expectations, which is tough since I have a few other Thorns (Artisian Masters #003 Parrot, #033 Manta, #001 HotRod). Man, Ron and Team Thorn again did it again. Looks, play, feel, everything.

So yeah I guess I like it.

Evilpierre: je me posais exactement la même question
Les Sadowsky, comme d' hab, parmi mes préférées.


à con promis, chose dure...



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