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Belle gratte land

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Je trouve la Rickenbacker 450 à tomber. Malheureusement elle est n'est plus produite....

Donc doit couter une petite fortune.

[ Dernière édition du message le 28/11/2009 à 11:10:23 ]

La Tele si on dit s'il-vous-plait, je dis oui!
Je n'aimas trop les doubles-manches non plus mais celle-ci m'a tapé dans les nyeux !!!


à con promis, chose dure...

Ma dernière: un lapsteel 8 cordes fabriqué entre 1950 et 1955:


à con promis, chose dure...

Ca s'accorde comment

S*ck my duck !

Mes ventes... 

Ben j'en sais rien noidea


à con promis, chose dure...

Eight String Tunings Additional strings on your guitar means even greater tuning potential. With the additional strings, you can minimize the number of slants you have to play to get your guitar to match the song's harmonies. Here are some suggested tunings for eight-string steel guitars.

A6 Tuning:

E C# AF# E C#AF#

This is a very popular tuning, used by Herb Remington among others. I'm using this currently on my Fender Deluxe 8 and find it very useful; it's similar to the open A tuning discussed above, but with the added 6th note (F#) allowing use of minor chords and sixth intervals.

C6/Am7 Tuning:


This is an extension of the C6/Am7 tuning listed above in the six string tunings. The addition of an A to the bass and a G to the treble seems to center this tuning around A rather than around C, as on the six string version.

E13 Tuning: (as used by Leon McAuliffe)

EC#BG#F#DG#E C6/FMaj9 Tuning: E C AF E CAF C13 Tuning: (as used by Junior Brown) GECAGECBb Seven String C Diatonic Tuning (as used by Jerry Byrd): ECBAGFE Expanded E7 Tuning: EBG#EDB G#E Bob Lee's New Hawaiian Tuning: EDC#AF#DBA MDFried's E6 tuning: EC#BG#EC#BE Bob Lee's E6 tuning: G#EC#BG#EDB
Bob says, "I'm using this tuning currently on my eight-string Fender Deluxe. This tuning allows me to play sixths up and down a scale with practically no slanting."
Andrew Waegel's A major/minor 7th tuning: GECAGEC#A

Andrew says, "It's basically the Jerry Byrd C6/A7 tuning with an added high G on the top string to make more third intervals accessible without too much neck motion. It also gives more options for those high sweet tones that I hear so much of in the older country music that I like to play."

Bobby Black's C6/A7 tuning:

According to Cartwright Thompson, "I got this one from Bobby Black, he said he got it from Joaquin Murphey. The cool thing here is that the bottom B string is tuned an octave higher (1/2 step below the second string). So you have the Jerry Byrd C6/A7 on the top 7, but you can grab the bottom string for a very pretty major 7th, and you get a nice "strummable" A9th chord on the bottom 5 strings."

Bob Quasar's D13 tuning:


The top E is tuned between the third string (D) and the second string (F#). This allows a four-note pattern to be played by picking alternately on the C# D E F# strings. I can see how this would be very useful in certain situations.

Michael McClellan's G13 tuning:


Michael McClellan writes:

John Coltrane got me into it! This does wild things to "Sand" (the Hawaiian instrumental), "Misty" (Errol Gardner's classic), some polkas, and many country beer-drinkers. I pull a string behind the steel with my left hand ring finger, and can get some of the pedal-steel effects while still keeping the Dobro® purity. Using this trick, I can make a weird part of tlhe 13th into a normal major chord. The G13 gives me inversions of a 7th, a 9th, a 6th, a Major 7th, an 11th, and a minor. It gives a real 13th, from root to treble, which the other 13ths don't. When you end a song on this chord, folk sit up and listen!

Pete Grant's D tuning:


This tuning has the second and third notes of the D scale on the top two strings. Pete wrote this about it on the Steel Guitar Forum:

When I had National Reso-Phonic build me an 8-string Model D, it was for the express purpose of allowing me to play Irish traditional music in a more competent manner. After trying all kinds of tunings, I came up with D tuning with a 2 and a 3 of the scale on top. It turned out to be just what I'd been looking for.
Félicitations filou!
ça fait quelques temps que je rêve d'un lap steel, ce sera surement un Gretsch, compte tenu de mon budget ... j'aurais préféré un vieux Jedson (gilmour!!!) mais bon
Vous êtes bien courageux, avec 6 cordes j'ai déjà les doigts et le cerveau qui divergent (et "dix verges c'est beaucoup" comme le disait ce cher Desproges )

.::. maladiction ! .::. Nouvelle chanson : "Est-ce?". Prise 'live' avec un harmo rajouté. Bibi à la guitare/chant, avis bienvenus!

Le Gretsch est très bien pour le prix Teurastaja.