Ca me fait penser à un problème équivalent que je rencontre régulièrement sur la Digidesign 003 Rack+ que j'ai au boulot...
Cela me conforte dans mon avis sur les appareils "tout-en-un" : rien ne vaut plusieurs appareils dédiés (carte son / interface Midi / surface de contrôle / effets / ...). Ca fonctionne toujours mieux.
[ Dernière édition du message le 13/08/2010 à 12:02:02 ]
Nouvel·le AFfilié·e
Membre depuis 19 ans
7Posté le 19/06/2011 à 20:47:20
j'ai trouver la solution c'est tout con en plus je me souviens de la manip a faire dans cubase ou nuendo
voici la manipulation:
MIDI notes in Cubase are getting recorded to the start of the MIDI clip.
If you are recording MIDI data into Cubase through the Saffire MIDI in port and find that it is all being recorded to the start of the MIDI clip then follow these steps to fix the problem:
1. Update your version of Cubase to the latest version (updates available from
2. Browse to the Cubase SL/SX application folder (usually C:Program FilesSteinbergCubase SL/SX) and locate the folder "MIDI Port Enabler".
3. Open this folder.
4. Pick the file "ignoreportfilter" and move it into the Cubase SL/SX application folder (one directory up).
5. Start Cubase. You will now see 'Focusrite Saffire' and 'Focusrite Saffire [emulated]' as available MIDI ports.
6. Select 'Device Setup...' from the 'Devices' menu.
7. Go to the 'Default MIDI Ports' page and set 'Focusrite Saffire [emulated]' as both input and output.
8. Go to the 'All MIDI Inputs' page and make sure 'Focusrite Saffire' is not active and 'Focusrite Saffire [emulated]' is activated (click on 'Yes' or 'No' in the 'Active' column to change it).
9. Go to the 'DirectMusic' page and check the 'Use System Timestamp' box.
10. Click 'Apply' and then 'OK' to exit Device Setup.