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Sujet Qu'est-ce qui vous amuse automatiquement ?

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Sujet de la discussion Qu'est-ce qui vous amuse automatiquement ?
Putain!!! y démarre grave ton topic :mdr:
Afficher le sujet de la discussion
jaune ouaine > c'est quoi sur la photo ?

ben,un tronc

OK. Inutile de vous dire depuis quand j'ai plus foutu les pieds dans une église :volatil:

J'avais raison c'était bien un V4age de la version de noël !

Tant qu'il y aura des couilles en or, il y aura des lames en acier



Pictocube > Ouais mais en l'occurrence le bug était aussi dû à un vécatrage de Safari...  redface2



cette chanson :


Et les paroles qui vont avec, en anglais c'est plus drôle


Citation :

The piano has been drinking
My necktie's asleep
The combo went back to New York, and left me all alone
The jukebox has to take a leak
Have you noticed that the carpet needs a haircut?
And the spotlight looks just like a prison break
And the telephone's out of cigarettes
As usual the balcony's on the make
And the piano has been drinking, heavily
The piano has been drinking
And he's on the hard stuff tonight

The piano has been drinking
And you can't find your waitress
Even with the Geiger counter
And I guarantee you that she will hate you
From the bottom of her glass
And all of your friends remind you
That you just can't get served without her
The piano has been drinking

The piano has been drinking
And the lightman's blind in one eye
And he can't see out of the other
And the piano-tuner's got a hearing aid
And he showed up with his mother
And the piano has been drinking
Without fear of contradiction I say
The piano has been drinking

Our Father who art in ?
Hallowed by thy glass
Thy kindom come, thy will be done
On Earth as it is in the lounges
Give us this day our daily splash
Forgive us our hangovers
As we forgive all those who continue to hangover against us
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver from evil and someone you must all ride home

Because the piano has been drinking
And he's your friend not mine
Because the piano has been drinking
And he's not my responsibility

The bouncer is this Sumo wrestler
Kinda cream puff casper milk toast
And the owner is just a mental midget
With the I.Q. of a fencepost
I'm going down, hang onto me, I'm going down
Watch me skate across an acre of linoleum
I know I can do it, I'm in total control
And the piano has been drinking
And he's embarassing me
The piano has been drinking, he raided his mini bar

The piano has been drinking
And the bar stools are all on fire
And all the newspapers were just fooling
And the ash-trays have retired
And I've got a feeling that the piano has been drinking
It's just a hunch
The piano has been drinking and he's going to lose his lunch
And the piano has been drinking
Not me, not me, The piano has been drinking not me




[ Dernière édition du message le 03/12/2010 à 00:14:30 ]


Ça me fait marrer, mais je sais pas si c'est pour les raisons voulues par ceux qui ont fait la vidéo :-D

C'est nul, de toute façon si j'avais ne serai-ce que souri je ne l'aurais pas dit.

Citation :

Ça me fait marrer, mais je sais pas si c'est pour les raisons voulues par ceux qui ont fait la vidéo :-D


C'est à cause du drapeau français ?

[ Dernière édition du message le 03/12/2010 à 01:18:29 ]

Non, à cause de la première phrase surtout, et de l'interprétation qu'on peut faire du reste.