Pas toujours, parfois quelques connaissances d'entomologie permettent de déduire que c'est de la mise en scène dégueu, là en l'occurence je pense pas me gourer en affirmant que c'est une mise en scène.
Macro photographer Eco Suparman was gobsmacked when the praying mantis he was photographing jumped up onto a curled plant - and looked just like he was pedalling away.
Eco, from Borneo, Indonesia, had noticed the unusally-shaped plant, but was more interested in photographing the bug nearby up-close - when by an incredible stroke of luck, the insect decided to go for a ride.
Student Eco, 23, said: "I took this photo on a Muslim cemetry in the Ambawang River village, Borneo Island, Indonesia.
"I was practising my macro photography, and there are a lot of small insects there - so it's one of my favourite places to go and get some good shots.
"I was focusing on taking pictures of the mantiswhen I noticed the curled plants nearby.
"Straightaway I thought it looked like a bike - but I couldn't believe my luck when the mantis walked over and climbed onto the plant.
"I was so excited to take the shot, but I was worried the mantis would walk away, or that the leaves would move.
"As soon as I got home, I showed this image to the family and friends and they were all shocked at how much the picture looks like the insect is riding a bike.
"I am really glad I was able to photograph this amazing piece of nature's art."
enfin l’important est d’avoir en tête que des photographes peuvent faire preuve de plus ou moins d’éthique naturaliste et derrière l’effet whaouuu ben y’a peut-être un truc.....bon ou mauvais.
Clair, je tombe des nues. Faut dire que d'habitude la macro ne m'intéresse absolument pas. Du coup, yaurait fallu la mettre dans le thread idoine, ça serait passé crème
[ Dernière édition du message le 03/07/2019 à 19:15:26 ]
Squatteur·euse d’AF
Membre depuis 12 ans
72988Posté le 03/07/2019 à 19:30:37
dans ce cas si c'est dégueulasse de tuer un insecte pour une photo , faut retirer vos par brise de bagnole pour éviter de tuer des milliers de mouches et autres en roulant