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< Tous les avis Nomad Factory A.M.T. Max Warm
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Nomad Factory A.M.T. Max Warm
Nomad Factory A.M.T. Max Warm
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Publié le 05/11/10 à 02:41
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
The Nomad Factory A.M.T. Max Warm is a mastering plug-in that comes as part of the Analog Mastering Tools bundle of software from Nomad Factory. While all of the plug-ins in the bundle are specifically designed for mastering, they're definitely suitable for mixing as well. The bundle is available for Mac and PC systems and in VST, RTAS, and Audio Units plug-in formats. I didn't have anything to do with installing this plug-in and the bundle on the system at the studio where I work, so I can't speak to what that process is like. However, I will say that I haven't found the plug-in to be too hard to use. Essentially it's a limiter, an EQ, and a level maximizer all in one. The main parameters it has are for input threshold, output ceiling, limit mode, recovery (release), and two bands of equalization for high and low, each with their own semi-parametric frequency parameter and gain as well. As you can probably tell, it's not too complicated and most users should be able to get by without the help of a manual.


The studio that I work at has the Nomad Factory A.M.T. Max Warm plug-in and the full Analog Mastering Tools bundle running on a few different systems. The main room that we have has Pro Tools HD and a Mac Pro computer, which is the system I've used this plug-in primarily on. The computer consists of 10 GB of RAM and dual 2.66 Ghz Intel Xeon processors, while we've also got Apogee converters and a Neve 8068. Since it's a Pro Tools HD system, I've never had any problems at all running any plug-ins, including this one of course...


For the price per plug-in, the Nomad Factory A.M.T. bundle which includes the Max Warm plug-in is really a great deal. While they're definitely primarily best suited for mastering, I've found the bundle and this one in particular to be good for mixing as well. There's a good amount that you can do with Max Warm, but it's definitely best as a traditional limiter. It's certainly not the best sounding limiter out there in terms of plug-ins, but it will get the job done for demo projects at least for sure. The bundle as a whole is definitely something you should know about if you're in the market for some budget priced mastering/mixing plug-ins.