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combien d ordis autorisable avec une licence arc 2 ??

  • 1 réponse
  • 2 participants
  • 763 vues
Sujet de la discussion combien d ordis autorisable avec une licence arc 2 ??
salut tout l monde ! tout est dans le sujet .... est il possible d utiliser arc 2 avec un portable et une tour ? voir calibrer l ordi du voisin .... ? merci de vos réponses
2 :

9. General FAQ - User Area/Account/Download/License Transfer

9.1 Can I install IK products on multiple computers?

Yes, if the IK product that you are using is protected by challenge-code system (doesn't require the IK USB dongle called iKey). In this case, you can install up to 3 computers provided that they are USED ONLY BY YOU, OWNED BY YOU AND ARE NOT USED SIMULTANEOUSLY. Please refer to the License Agreement included in the manual and on the envelope contained in the original packaging of the software, for more information.

You can also view the License Agreement online here.

All the latest IK products versions do not require the iKey. However, if by any reason you are using a previous version that requires the iKey, you can install the program in as many as computers as you want, since you will be able to use it only in the one with the iKey connected to its USB port. iKey connected to its USB port.

FAQ ID 1113, 2008-03-25