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Quel préamp pour ce petit bijoux

  • 3 réponses
  • 3 participants
  • 1 447 vues
Sujet de la discussion Quel préamp pour ce petit bijoux
Bonjour à tous, est ce qu'un headway EDB-1 est l'idéal sachant qu'il ne fournit que 18V en alimentation au lieu des 48V nécessaires du DPA 4099G.
Merci pour votre retour
J'ai trouvé ça sur

As a direct box/eq they declared it better than good in fact he said I could quote him as saying he personally thought it was "stupid good!". DPA microphones, he says, work just fine at 18 volts phantom power and there is no possibility that this will cause any damage. There is a slight reduction in specs when used at that voltage level with the difference mostly being manifested by a slight increase in noise levels. Taking into account that this combination will be used almost exclusively in a live situation and that the increase is so small he said that it would not be noticeable. He then went on to say that they liked it so much that they are going to recommend it as "the best eq/direct box for use with their microphones in a live acoustic situation". He asked me if they could hang on to the EDB-1 they tested to use at the upcoming NAMM show to demo some new mics they are introducing and that they will be telling their dealers to point their customers to the EDB-1 as their first choice for live acoustic setups.

Donc oui ça colle bien a priori...

en fait le 18v permet beaucoup plus d'autonomie pour une qualité presque identique (utilisation concert intéressante). Le 48v reste la norme studio pour une qualité top irréprochable.
Rien n’empêche de se fournir une alim 48v a part (behringer PS 400)pour quelques euros en sup.
bonjour , j utilise le mien sur un preamp universal audio dcs qui possede une alim fantome 48v , c est vraiment un super mariage ?