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Fulltone OCD V1.4
Fulltone OCD V1.4

Overdrive guitare de la marque Fulltone

Prix public : 185 € TTC
Everlone Everlone

« Obsessed with the OCD. »

Publié le 05/07/11 à 19:03
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
The Fulltone OCD is an analog overdrive/distortion pedal capable of subtle overdrive tones up to higher gain drive tones. This pedal is capable of producing overdrive unlike any other pedal I have ever heard.


The controls on the OCD are standard for this type of pedal; drive, level, and tone. The OCD also has a two way, mini-toggle switch for “HP,” or high power mode, and “LP,” or low power mode. Setting it to HP increases the gain and the highs, while LP produces less intense tones. The pedal is pretty self-explanatory on its own, but the manual does give a little insight to the controls and design.


I used this pedal with a Gibson Les Paul Traditional Standard and a Fender Super Reverb 4x10. I have never heard a pedal produce such a full, fat overdrive tone before. The OCD is very touch sensitive and reacts very well to changes in guitar volume. I found excellent tones across the entire sweep of the gain knob, and the tone knob was great at sculpting the highs. I did not get to use this pedal as a boost into an already distorted amp, but this pedal has a ton of output and would definitely drive a medium gain amp into high gain territory.


My favorite thing about the OCD is its creamy, never ending, violin-like sustain. Like other Fulltone pedals, the build quality and components are excellent. I compared this pedal to the Fulltone Fulldrive II Mosfet, which was equally amazing, but comparing these two pedals would be like comparing apples and oranges. The Fulldrive is a supped up TS-9 with a boost, and the OCD is a high gain overdrive pedal. Both are amazing for the money, but the OCD has a special mojo about it that speaks to me.