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Mille veinards

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Sujet de la discussion Mille veinards
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Originally Posted by Uli Behringer View Post
Hi everyone,

I like to give you a quick feedback about the Neutron delivery situation. To date we have shipped around 1,000 units which went to different areas of the world. However like with the Model D, we have huge backorders and it will take time to fill them all.

For the past months the market has seen serious shortages of components due to increased demand for electronic consumer goods and especially electric cars.
Component prices for commodities such as resistors and capacitors have increased up to five fold with no ease in sight. In our 30 years of running our business we have frankly never seen anything like this.

This onging shortage of components is challenging and is causing manufacturing delays which we’re trying to mitigate as best as possible.

As always I like to thank you for your patience and support.


En gros, il y a mille Neutron qui sont partis vers les différents revendeurs.

Mais il ya pour l'instant une pénurie de résistances et de condensateurs due à la demande, entre autre celle de l'industrie automobile.

Ceci ne va pas arranger la production de Model D et de Neutron !

Voici un lien qui explique le problème en détail :
