Crash après mise à jour OS 1.5
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C'est une manip sans surprise pour moi et je venai d'ailleurs de mttre à jour mon Prophet 12 une heure avant, avec le même logiciel (MidiOX).
J'ai fait ça via USB, avec de gros buffers, et MidiOX n'a pas fait de message d'erreur. L'update s'est lancée, puis l'écran du Tetra a affiché "Writting". Vu que ça trainait, je suis allé faire autre chose pendant presque 2 heures, et quand je suis revenu, "writting" était toujours affiché. Vu qu'aucun bouton ne faisait réagir la bête et que ça sentait la machine figée à plein nez, j'ai fait ce qu'il me restait à faire : Débrancher le Tetra.
Horreur, malheur ! Celui-ci ne m'affiche maintenant plus qu'une ligne blanche dans l'afficheur, point barre. J'ai retenté la MAJ (en USB puis en midi avec un Midisport 2x2 au cas où le pilote usb ne serait plus reconnu faute d'OS valide) mais rien n'y fait, aucune réaction du Tetra qui reste 100% inanimé à part son écran allumé comme décrit précédemment.
A moins d'une manip magique, ça sent grave le réparateur, mais si vous avez une idée magique, je suis preneur...
Nord Stage 3 - Virus Ti2 desktop - Nord Modular G2 desktop
Attention : Il n'est pas conseillé de flasher soi-mêmele Tetra si son numéro de série est compris approximativement entre 1992 et 2138 (Source DSI).
Est-ce ton cas ?
J'ai mis à jour mes 3 Tetra à plusieurs reprises et sans problème (Upgrade et Downgrade) via le Midi.
Essaye en midi plutôt qu'en USB.
J'utilise actuellement le Voice 1.5.5 et l'OS 1.6.17.
Extrait du forum DSI :
ALWAYS BACKUP YOUR IMPORTANT WORK VIA SYSEX DUMP BEFORE ATTEMPTING ANY OS UPDATES!! Not that we're expecting bad things to happen, but it's better to be safe than sorry. These OS updates are labelled 'Beta' for a reason; there could be something small that was overlooked that didn't get caught in our testing. Just remember, you're never going to say to yourself "Man, I wish I hadn't backed that up..."
WARNING!!!: There is a bug relating to program loading and combo freezes that only happens in newer units and was due to an undocumented change in our microprocessors in the newer silicon. This has been corrected but a range of serial numbers (approx. 1992-2138) may freeze during the OS update because they don't have the new timing code but do have the newer silicon. In that case you will have to get it manually updated by either sending it to us; please send an email to if this happens to your Tetra so we can arrange to have it repaired
Currently you must update the OS using the hard MIDI IN port, MIDI over USB is not functional yet.
We do not recommend using the following MIDI interfaces for sysex transfers as we have had multiple users experience problems with them:
- Native Instruments Maschine
- Digidesign Mbox/Mbox2
- Digidesign 001/002
If you're on a Mac we recommend using SysEx Librarian to handle the update
- To configure SysEx Librarian:
- In 'Sysex Librarian->Preferences':
- In tab ‘General’ set ‘Pause between played messages’ to 1 second
- In tab ‘Transmit Speed’ set speed to 80%
- If you have trouble installing, first try setting transmit speed to alternate settings. We have had reports of speeds from 25% to 100% working for some users where 80% failed
- In 'Sysex Librarian->Preferences':
If you're on a PC we have had the best luck with SendSX and MIDI-OX. Both are free downloads and work across the Windows line of OS versions.
- To configure SendSX:
- Install the beta 1.30 version, not the 1.22, to give you more options for speed settings
- Make sure 'Split long sys ex messages' is off in the Options menu
- In 'Options->Settings' change the speed to ~80% (1.29KB/s works well for us here)
- If you have trouble installing, first try setting transmit speed to alternate settings. We have had reports of speeds from 25% to 100% working for some users where 80% failed
- To configure MIDI-OX:
- Install version 7; version works great here
- In View->Sysex then Sysex->’Configure…’
- Set the Low Level Output Buffers to Size: 1024 and Num: 1024
- Set ‘Delay Between Buffers’ to 375 milliseconds
- Check ‘Delay After F7’ and set delay to 1000 Milliseconds
- If the OS load countdown freezes before completing you'll need to change the buffer settings and try again
- Try doubling or quadrupling the Size setting to start, and halving/doubling the number of buffers
- If you experience problems loading the OS and have tried the alternate speed/buffer settings, try the other program. In some instances Send SX works where MIDI OX did not, and vice versa
You should see the display indicate that the OS is being received (if the screen is dark, just move the main volume knob slightly to bring it up). The Voice LEDs will flash once the Main OS is writing to memory. Do NOT turn the unit off while the LEDs are flashing as this could cause a bricked unit.
To check if the OS update was properly installed, power cycle the Tetra. The version of both the Main and Voice OS will be shown on the screen for a short time after powering up the Tetra.
If your OS update failed:
- Update your MIDI drivers for your MIDI interface to the latest or last known stable version
- Try alternate speed settings: transfer speed settings as low as 25% and as high as 100% have worked for some users when 80% did not
- Try an alternate MIDI interface. The M-Audio MIDI Sport Uno works well here and is relatively cheap
- In Windows with MIDI OX on Windows XP: Try doubling or quadrupling the Size setting to start, and halving/doubling the number of buffers
- Search google and/or forums for the company that produces your MIDI interface to see if other users are having similar problems with Sysex transfers and whether there is a solution specific to your interface
- If you are on Windows XP, try another OS or machine. Although it's not ideal, we have had less problems with Mac OSX and Windows 7. Windows XP has known issues with sysex transfers
[ Dernière édition du message le 29/09/2013 à 10:57:43 ]
Heureusement que j ai sauvé mes presets avant !
Merci pour l info.
Nord Stage 3 - Virus Ti2 desktop - Nord Modular G2 desktop
Loubard électronique
L0ubΔRd éLєcTЯФniqUΣ
Nord Stage 3 - Virus Ti2 desktop - Nord Modular G2 desktop
Turtle SPANK
Je viens d'avoir exactement le même problème… tu leur a envoyé un mail? Gratuit ; t'étais toujours sous garantie?
Bon à lire ce poste ce qui est rassurant c'est que le synth n'est pas mort mais ils t'ont expliqué le problème et la réparation?
Merci en tout cas car il n'y a pas grand chose sur le net à ce sujet
Nord Stage 3 - Virus Ti2 desktop - Nord Modular G2 desktop
Turtle SPANK
En résumez merci pour ce poste car au départ j’ai flippé mais quand j’ai lu tout ça ça m’a rassurer... et je confirme la mésaventure qui finalement se termine bien !
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