probleme avec le midi in et pour rentrer un signal audio
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bonjour a tous
nouvellement acquéreur du slim phatty, je viens de le brancher dans ma config (midi et audio) et j'avais réussis a travailler un peu avec.
j'ai fais un peu de réglage de paramètre, je l'éteins et le redémarre et oh! surprise! plus de commande midi.
c'est a dire que mon clavier maitre a beau lui envoyer des notes le SP ne sort rien, pire, on a l'impression qu'il ne reçois pas les notes midi, ce qui est faux puisque j'ai un un autre synthé au cul du SP (en midi) et qui lui reçois bien les notes que je lui envoie.
j'ai donc réinitialisé les paramètres d'usines pour être sur, mais rien n'y fait
est-ce que cela vous est déjà arrivé?
avez-vous une solution ou une méthode de test?
mon os est le 3.21.690
mon autre question concerne l'audio in, j'aimerais utiliser le SP pour filtrer par exemple un kick ou autre, je rentre donc mon signal avec le kick ou autre dans l'audio in du SP et rien ne sort et là par contre, je ne sais pas où chercher dans les menus, si quelqu'un a un tuto qui traine ou une méthode je suis preneur.
d'avance merci pour vos réponses
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Pour la 2e question, je sais pas trop vu que je ne possède pas (encore) de slim phatty, mais j'imagine qu'il y a peut-être un truc à régler/activer pour utiliser l'audio IN à la place des oscillateurs, non ?
re les gars
une partie de mon soucis est résolue, et je vous donne la combien car je ne vous cache pas que c'est bien tiré par les cheveux.
l'absence de signal midi était du au fait que j'avais allumé le séquenceur avant le SP.
pour faire simple, il faut allumé le SP en premier puis le séquenceur ou le clavier maitre.
si le SP est allumé après, ou redémarrer alors que le séquenceur ou le clavier maitre déjà sous tension, il considère que le midi passe a travers mais qu'il n'agit pas sur lui (le SP).
sinon je cherche toujours pour le signal externe, si une bonne âme avait un tuto ou une combine je lui en serait grandement reconnaissant
ça ne marche pas quand je ljoue une note:(
It can be helpful to start by saving a dedicated patch for use with external audio. You’ll want to turn the OSC 1 LEVEL and OSC 2 LEVEL parameters all the way down, so that you don’t hear the oscillators sound when you press a key. Turn the Filter CUTOFF all the way up to begin with, and the RESONANCE all the way down. Turn OVERLOAD all the way down so that you can set a good, undistorted level on your external audio material. There is no adjustment for the external audio level on the Little Phatty, so you will need to control the signal level externally. The audio input is designed to sound best with line-level signals. There is enough headroom so that you don’t have to worry if you want to crank up your external audio and overdrive the circuit for a crunchy, saturated sound. Set the output level on the device whose audio output is connected to the Little Phatty audio in jack so that the signal sounds good to your ears.
If you want to hear the external audio all the time without having to hold down a key on the keyboard, you can plug a dummy jack (or a patch cord with nothing connected to the other end) into the GATE CV input jack on the side of the Little Phatty. This will leave the Keyboard Gate open, and the volume envelope will remain at its Sustain level for as long as you like. Due to the design of the envelope circuits, you will need to turn the envelope DECAY parameter down below 12:00 in order for the sustain level to remain constant. If you hear the volume of your external signal slowly fading away, check to be sure the envelope DECAY parameters are not too high. Also, changes in the SUSTAIN level are smoothed out at a rate proportional to the DECAY time. If you change the SUSTAIN level and nothing seems to happen right away, you may want to lower the DECAY parameter for that envelope. We can use this behavior to our advantage, as I will discuss when we get to MIDI control.
So if you have your LP set up as I have described above, you now have a very nice filter box you can use with any monophonic audio signal. Listen to your external audio and experiment with tweaking the Filter CUTOFF and RESONANCE parameters. You may find that a certain fixed setting works well as a treatment for a whole recorded audio track, or another live instrument. You may spend hours just tweaking the filter cutoff in realtime, with a silly grin on your face. You can get even freakier with the filter by adding modulation; set the Little Phatty’s Modulation SOURCE to whatever you like and set the DESTINATION to Filter. Turn the Mod Wheel all the way up and then set the AMOUNT parameter until the amount of modulation is the maximum you want to hear for this sound. For alien burblings, you can set the Source to Osc.2 and then experiment with the Octave, Tuning, and Wave shape controls for Oscillator 2. You may need to turn up the Filter RESONANCE fairly high to bring out these filter frequency modulations to best effect. Even with low resonance settings you may get some interesting amplitude modulation effects on your external audio signal. You can apply simple filter sweeps by setting the Modulation Source to one of the LFO waveforms… although these can create strange artifacts as well if you turn the LFO RATE up high. One way you can have hands-on control of Filter Frequency and Resonance at the same time is to set up the modulation section with the Filter Envelope as the Source and Filter as the destination… this way you can tweak the filter cutoff with your left hand on the Mod Wheel, and you can set the Filter RAC knob to control Resonance with your right hand.
If you want to play another live instrument through the LP filter (Fender Rhodes perhaps?), you can plug a CV expression pedal like the Moog EP-1 into the FILTER CV input jack, and perform expressive filter sweeps with your foot while your hands are free for playing.
So while all of these controls are available for tweaking your external audio in real time, there is even more you can do when you add MIDI control. If you take out the dummy jack from the GATE CV input, then you will only hear your external audio through the Little Phatty’s filter and volume envelopes when a note is triggered. You can use these envelopes to shape the contours of the sound just as you would with a normal synthesizer patch. Most modern sequencer/DAW programs allow multiple channels of simultaneous audio and midi, with very low latency. My favorite trick is to drop a track of audio into my sequencer and send it to an auxiliary output from my sound card; connect this output to the Little Phatty’s audio input jack and the LP’s audio output to a main input on my sound card for recording.
I can then set up a MIDI track in sync with the audio, and use it to write sequenced gate and filter effects for the audio track that will match my mix exactly.
If you look in the Little Phatty manual on page 34, “How the LP Handles MIDI,” you will see the MIDI Continuous Controller (CC) numbers for all of the parameters recognized by the Little Phatty. You can sequence filter sweeps and stabs while you have long held MIDI notes playing (to leave the KB Gate/Volume Envelope open), or you can intersperse stuttery “trance gate” –style effects by sequencing many short notes or abrupt controller changes in whatever rhythmic patterns you like. You can draw slow modwheel-CC curves over top of the above for a more interesting, evolving sound. While the LP does not respond to CC7 (Master Volume), you should be able to simulate volume sweeps and swells by sequencing CC#30, Volume Envelope sustain level. Create soft notes from your external audio by sending a low value for CC#30 along with the note, and loud notes by sequencing a high value for CC#30 with the note. Remember that changes in the envelope sustain are affected by the Decay time, so you can in effect add “glide” to your envelope level changes by varying the Decay parameter from minimum to a longer setting. Minimum Decay allows near-instant (~1ms) changes to the Sustain level, while longer Decay times will add more of a glide to changes in the Sustain level. You can use this to sequence faster “notes” by gating the volume of your external signal, while your Filter envelope plays out a long, slow change. Set the Filter envelope so that it has the long rising and/or falling time that you would like, and send a long MIDI note to the Little Phatty so that it plays audio for the duration of the filter envelope sweep. Now over top of that note, you can send a series of rhythmic or stuttering pulses of CC#30 (Volume Envelope Sustain); everywhere this CC is high you will have a “note” of audio playing through your LP, and everywhere CC#30 is at zero will be a rest. You can adjust the Volume Envelope Decay parameter to get harder or softer attack on these pulses.
Lastly, you can use the Little Phatty’s audio input to expand the tonal palette of the synth’s own voice. The external audio is mixed with the oscillators just as an extra oscillator or noise source would be on a bigger synth. To create the “chiff” of a flute sound, you can connect a source of white noise to the external input (we, of course, recommend the ever-handy CP-251 for this). Set the filter envelope so that it begins with a brief spike up to a high cutoff frequency with a swift and steep decay down to a low filter sustain level. This will allow through a burst of the white nose at the beginning of a note, followed by a lower, breathy sustaining tone. Adjust the contours of the sound to your taste. You can also use the LP as an expansion module for another synth, new or old. Connect the output of the other synth to the LP External Audio input, and then control the LP from the other keyboard. If the other keyboard has MIDI, connect the MIDI out from the other keyboard to the MIDI IN on the Little Phatty and set their MIDI channels to match. If your other synth has Pitch/Gate CV outputs, you can control the LP with these voltages. Now you can blend the sound of your other synth with the LP’s oscillators and run the mix through the LP’s filter and envelopes for a totally new hybrid sound.
Courtesy Of AMOS cheers
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Joined: Wed Nov 08, 2006 7:55 am
Location: Canada
ok merci amigo je m'attelle a la lecture :-)
autre question, est-ce normal que le SP génère une 2eme note quand je relâche la note de mon clavier maitre?
salut a tous, après moulte test j'en ai conclu ceci (vous me dite si ça vous parle)
j'ai commencé par remettre la version 3.12 du soft (apparemment plus stable).
ensuite voici ma config :
mon clavier maitre (m-audio 61 touche) rentre en midi dans ma mpc 2000XL, de ma mpc, je ressort en midi pour attaquer le SP, pour pouvoir faire jouer le SP par la mpc et ainsi triturer le son en live, jusque là sur le papier ça ne pose pas de soucis dans ma tête puisque c'est ce que je fais avec le reste de mon kit.
résultat, quand je joue en live avec le clavier maitre en faisant tourner une boucle (par exemple de drum) sur la mpc, aucun soucis, le SP réagis normalement comme il doit le faire, en revanche si j'enregistre un track midi dans la mpc et que je fais jouer cette track au SP, il commence a jouer une note tout seule et se décale dans la restitution de la partition.
cette note je ne peux l'arrêter qu'en faisant un all note off depuis mon clavier, ou en activant et désactivant l'arpégiator dans le SP.
du coup c'est pas pratique du tout pour jouer avec les tracks (je veux me servir de ce synthé pour des basses et pour faire glitch chelou), or pour ça il faut qu'il m'obéisse.
pour info cette technique de record de track je l'expérimente depuis pas mal d'année avec mes autres synthé et cela n'a jamais posé ce genre de soucis.
je pense que j'ai un parametre mal configuré dans le SP.
donc si l'un de vous connais cette bécane et a une petite technique de sioux, je suis preneur
d'avance merci les gars
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