Mise à jour 4.0.0[6] de l'Eventide Space
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Mais elle est dans la rubrique TimeFactor, alors qu'elle concerne aussi la Space. J'ouvre donc ce topic pour le préciser et pour parler de cette mise à jour, comment la faire et ce qu'elle apporte.
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Pour faire cette mise à jour, commencez par vous inscrire sur le site de Eventide (gratuit, bien sûr), puis à enregistrer votre pédale d'effet. On vous demande où vous l'avez achetée et quel est son numéro de série. Ensuite, downloadez l'utilitaire de mise à jour.
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- détecter votre Space. Il vous indique quel soft est installé.
- chercher quelle mise à jour est éventuellement disponible sur le site (il va chercher tout seul, pas besoin de lancer un navigateur).
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Après cette phase de mise à jour un peu pénible, mais simple, voici à quoi vous aurez droit:
Citation :
Changes in Version 4.0.0[6]
New Features:
- INF and FREEZE options added to 9 of the 12 SPACE algorithms.
- INF causes the reverb to persist indefinitely while continuously layering in the input signal.
- FREEZE kicks the reverb into infinite decay mode while locking out the reverb input. The dry signal is routed in parallel with the 'frozen' reverb section.
- Each algorithm imparts its own flavor to the FREEZE function, allowing the parallel dry signal to be effected with another reverberated sound, delay, modulation, etc.
- INF and FREEZE are accessed by Parameter Knobs and therefore can be controlled via HotSwtich, Expression Pedal, or MIDI.
Details on the specific action of the INF and FREEZE function for each of the 9 algorithms:
Hall: INF and FREEZE on all 3 Decay knobs. Use the Decay Knob to select INF or Freeze for the entire (full bandwidth) reverb. This allows you to solo over the reverb with a dry parallel signal. Use the Xnob or Ynob to freeze individual either low or high frequency bands of the reverb and solo over the frozen reverb band with a reverberated parallel signal.
Plate: INF and FREEZE on the Decay knob. This allows for a Plate slap sound over the frozen reverb.
DualVerb: INF and FREEZE on both Decay knobs (Xnob for B-decay). Also, during FREEZE the A/B mixer on FxMix is post for the frozen reverb (it is usually a pre-reverb input mixer). This allows for a myriad of options between freezing one reverb, or both, and mixing between the two.
Reverse: INF and FREEZE on the Size knob, which affect the forward reverb. This allows for reverse reverb climbs with feedback delay all in parallel with the frozen reverb section.
ModEchoVerb: FREEZE added to the Decay knob. The signal is rerouted during FREEZE to allow for parallel modulation and/or delay over the frozen section. We also added a Reverb OFF option to the Decay knob, so you can have delay and/or modulation alone.
BlackHole: INF and FREEZE on the FxMix knob.
TremoloVerb: INF and FREEZE on the Decay knob. We also made the EQ post reverb so the EQ will now affect the frozen sound (the manual says it's supposed to be anyway, but it wasn't).
DynaVerb: INF and FREEZE on the Decay knob, so you can duck, expand, or gate an infinite reverb with your input signal.
Shimmer: PITCH FREEZE and PTCH+VRB FRZ on the FxMix knob. PITCH FREEZE locks out the pitch shifters, but feeds the reverb, allowing you to freeze the Shimmer pitch climb at opportune times. PTCH+VRB FREEZE freezes everything, pitch and reverb for dry soloing on top of the frozen reverb.
Bug Fixes:
- Blackhole: Fixed bug in which dry output 1 was -3dB compared to dry output 2.
- DualVerb: Makes dual mono actually be dual mono on input and not just the output.
- TremoloVerb: Now a true stereo reverb.
- DynaVerb: Omnipressor ONLY mode can now be accessed via fine tuning with encoder.
- Shimmer: Fine tuning of PitchDecay now works.
- TremoloVerb: Spillover no longer looses rhythm when switching presets.
- ModEchoVerb: Fixed bug in which the tempo-mode note-values for Echo were not correct making the delays sound out of time.
- Improved MIDI clock IN performance.
- Improved clock filter (CLK FLT). In previous versions, when clock filter was enabled, locking was slowed down.
Les principales nouveautés sont donc des réglages INF et FREEZE sur la plupart des algorithmes. Le fait d'avoir accès à l'Omnipressor seul sur l'algorithme Dynaverb est aussi intéressant.
ONE 00000001
je trouve pas la MAJ
ils proposent que les MAJ de l'H9, meme quand tu filtre en selectionnant "SPACE"
hate de tester ca
un peu galere pour detecter ma space . m'y suis pris a pls reprises.
Bonne freezette dans l'espace
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Oui je pense qu'on a pas mal de truc en commun mais on est tous les 2 des ours qui cachent leur MATOS dans leur taverne ( " ....... N'a pas souhaité rendre public la liste de etc ...@ )
Normal qu'on ait des trucs en commun . Moi j'achète tout simplement ce qui se fait de mieux dans un domaine la plupart du temps et j'imagine donc que toi aussi
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