[News] Sony ACID Pro 7
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Audio Chiropractor
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(ca permet de deporter le plug sur un 2eme ecran)
c'est figé les fenetre qui est impossible
visualisé plusieur plug en meme temps
cubase sx le fais avec la fonction (toujours devant)
Citation : visualisé plusieur plug en meme temps
Ah ok ... compris ... oui, c'est vrai ... je ne sais pas si c'est possible ou non ?
J'ai commencé à travailler avec la V7 pour voir...
ça a l'air pas mal du tout et perso, je n'ai pas eu de plantages sérieux du au soft (mais j'ai pas encore commencé à l'exploiter avec des VSTi)
Citation : Notable Fixes/Changes in Version 7.0a
The élastique plug-in has been updated for improved performance.
When the Close audio and MIDI ports when ACID is not the active application check box in Preferences > General is selected, external control is also suspended when ACID is not active.
When you edit a clip in an external editor, audio, MIDI, and external control hardware is released regardless of the Close audio and MIDI ports when ACID is not the active application check box setting. The ports are re-enabled when focus is restored to ACID.
The Save each track as a separate file check box is now available when rendering projects that contain video. When this check box is selected, each rendered track will contain the video strream as long as the rendering template is configured to render video. Fixed a bug that could cause ACID to crash when switching between audio devices.
Fixed a problem that could prevent metronome countoff from working correctly.
Fixed a bug that could produce an incorrect recording when changing your project bit depth or sample rate while a track is armed.
Fixed several bugs that could occur when using ACID as a ReWire device.
Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when routing an input bus's input and output to hardware ports.
Fixed a bug that caused an error when rendering to WAV format with rendering templates that use the GSM 6.10 format.
When saving projects with soft synth automation, envelope fade types are now preserved.
Fixed a bug that caused all uncategorized plug-ins to be moved when moving a single VSTi plug-in from the No Category folder to a user folder.
Fixed a bug that caused plug-ins to sort slowly in the Plug-In Manager window.
Fixed a bug that prevented peak meters in the Mixing Console window from resetting when stopping playback.
Fixed a bug that prevented control surface channel-tracking indicators from being displayed in the Mixing Console window.
Fixed a bug that could prevent the Mixing Console from saving its size and layout after restarting ACID.
Fixed a bug that could cause Beatmapped events to be offset when dragging events on the timeline.
Fixed a bug that could cause ACID to hang when changing a track's color.
Fixed a bug that prevented single-tempo Beatmapped clips from updating their tempo correctly when using the Initial tempo (BPM) control on the Stretch tab of the Clip Properties dialog.
Comme on peut le constater ... la plupart des problèmes exposés sur les forums officiels ont fait l'objet d'un traitement rapide des dévelopeurs ... ça c'est bien cool !
J'attendais que les choses rentre dans l'ordre pour l'essayer.
Pour info, la demo est aussi en 7a ... donc logiquement, les risques de plantages sont aujourd'hui sérieusement réduits. Je m'en vais l'essayer cet semaine
Pas de plantage, très stable, reste plus qu'à trouver du feedback d'utilisateurs de cartes UAD et à faire fonctionner mon alphatrack avec (ça devrait le faire en mode mackie mais j'ai pas encore essayé)
> bref, je crois que je vais pas tarder à l'acheter.
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