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Reason Studios Reason 3.0
Reason Studios Reason 3.0

Séquenceur électro de la marque Reason Studios appartenant à la série Reason


Reason 3.0.2 is ready

  • 82 réponses
  • 15 participants
  • 2 138 vues
Sujet de la discussion Reason 3.0.2 is ready
Ca y est ! La mise à jour de Reason 3.0 est enfin disponible en téléchargement sur le site des propellerhead

Citation : Reason 3.0.2 is available for download. This is a maintenance update for Reason 3.0 users that brings enhanced performance and stability and a few new additions.

Additions in Reason 3.0.2

* Added Remote support for the Frontier Design Group TranzPort wireless controller
* Added Remote support for the M-Audio Ozonic
* Track mute and solo for selected track now controllable from Remote

Fixes in Reason 3.0.2
This is a list of issues in Reason 3.0 that were fixed in the 3.0.2 update:

Keyboard Control
There was a problem with Keyboard Control in 3.0 that could get Reason to crash, now fixed. Therefore, loading songs produced in 3.0 in version 3.0.2 will clear any Keyboard Control mappings.

Pattern Change Automation
There were some issues with automating pattern changes in 3.0 that made some songs play back differently than in Reason 2.5. Since we now have fixed this, some songs produced in Reason 3.0 will now play back differently in 3.0.2.

Triggering the RV7000 Gate
The function that triggers the RV7000 Gate via MIDI didn't work at all.

"Bad Format" when opening NN-XT patches or songs
If an NN-XT patch references samples with names (or folder names) that include exotic characters, the patch may not load properly in Reason 3.0. This is fixed in 3.0.2.

Remote Override of Dr.REX Preview
Remote Override mappings for the Dr.REX Preview button were lost when opening a song. This is fixed in 3.0.2.

Replace mode recording
Recording in Replace mode played back the notes being overwritten. This is now fixed. Note that replace recording is only activated for automation data after the automated controller is modified.

Loud noise when playing back in Loop mode
When playing back an NN-XT patch with Loop activated on the transport bar, the NN-XT could in Reason 3.0 produce a loud transient noise at the loop end position. Fixed.

"Unknown Exception" on startup (Windows only)
A few Reason and Reason Adapted users got an "Unknown Exception" alert when trying to launch Reason 3.0. This was caused by incorrect handling of ReWire and/or REX dll files already installed with missing or corrupt version information. Fixed.

"Internal Error" when opening a Reason song in ReWire mode (Windows only)
When using Reason with a ReWire host and attempting to load songs or patches with a very large number of samples (e.g. Reason Drum Kits patches), some users got an "Internal Error" alert in Reason 3.0. Fixed.

No hard drives shown in the Browser (Windows only)
Under some circumstances, the browser in Reason 3.0 would not show hard drives under My Computer. Fixed.

New files not shown in the Browser (Windows only)
Some users found that newly created files were not shown in the Reason 3.0 browser. Fixed.

Wrong file dates and times shown in the Browser (Windows only)
The Reason 3.0 browser showed all file dates using GMT time, instead of local time. Fixed.

Automation of Combinator controls
When you automated a Combinator control (button or rotary) and played back the automation in Reason 3.0, there was a tiny delay before the Combinator passed on the information to the devices within it. Fixed.

Pattern device Resolution can no longer be remoted
The Resolution parameter on the Redrum and Matrix could not be controlled remotely. Fixed.

Hard to edit sequencer data during playback
In Reason 2.5, "Follow Song" was temporarily disabled when you pressed the mouse button. This feature did not work properly in Reason 3.0, but is now fixed.

Program continues to draw or move data just after I release the mouse button (Mac only)
The program was slow to react when the user released the mouse button. This has been addressed and is much better in 3.0.2. This can unfortunately still be noticeable on lower performing computers.

Remote issues
For some users with M-Audio Radium keyboards, the Remote implementation doesn't work properly in Reason 3.0. It turns out there are two different Radium models, with different settings in factory preset 1 (just like Oxygen 8). Reason 3.0.2 includes support for both the old and the new Radium models.

Performance problems
Several performance and CPU usage issues with Reason 3.0 have been found. There were for example problems with certain settings on the MClass Equalizer, the DLL-1 delay and the Subtractor's noise generator, which could all cause occasional high loads on the CPU. All these issues and many more have been isolated and fixed in 3.0.2.

Overall performance optimizations
All components of the audio engine and the user interface have gone through extensive profiling which has significantly increased performance of Reason 3.0.2 compared to 3.0.
We have also been able to optimize sample loading performance so that loading times for samples have decreased further in Reason 3.0.2.

All in all we are extremely thankful for all the help from our dedicated beta testers. We're happy and proud to release the best version of the best music software product in the known universe. Thank you all!

La bête pèse 102 mb pour windows et 112 pour Mac OS X

Edit : le Refill Packer passe aussi en 3.0.2
Afficher le sujet de la discussion
Mais est ce que ça vient uniquement avec le metronome Reason ce prob ou bien est ce le tempo en général ? Par exemple si tu marques le tempo avec une grosse caisse ou un charlé pour voir .. est ce que c'est le même bordel ?

Citation : si tu marques le tempo avec une grosse caisse ou un charlé pour voir .. est ce que c'est le même bordel ?

Hey, bonne remarque :clin: Je testerai ça avec lui quand il rentrera de vacances !
Oui mais toi même si tu fais ce que j'ai dit là, est ce que tu remarques quelque chose ? Parce que tu semblais dire que c'était perceptible à l'oreille, du moins à ton oreille...mais uniquement quand y'a le metro ou pas ?
Non ça a pas l'air. En fait c'est sur des songs à moi sans le clic que j'ai l'impression que ça varie (même si cette variation est très minime, et non ce n'est pas un sample qui se répète avec un léger décalage :mrg: )
Ben non quand même hein ! Ca t'aurait quand même paru évident ... :8)
Perso avec mon mac aussi je vois pas de difference !! ça marchait trop bien avant , et ça marche trop bien maintenant aussi ! ....... je trouve ça bizarre avec le prof de percus ça m'intrigue ce truc ! t'es sur qu'il est bon ton prof??? parce que des gens qui se disent prof y'en as beaucoup ! j'en ai fais moi meme l'experience! je pense le mieux serais de synchroniser avec deux ordis pour voir comme deux platines au moin tu le saurais , quelques fois les machine de marques differentes n'ont pas la meme horloge ! a savoir d'ou ça vient je sais pas ! alors avec deux logiciels identique tu verra la difference.

imac i5 , logic studio 9 , motu BPM , korg microkontrol , reason 4


Citation : je trouve ça bizarre avec le prof de percus ça m'intrigue ce truc ! t'es sur qu'il est bon ton prof???

Même... pas besoin d'être prof pour avoir le sens du rythme et du tempo.. J'pense pas que ce soit anodin quand même en ce qui concerne le cas de Kurt, y' a un truc qui déconne surement mais bon quoi...
Salut, je travail avec reason et je voudrai avoir quelques contact msn qui font de meme pour pouvoir s'entraider en cas de souci ;)

a plus
Ca devient un sacré sport Reason si faut s'entrainer ! héhé.. :mdr:
Oups .. s'entraider ...Bon c'est pareil ... :lol: :8)
Ben le forum c'est pas mal pour ça non ?