Sujet de la discussionPosté le 17/05/2003 à 22:10:09New free VSTi PQN AUDIO Mopar V1.0 released.
Mopar combines a phase distorsion oscillator whith a soundfont oscillator to produce cool pads or more...
Mopar has been made with SynthEdit.
Osc1 has 8 waveforms (saw, square, pulse, double sine, saw-pulse, reso 1, reso 2 and reso3). These are the waveforms you obtain when the modulation level is at its maximum. At its minimum, the oscillator produce a sine wave. The modulation level can be modulated by a filter and by the LFO.
Osc2 has 6 waveforms (choir, brass, accordion, organ, dream and strings).
The 2 oscillators share the same amplitude envelope (ADSR). You can adjust the volume of each oscillator separatly.
You can also adjust the master volume and the bender range (from 1 to 12 semitones) and the portamento time.
Mopar has a polyphony of 8 voices, receive midi data on channels 1 to 16, , has pitchbend and velocity sensitivity, Mopar responds also to those midi CC :
CC01 : raise the Modulation level
Mopar comes with 16 cool internal presets. These presets are also available as a standard VST bank file : "Mopar bank 0.fxb" (in the zip file with the dll).