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Ableton Live 8
Ableton Live 8

Séquenceur généraliste de la marque Ableton appartenant à la série Live 8

Crash "Out Of Memory" en rewire

  • 2 réponses
  • 1 participant
  • 1 540 vues
  • 1 follower
Sujet de la discussion Crash "Out Of Memory" en rewire
Je bosse avec Cubase en surface principale, avec Ableton 8.3.4 en rewire sur pc 8Go de RAM, et depuis quelques temps, ( a vrai dire depuis que j'ai installé l update de cubase 6.5) , je subi des crash de ableton qui doit couper net aprés le message "Out Of memory... etc"
Cubase n'a aucun souci quand çà crashe, et la mémoire cpu ne sature pas non plus, mais je suis obligé de le couper avec un bon vieux -control+alt+supr- car il ne peut pas se fermer normallement si il détecte toujours une application rewire active ( en l occurence , mon ableton planté).

J ai deja fait l'opération sur windows 7 pour passer de 2Go a 3 Go de mémoire utilisable en tappant dans l invité de commande :
BCDEDIT /Set IncreaseUserVa 3072

mais le problème persiste....:(((
Aprés je ne sais pas si il y aurait des paramètres a modifier, que ce soit dans windows, cubase ou ableton
Y a t'il quelqu'un qui aurait déja eu ce type de problème ?
du coup j' ai trouvé çà, mais je fais deja la plupart des conseils qu ils donnent...

Citation :
Why do 'Out of Memory' crashes occur?

Live doesn't know how much of the memory reserved for its operation is already filled. With the scenarios described above - having RAM mode enabled for too many audio clips and/or working with large sample libraries, it's very easy to reach the limits.
Now, performing any action in Live that needs more memory than currently available might result in a crash. These actions could be:
Editing operations on clips and tracks (e.g. Copy, Cut, Duplicate)
Adding more samples
Adding devices or presets
Live Set RAM optimizations and workarounds

Flattening tracks that contain said memory consuming devices frees up memory.
First, freeze the tracks.
The Flatten command then replaces any original clips with the audio files created by the freezing and then removes the devices and the samples from the Set.
If a Set containing memory consuming devices already crashes on loading, it can be restored like this:
Open an empty Live Set.
Locate the problematic Live Set (*.als file) in Live's browser.
Unfold it by clicking the little arrow on *als file - all the tracks contained in this Set are shown now.
Import one track of the Set via double click or drag'n'drop into the empty Live Set.
Now, freeze and then flatten the imported track.
Proceed with the next and following tracks.
If a Set containing many (large) audio clips with enabled RAM mode crashes on loading, it can be restored like this:
Open an empty Live and unfold the problematic Live Set in Live's browser as described above.
Import a track containing clips via double click or drag'n'drop into the empty Live Set.
For all audio clips, turn the RAM switch in their Sample display off.
Proceed with the next and following track.
Save the new Set.

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