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Apple Logic Pro 8
Apple Logic Pro 8

Séquenceur généraliste de la marque Apple appartenant à la série Logic

Adyssey Beats Adyssey Beats

« A Great Digital Audio Workstation »

Publié le 26/06/12 à 07:12
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
Getting Apple's Logic Pro 8 installed on my Mac was a piece of cake, and there were understandably no compatibility issues. Although I can't speak to the benefits of the manual, it is a fairly straightforward piece of software if you've used a Digital Audio Workstation before. Yet, like all other DAWs, to really crack the intricacies of the program takes time. I resorted to teaching myself through tutorials online and reading forums that addressed specific issues with the use of Logic Pro 8 and recommend this technique.


On my MacBook Pro, operating with a 2.7Ghz Intel Core i7 processor and 4GBs of RAM, Logic Pro 8 runs fairly well, depending on how many tracks you have with how many plug-ins, etc. I have had it crash on me a couple times, but the program autosaves a fair amount to prevent you tearing out your hair if it crashes and looses all of your hard work. I've been using this DAW for the last three years, mainly as a recording and mastering tool, and have enjoyed my time using it.


Overall Logic Pro 8 is a very versatile, capable Digital Audio Workstation that can open your productions up to a world of possibilities. Although I prefer to sequence and perform my music using Ableton Live 8, I really enjoy using Logic to record vocals with and master my music in. Whatever you use it for, it is a reliable system whose only down-fall is its singular compatibility with Macs. I'm sure I would be angry if I had a PC..