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Digidesign Pro Tools 6
Digidesign Pro Tools 6

Séquenceur généraliste de la marque Digidesign appartenant à la série Pro Tools 6


  • 2 réponses
  • 2 participants
  • 430 vues
Sujet de la discussion Synchro.
Ciao a ts! J arrive pas à trouver comment synchroniser Ptools avec 1 hardware externe (forcémt..) via midi...
j imagine ke c pas l enigme du mois..mais merci d avance!!
Extrait de l'answerbase Digi :
Au depart c'est pour un V880, mais le principe est le même pour (en gros) tous les appareils a synchroniser en midi.

How do I sync my Roland VS-880 and record into Pro Tools LE using Digi 002 for Windows XP?

Recording from a ROLAND VS-880 Digital recorder to Pro Tools/Windows XP, Digi 002

VS-880 (master)
Pro Tools (slave)

S/PDIF OUT of Roland VS-880 > S/PDIF IN (white) of Digi 002.
MIDI OUT of Roland VS-880 > MIDI IN of Digi 002.
If the VS-880 supports Optical S/PDIF (2 channels of optical)
Optical OUT of VS-880 > Optical IN (no Red light) of Digi 002.

1) Launch a Pro Tools session. Make sure that bit depth and sample rate match between Pro Tools and the VS-880.
2) Windows Menu > Show Session Setup.
3) Clock for Optical (S/PDIF) connection = Optical. Or Clock for S/PDIF connection = S/PDIF.
Make sure that the Start time and Incoming Time Code are the same, or that Start Time is a little ahead of Current Time.

If using the S/PDIF Connections of the VS-880
- Setups Menu > Hardware > Set Digital Input to RCA = S/PDIF, Optical = ADAT.
- Setups Menu > I/O Setups > Click on Input Tab > Click on Default button to Reset I/O's > OK.
4) Create audio tracks. File Menu > New Track. Set inputs for the record tracks (S/PDIF connection): S/PDIF L and S/PDIF R.

If using the Optical connection from the VS-880
- Setups Menu > Hardware > Set Digital Input to Optical = S/PDIF, RCA = OFF.
- Setups Menu > I/O Setups > Click on Input Tab > Click on Default button to Reset I/O's > OK.
5) Inputs for the record tracks (S/PDIF - Optical connection): S/PDIF L (Opt) and S/PDIF R (Opt).
6) In Pro Tools: Setups > Peripherals > Synchronization Tab: device = Generic MTC reader. Port = ANY or Digi 002.
7) Setups > Preferences > Operation Tab: Select Record Online at Insertion/Selection.
8) Set to ONLINE (enable the little blue clock on left side of Pro Tools transport), Transport = Pro Tools; and press record button. Both Online and Record button will flash until sync begins.
9) Press play on the VS-880 and Pro Tools will sync and go into record after Pro Tools receives incoming time code.

1) Set to Master
2) Sync Mode = Internal
3) select MTC for MIDI OUT connector
4) MTC Type = 30 (fps).
Ah ouais qt meme! Merci Karma!