[News] Steinberg Nuendo 3.2
- 10 réponses
- 5 participants
- 6 235 vues
Los Teignos
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Membre depuis 22 ans
Sujet de la discussion Posté le 11/10/2005 à 11:40:50[News] Steinberg Nuendo 3.2
Steinberg vient de présenter la version de 3.2 de Nuendo à la 119ème convention de l'AES à New York. Au programme, de nouvelles fonctionnalités concernant, principalement, la gestion de la 'Control Room'.
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Le GIEC chiffre à 3,3 milliards le nombre de victimes du réchauffement climatique. On en parle ?
- 1
- 2
Je poste, donc je suis
Membre depuis 22 ans
2 Posté le 11/10/2005 à 11:56:11
Bien le talkback !
VIM qui n'a jamais eu son tee-shirt...
Nouvel·le AFfilié·e
Membre depuis 19 ans
3 Posté le 11/10/2005 à 11:59:35
Je l'ai toujours dit =>
N U E N D O R U L Z Z !!!
N U E N D O R U L Z Z !!!
Posteur·euse AFfamé·e
Membre depuis 21 ans
4 Posté le 12/10/2005 à 16:56:57
Ouais ca risque d'etre pas mal mais j'attends comme beaucoup toujours une version de N3 un minimum débuggée car avec la 3.1 ils ont fait fort!!!
Ca me rappelle la bonne époque de cubase vst!!!
Enfin, heureusement que la derniere version de N2 marche (presque) correctement.
Ca me rappelle la bonne époque de cubase vst!!!
Enfin, heureusement que la derniere version de N2 marche (presque) correctement.
Nouvel·le AFfilié·e
Membre depuis 19 ans
5 Posté le 12/10/2005 à 17:02:45
Qu'est ce que tu rencontres commes bugs dans la 3.1 ?
Moi elle tourne pas trop mal pour le moment.
Ou alors serait-ce elle qui vient de me faire 2 plantages successifs avec gel de l'ecran, ou t'es obligé de faire un gros RESET ?
Moi elle tourne pas trop mal pour le moment.
Ou alors serait-ce elle qui vient de me faire 2 plantages successifs avec gel de l'ecran, ou t'es obligé de faire un gros RESET ?
Posteur·euse AFfamé·e
Membre depuis 21 ans
6 Posté le 12/10/2005 à 17:24:30
Il y a énormément de discussions en ce moment sur les forums cubase et nuendo car les version 3.1 plantent aléatoirement sur des systemes en hyperthreading.
Obligé pour l'instant de désactiver l'HT pour faire tourner rien qu'une piste audio en stereo sans planter l'application!!!
Sinon voici les bugs référencés (pour l'instant):
Désolé, ca fait tres long mais ce qui me fait hurler c'est que sur le forum, les bugs ne sont visibles que par les utilisateurs enregistrés (donc qui ont acheté Nuendo et qui découvrent alors cette jolie liste!)
Enfin, pour ma part évidemment que les 4/5émes de ces bugs ne me concernent pas (ca dépends de l'utilisation qu'on en fait) mais par exemple la fonction placer en avant plan/arriere plan ne marche plus et ca je m'en sers dès que j'ouvre une session, de plus les fonctions alt+tab ; ctl+F3 et alt+F3 sont cassées.
Enfin je pourrais continuer comme ca pendant longtemps mais on a tous mieux a faire
This document describes issues you may encounter using Nuendo 3.1 as well as possible workarounds.
1. [PC-only] Inserting Wavelab Leveler plug-in may cause crash.
-Do not use this plug-in outside Wavelab.
2. [Mac only] Project files saved with Nuendo 3.0 show file info "Nuendo 2.xx document" but they are actually not compatible with Nuendo 2.x.
-This can occur if a previous Nuendo version is installed on the computer.
3. [Mac only] Performance / Playback problem due to sample rate mismatch between Nuendo and the audio card. If your audio interface is clocked externally (e.g. via Word Clock), Nuendo might not take notice of sample rate changes (e.g. from 48 KHz to 44.1 KHz), which will disturb the audio playback.
-Make sure the sample rate is properly set in the Project Setup.
4. [Mac only] Using Magneto with an Audio Buffer Size of 2048 samples will result in a unexpected quit of the application.
-If you use Magneto, choose an Audio Buffer Size between 64 and 1024 samples in the Multitrack device setup.
5. [Mac only] Program can crash when a project is closed that uses the plugin "VST Dynamics".
-Use "Dynamics" plugin instead.
6. [Mac only] Tempo Browser: Copy/Paste function doesn’t work for multiple Time Signature Events.
-Time Signature Events have to be copied individually.
7. [Mac only] Changing paper sizes has side effects. The layout isn't adjusted to fit the new size.
-Adjust layout again.
8. [Mac only] Importing MP2 file while Autoplay is running crashes the application.
-Hit Stop at Prelisten Section before opening the file.
9. OMF export fails if multichannel events are included. The log file states "could not export media".
-OMF cannot export multichannel files. Simply exclude the multichannel track from your export.
10. "When exporting OMF with option "Copy" or "Consolidate" activated, fades on top of realtime streams (e.g. volume envelopes, warped material) are not exported."
-Bounce affected parts / events previously to export.
11. Exporting OMF, AES31, OpenTL or AAF with any pull up/down option enabled in the Project Setup will result in non-usable exports.
-In order to avoid this please switch off all pull settings in the Project Setup before exporting:
1) In the Project Setup set the pull factor to off.
2) In the next dialog "Do you want to keep audio events at their sample position?" Choose: “Yes”
3) Export the project in OMF, AES31, OpenTL or AAF.
4) In the Project Setup dialog set the pull factor back to the desired setting.
5) In the next dialog "Do you want to keep audio events at their sample position?" Choose “Yes”
12. Network Collaboration: In complex projects problems can occur when individual tracks are set to "override track permissions". Tracks committed by clients to the owner can cause reordering of tracks in the owner project and also remove tracks from the owner project."
-Disconnect the owner project (unshare) and re-assign the tracks to the users. If problem persists, globally share the project instead of providing individual track permissions.
13. Timing problems if multiple computers are synchronized via a System Link chain (open loop). Also happening when using the TimeBase Synchronizer as System Link Master. The computers ""later"" in the chain may play MIDI inaccurately and Cycle does not work."
-Use MTC for synchronizing systems in an open loop.
14. "When exporting OMF, OpenTL, AES31, AAF with option ""Copy"" or ""Consolidate"" activated, fades on top of realtime streams (e.g. volume envelopes, warped material) are not exported."
-Bounce affected parts / events previously to export.
15. If you import an OMF file when the project is set to Pull Down, then all audio comes in out of sync. Nuendo isn't compensating for Pull down on OMF import.
-Reset your pull settings before importing the OMF file.
16. Import Premiere Generic EDL fails.
-Use AAF format instead.
17. Loading two Nuendo projects and editing them in the score editor at the same time (switching between the projects) creates various problems.
-Edit only one project in the score editor per time.
18. Problems when 2 workstations share a project via network collaboration and also share the same project folder on a server.
-Create a new folder for each client - that can be in the project folder as well.
19. Rewire Slave may switch sample rate on launching Rewire Slave.
-Assure that Nuendo and Rewire slave have the same sample rate settings.
20. The Matrix Decoder PlugIn may crash Nuendo when it gets inserted in a 5.1 Audio Channel Insert.
-Make sure that in the PlugIn Information Window the Matrix Decoder is set to "Old Host Behaviour".
21. Wavelab 5 can not import AES31 file from Nuendo which are longer than around six and a half hours in duration.
-Divide long projects (longer than six hours) if you want to use Nuendo AES31 files in Wavelab 5.
22. Network Collaboration: Using Nuendo 3.1 in a network collaboration with earlier versions of Nuendo leads to crashes.
-Networking with different versions of Nuendo is not possible. Please use Nuendo 3.1 on all involved computers.
23. Open TL exports always result in 16 bit audio files.
-This is by design - Open TL consolidates to 16 bit. To work around this, please use the option to copy or reference the media.
24. Freeze: Frozen tracks follow tempo changes according to the event/part display but the audio actually is not adapted to the tempo changes.
-Don't change tempo, if your project contains frozen tracks.
25. If multiple MIDI parts are opened together in the Key Editor using CTRL-A, tracks that are in In-Place-Editor mode will not be included.
-Deselect all EVENTS and select all TRACKS before opening the Key Editor.
26. "Save project to new folder": A conflict exist in combination with "minimize files" and realtimetimestrech tool. Stretched audio events will be shifted in tune in new project.
-Don't use "minimize files" in this case.
27. Adding a very high number of tracks (audio or MIDI) at once can cause temporary unresponsiveness of the program.
-Add less tracks at once, e.g. groups of 20 tracks at a time.
28. Audio streaming performance via network can be lower compared to earlier versions of the application.
-Reduce track count or partly stream from local disk.
29. Automation problems on plugins in Output Bus Channels. Plugin automation is not read in realtime correctly.
-Make sure that the parent Output Bus Channel is set to WRITE mode before the Plugin itself is set to read.
30. "Timing problems if multiple computers are synchronized via a System Link chain (open loop). The computers "later" in the chain may play MIDI inaccurately and Cycle does not work."
-Use MTC for synchronizing systems in an open loop.
31. Adding a MIDI Track can disturb the audio engine: ASIO Sample rate can be changed or lost. If a Direct Music MIDI port (example: MIDEX 8) is opened for the first time (e.g. by adding a MIDI track), it may happen that Windows Direct Music causes a short system halt, which can disturb the audio engine.
-Go to Device Setup/VST Multitrack and execute Reset.
32. Adjustments made on a remote controller affect real-time audio mixdown.
-Don´t make adjustments on the remote controller during realtime audio mixdown.
33. Audio output problems (Sound gets distorted) after program has been running for several hours.
-Use "Reset" function in Device Setup/VST Audio Bay.
34. Automation with the UAD Fairchild plugin can lead to crash sometimes.
-Install an update of UAD Fairchild plugin once available.
35. Crossfading events on lower lanes in the audio part editor does not work correctly. This happens when only one of two events to be crossfaded is selected.
-Make sure both events that shall be crossfaded are selected.
36. Deactivating a "DirectMusic MIDI In" port results in complete loss of all "DirectMusic Midi In" ports.
-Activating any "Direct Music In" cures the situation.
37. Dual-screens: if the right-hand monitor is set to be 'primary', then the mouse-wheel does not work on the left screen at all.
-Set left monitor to be 'primary'.
38. Event lock attribute "other" allows to change MIDI data with global MIDI functions (e.g. transpose).
-Unselect locked (with attribute 'other') MIDI events if MIDI processing functions are used.
39. Events can get slightly dislocated (few samples) after Pitch Shift with MPEX algorithm.
-Use another algorithm if processed range is timing-critical.
40. Export Audio: VSTi responds to incoming MIDI during export.
-Do not play MIDI to VSTi while exporting audio.
41. Extreme settings with realtime processes (time stretch, transpose) can cause very high CPU loads.
-Avoid extreme settings with realtime processes or freeze the realtime processes.
42. Generating Video Cache file doesn't work if the Video Player method was changed during a project.
-Delete the Video Cache file manually and try again.
43. Grouping of Events does not work if Mixer window is set to "Always on top".
-Deselect Mixer window option "Always on Top".
44. If audio offline process is opened by a command from a remote, Preview doesn't work.
-Use a regular key command or menu instead to open offline process.
45. If automation was modified using "Trim" mode, it's not played back correctly at first.
-Stop the cursor once again before playing back the trimmed automation.
46. Re-importing a video file with "extract audio" enabled will not extract the audio.
Delete the already existing media files in the pool before you import a video file again.
47. In some cases the Tempo Definition Tool may show up a wrong number of bars when opening theSample Editor.
-Adjust the bar number manually at bars/beats in toolbar.
48. Input Transformer (Global) does not recall "Active Module" status.
-"Active Module" has to be activated on each project load.
49. Invert selection does not work when grouped events exist.
-Select grouped events manually.
50. Jog / Shuttle via System Link does not work.
-Make sure to have equal project start time settings on all involved systems.
51. Acoustic feedback in MIDI List Editor does not work if you change data (e.g. velocity) in the info line.
-Use key editor in this case.
52. Loading times of a project will increase with the amount of connected MIDI interfaces.
-Try to minimize the number of MIDI-interfaces if possible.
53. Long recordings with AIFF, WAV, BWAV and SDII, which exceed the largest possible recording file supported by these file formats, will result in damaged recorded files.
-If you are planning to record longer than 4 hours in mono and 1 hour in 5.1, select the WAV64 file format for recording in the project settings.
54. MIDI panning in the inspector doesn't work with A1 Instrument. Regardless of panning movements to left, right etc. the sound from A1 comes from the centre all the time.
-Use audio output panning instead.
55. MIDI plugins with tempo sync dependency: Tempo sync information will not be delivered to MIDI plugins until playback.
-If you want to use MIDI plugins in stop mode after changing tempo information, press start/stop shortly.
56. Normalized sine-waves and possibly other signals clip when timestretched with MPEX.
-Reduce gain before stretching normalized material with MPEX.
57. Possible incompatibility with GRM Tools dongle, might cause Blue Screen when plugins are initialized.
-Get GRM Tools dongle driver update.
58. Pre Record: High pre record values (seconds) could lead to memory collapse and application freeze if physical RAM is exhausted.
-Avoid to excess physical RAM limit if you want to increase pre record values.
59. Redraw problems may appear while switching presets of plugins during playback.
-You can avoid these redraw problems if you switch presets in stop mode.
60. Selecting regions in audio clips and processing these with MPEX may produce short dropouts.
-Select either whole clips or regions beginning and ending with silence, or select regions larger than needed and trim after processing.
61. Some VSTi automation adjustments won't work in "touch fader" mode.
-Some plugins provide feedback when the mouse is released, others do not. In the latter case, the automation mode "touch fader" behaves like 'autolatch'.
62. System Link - Synchronization is being affected by "Lower Latency" ON or OFF status when using the Steinberg VSL 2020 cards.
-Run VSL 2020 using "Lower Latency" OFF if you have synchronicity problems using System Link.
63. System Link: VST System Link Slave device plays MIDI to external devices incorrectly.
-Send MIDI to external devices directly from the VST System Link Master.
64. Time Stretch Tool does not work on very short clips.
-Bounce longer clips before time stretching.
65. Tracks with monitor on (manual) are not included in export audio mixdown.
-Turn input monitoring OFF before exporting.
66. Video Playback Pull rate (Device Setup / Video Player) is reset after switching between multiple open projects.
-Set the desired Pull rate manually after switching projects.
67. Video: Thumbnail refreshing needs much performance and audio dropouts may occur while scrolling.
-Use video thumbnail cache.
68. VST System Link can not be deactivated in Transport with sync button.
-Deactivate the sync under Device Settings / Audio Bay / System Link.
69. VST System Link synchronisation: The slaved system doesn't follow "Preroll" of the master correctly.
-Disable "Preroll" if VST System Link synchronisation is required.
70. Warp tab editing may be a little sluggish, if clip is shown in part editor at the same time.
-Open clip from pool or scroll part editor so that clip is not shown.
71. WMA Pro Audio Mixdown may sound distorted if audio card is clocked externally (e.g. by Wordclock) to a different sample rate than the exported WMA file.
-Set audio card to Sync = "Master" before you perform the export.
72. Video: QuickTime playback via firewire out port or Decklink video card is out of sync by some frames.
-The video synchronization process has been modified in Nuendo 3.1. This requires a re-calibration or the video playback offset in the Device Setup / Video Player. The offset that previously had to be set to a value of 7 frames should now be set to a value about 4 frames, depending on the involved components, to assure audio and video running in sync. Please re-calibrate your QuickTime video offset after you have installed 3.1.
73. Score: Changing time signature in Score editor might crash if several MIDI tracks are used and set up to polyphony. This only happens, if you change time signature on lower MIDI tracks.
-Change time signature on first MIDI track.
74. Nuendo won't launch with an ASIO driver selected but the corresponding hardware not being connected.
-When having selected a specific ASIO driver, always connect the corresponding ASIO device before you start Nuendo.
Et quelques autres:
Go_To_End / Macro / Edit menu bug
1] Set up a macro that uses “goto end” command.
goto end
set right locator
2] Create a four bar loop in nuendo
3] Let it play
4] With your mouse try to access any function in edit menu...
Nuendo then automatically goes to the first bar with just this mouse action or if it is in cycle repeat, it will go to bar five and start playing from there.
Remove any macro’s that have “GoToEnd”
Status, Comments
Wrong (underneath) audio is playing
1. Make two recordings with some gap in between.
2. Select the events and do "Events to Part"
3. Open the "Audio Part Editor" and drag event 2 to lane 2
4. Close "Audio Part Editor"
5. Make a recording that starts between the two previous takes and let it overlap take 2.
That's it!
Select all events and do "Events to Part" and open "Audio Part Editor"
Now Take 1 is on lane 1,
take 2 is on lane 2
and take 3 is on lane 1
Status, Comments
Canopus ADVC-100 breaks video output
When Canopus ADVC-100 is connected to the computer, N3 will not show any video ( and that goes for any type : MPEG, AVI, Quicktime ) when the direct show driver is selected. Nothing comes out of the tv out on Matrox p750 and there is black screen when you open the video wimdow in Nuendo 3. When you disconnect the Canopus box, everything works again.
There is no problems at all when you set up the same scenario in Nuendo 2.
Disable the Firewire video device from the Device Manager (no physical unplugging required).
Status, Comments
Confirmed, Nuendo
Fixed Lane: Strange behaviour when glueing audio parts
- Create audio track
- Set to "Fixed Lane" mode
- Add four audio events to that track (all after another)
- Duplicate them underneath (so that there is a 2nd lane)
- Now take the lower lane and glue the audio events from left to right togehter
- When you reach the 3rd event it gets shifted in the upper lane, leaving the 4th one separate
-> Do this again using even more lanes, you can quite easily create a bunch of lonely events
and a lot of wrongly stacked ones.
Status, Comments
Automation Lane doesn't remember correct its order
1. Start a new project
2. Add an Audio Track to the project.
3. Open up the automation lane -> Automate the volume.
4. Open up another lane -> Automate the pan.
5. Open up another lane -> Automate an insert effect (compression threshold for example).
6. Open up another lane -> Automate a send volume.
7. Open up another lane -> Automate another instert effect (like bypass on an EQ for example).
8. Now close these automation lanes one by one until they are all gone.
9. Now open them up again, one by one. They will not come back in the right order.
Click to "Show used Automation".
Status, Comments
Partly fixed in 3.1
The order re-appears correctly except for the last automation track when the mute parameter insists to be displayed instead of the insert bypass.
remove the mute parameter, then the order appears correctly
Toggling (F8) the Direct Show window makes transport bar dissapear.
F8 toggles keep the video window in the same place,
however, when closing it, the focus on the whole Nuendo application is lost, and therefore the Transport bar disappear the same way as if you were to click on another background application in Windows
Status, Comments
Locate Next-previous not working on first automation line
1) Create a new project.
2) Add an FX send track.
3) On the first automation line of this FX send track (the pink one, usually Volume) add randomly some automation points, 3-4 are enough.
4) Be sure to have the track selected, and try to use the "B" and "N" keys (or use the Transport menu function) to move from one point to another. it won't work, but...
5) ... if you add a second automation line to the same track and follow the same process on this second line (add automation points, select the line and use "B" and "N" to move between points) it would work fine. The problem only manifests itself on the first automation line of every track.
Do not use the first automation track.
Status, Comments
Invert selection does not work when grouped clips exist
1. Group some events in project.
2 Select grouped event, and invert selection from the selection menu.
The grouped items are not deselected.
3. Select an non-grouped event.
4. invert selection from the selection menu.
The grouped events are not selected, but the non-grouped events are selected correctly.
Status, Comments
List editor Accoustic feedback not functional
1. In Sx3/N3 open a Midi part in the list editor.
2. Ensure the speaker icon (accoutic feedback) button is lit.
3. Select the data 1 field for a note (note number).
4. Use the scroll mouse or arrow keys to change note number, and no Midi data is sent to the device to audition the sound.
Under Sx2/N2 (2.2 B39) this works, the note is sent as the value is scrolled.
Note that the same technique in SX3/N3 works in the Key editor, selecting the note value field in the Info bar and scrolling does audition the changes.
Status, Comments
Key Command "End" and "Start" Nudge do not work properly in Shuffle mode
1. Activate Shuffle
2. Place an event on a track
3. Cut it with scissor tool. (Don't move the event)
3. Use your mouse to trim or elongate the tail of the the first part
The latter part stays Magnetically connected
4. Do the same while using the Key Commands (Nudging the End left or End Right) on the first part.
-------->>>>> The other part doesn't stay "magnetically" connected as it should.
Status, Comments
Flattening Play Order screws up x-fades.
1. Create a track with a couple of X-fades
2. Create a Play Order Track
3. Flatten Play order Track
-------> X-fades are lost.
Status, Comments
Paste / snap to grid is broken
1. have 2 tracks with one adjacent audio event on each track
2. Position cursor so that it is on top of the event on both tracks
3. Select both events with select tool
4. Audio/Snap point to cursor
5. Copy (Ctrl + C)
6. Postion cursor elsewhere in empty area.
7. Top track selected, Paste (Ctrl + P)
The events are pasted and lose their relative position to each other, top event snaps to grid. Even if events are 'Grouped'!!
-Drag and drop works.
-If you don't use the 'Snap point to cursor', no problem.
-'Snap point to cursor' on one of the 2 events is enough to cause the problem.
See "Nota" above
Status, Comments
double-click add track colouring bug
1. Create new project.
2. Make sure in preferences, Editing/Project Mixer the Auto Track color mode is in either Use Previous track color or use previous track color +1
3. Create an audio track......change the colour of that newly created track..
create another new audio track just below.
4. On my system if my mixer is closed it works as it should, it will create the new audio track to the color of the track above.
-------------------->However if my mixer window is open, it ignores the previous colour and creates all audio tracks to color 10.
----------->and also with the mixer closed but a folder track folded as the last track before the double-click area.
If folder track is unfolded, then behaviour is right, no bug.
Status, Comments
Sync Project & Mixer Selection problem with SHIFT-selection
- Make sure the preference >Editing >Project & Mixer >Sync Project & Mixer Selection option is enabled
- Now create empty project
- Add several e.g. audio tracks
- Select all of them by shift-clicking one after the other
-> All tracks are selected in the Mixer as well = good.
- Unselect them
- Now use shift selection by selecting the first track then holding down shift to select the last track, all tracks are now selected
-> Open the mixer, there only the last track is selected.
Shift-select tracks in project window one after the other
Status, Comments
CTRL+TAB is not working anymore
CTRL+TAB is not working anymore
Description: Since installing the 3.1 update I can no longer toggle between open windows using the CTRL+TAB keys.
Also CTRL+F4 and ALT+F4 are not working.
Status, Comments
AAF project offset shift with 29.97
1. Create a project @ 29.97 fps (repro also works with 29.97dfps)
2. Set project offset to 4 hours (
3. Put a 2pop @ 6 seconds (
4. Export AAF
5. Import AAF
------------------> Project offset is set to which moves the 2pop to 04:00:05;28
Adjusting the project start time (and choosing to move the audio events too) corrects the problem.
Status, Comments
Replace Audio in Video is broken
QT = Broken
Mpg =
Avi =
Status, Comments
Houston Fader Stutter on midi Tracks
Open new project
add midi track
move physical fader up and down on Houston
behaves erratically
move virtual fader up and down in Nuendo
behaves normally
Status, Comments
Frozen tracks can't be disabled
1) freeze a track
2) disable the track
------------------------->>>>>>the track still streams from disk, meters still move, solo still works...
Status, Comments
Tracks placed at "2 folders deep" don't un-arm from parent Track Arm.
Create a Folder (1)
Create an Audio Track (a)
Put that audio track into the folder (a => 1)
Create another folder (2)
Create an Audio Track (b)
Put that audio track into the folder (b => 2)
Put that folder (with the audio track b ) into the first "parent folder" (2 ( which contains "b" ) => 1 ( which already contains "a" )
-collapse the parent folder (1) so you only see one folder track
-arm the parent folder track (1)
-dis-arm the parent folder track (1)
-expand all folder tracks
audio track "b" sub (Which is in "sub-folder" 2) does't unarm when the parent folders arm button is pressed and all folders are colapsed...
Status, Comments
Move To Back -bug
-create an empty project.
-create an audio track.
-record ten pieces of audio on top of eachother, either using cycle record or just recording over the same spot.
-assign the move to back command to "b" and the move to front command to "f"
-select the top piece of audio, hit b.
------->>>>>The top piece of audio should go to the bottom of the pile, the piece underneath should now be highlighted. you should be able to keep hitting b and flip
through the pile.
Usually what happens is the top piece gets deselected but doesnt move, and still plays even though a lower piece in the pile is now selected.
Status, Comments
Obligé pour l'instant de désactiver l'HT pour faire tourner rien qu'une piste audio en stereo sans planter l'application!!!
Sinon voici les bugs référencés (pour l'instant):
Désolé, ca fait tres long mais ce qui me fait hurler c'est que sur le forum, les bugs ne sont visibles que par les utilisateurs enregistrés (donc qui ont acheté Nuendo et qui découvrent alors cette jolie liste!)
Enfin, pour ma part évidemment que les 4/5émes de ces bugs ne me concernent pas (ca dépends de l'utilisation qu'on en fait) mais par exemple la fonction placer en avant plan/arriere plan ne marche plus et ca je m'en sers dès que j'ouvre une session, de plus les fonctions alt+tab ; ctl+F3 et alt+F3 sont cassées.
Enfin je pourrais continuer comme ca pendant longtemps mais on a tous mieux a faire
This document describes issues you may encounter using Nuendo 3.1 as well as possible workarounds.
1. [PC-only] Inserting Wavelab Leveler plug-in may cause crash.
-Do not use this plug-in outside Wavelab.
2. [Mac only] Project files saved with Nuendo 3.0 show file info "Nuendo 2.xx document" but they are actually not compatible with Nuendo 2.x.
-This can occur if a previous Nuendo version is installed on the computer.
3. [Mac only] Performance / Playback problem due to sample rate mismatch between Nuendo and the audio card. If your audio interface is clocked externally (e.g. via Word Clock), Nuendo might not take notice of sample rate changes (e.g. from 48 KHz to 44.1 KHz), which will disturb the audio playback.
-Make sure the sample rate is properly set in the Project Setup.
4. [Mac only] Using Magneto with an Audio Buffer Size of 2048 samples will result in a unexpected quit of the application.
-If you use Magneto, choose an Audio Buffer Size between 64 and 1024 samples in the Multitrack device setup.
5. [Mac only] Program can crash when a project is closed that uses the plugin "VST Dynamics".
-Use "Dynamics" plugin instead.
6. [Mac only] Tempo Browser: Copy/Paste function doesn’t work for multiple Time Signature Events.
-Time Signature Events have to be copied individually.
7. [Mac only] Changing paper sizes has side effects. The layout isn't adjusted to fit the new size.
-Adjust layout again.
8. [Mac only] Importing MP2 file while Autoplay is running crashes the application.
-Hit Stop at Prelisten Section before opening the file.
9. OMF export fails if multichannel events are included. The log file states "could not export media".
-OMF cannot export multichannel files. Simply exclude the multichannel track from your export.
10. "When exporting OMF with option "Copy" or "Consolidate" activated, fades on top of realtime streams (e.g. volume envelopes, warped material) are not exported."
-Bounce affected parts / events previously to export.
11. Exporting OMF, AES31, OpenTL or AAF with any pull up/down option enabled in the Project Setup will result in non-usable exports.
-In order to avoid this please switch off all pull settings in the Project Setup before exporting:
1) In the Project Setup set the pull factor to off.
2) In the next dialog "Do you want to keep audio events at their sample position?" Choose: “Yes”
3) Export the project in OMF, AES31, OpenTL or AAF.
4) In the Project Setup dialog set the pull factor back to the desired setting.
5) In the next dialog "Do you want to keep audio events at their sample position?" Choose “Yes”
12. Network Collaboration: In complex projects problems can occur when individual tracks are set to "override track permissions". Tracks committed by clients to the owner can cause reordering of tracks in the owner project and also remove tracks from the owner project."
-Disconnect the owner project (unshare) and re-assign the tracks to the users. If problem persists, globally share the project instead of providing individual track permissions.
13. Timing problems if multiple computers are synchronized via a System Link chain (open loop). Also happening when using the TimeBase Synchronizer as System Link Master. The computers ""later"" in the chain may play MIDI inaccurately and Cycle does not work."
-Use MTC for synchronizing systems in an open loop.
14. "When exporting OMF, OpenTL, AES31, AAF with option ""Copy"" or ""Consolidate"" activated, fades on top of realtime streams (e.g. volume envelopes, warped material) are not exported."
-Bounce affected parts / events previously to export.
15. If you import an OMF file when the project is set to Pull Down, then all audio comes in out of sync. Nuendo isn't compensating for Pull down on OMF import.
-Reset your pull settings before importing the OMF file.
16. Import Premiere Generic EDL fails.
-Use AAF format instead.
17. Loading two Nuendo projects and editing them in the score editor at the same time (switching between the projects) creates various problems.
-Edit only one project in the score editor per time.
18. Problems when 2 workstations share a project via network collaboration and also share the same project folder on a server.
-Create a new folder for each client - that can be in the project folder as well.
19. Rewire Slave may switch sample rate on launching Rewire Slave.
-Assure that Nuendo and Rewire slave have the same sample rate settings.
20. The Matrix Decoder PlugIn may crash Nuendo when it gets inserted in a 5.1 Audio Channel Insert.
-Make sure that in the PlugIn Information Window the Matrix Decoder is set to "Old Host Behaviour".
21. Wavelab 5 can not import AES31 file from Nuendo which are longer than around six and a half hours in duration.
-Divide long projects (longer than six hours) if you want to use Nuendo AES31 files in Wavelab 5.
22. Network Collaboration: Using Nuendo 3.1 in a network collaboration with earlier versions of Nuendo leads to crashes.
-Networking with different versions of Nuendo is not possible. Please use Nuendo 3.1 on all involved computers.
23. Open TL exports always result in 16 bit audio files.
-This is by design - Open TL consolidates to 16 bit. To work around this, please use the option to copy or reference the media.
24. Freeze: Frozen tracks follow tempo changes according to the event/part display but the audio actually is not adapted to the tempo changes.
-Don't change tempo, if your project contains frozen tracks.
25. If multiple MIDI parts are opened together in the Key Editor using CTRL-A, tracks that are in In-Place-Editor mode will not be included.
-Deselect all EVENTS and select all TRACKS before opening the Key Editor.
26. "Save project to new folder": A conflict exist in combination with "minimize files" and realtimetimestrech tool. Stretched audio events will be shifted in tune in new project.
-Don't use "minimize files" in this case.
27. Adding a very high number of tracks (audio or MIDI) at once can cause temporary unresponsiveness of the program.
-Add less tracks at once, e.g. groups of 20 tracks at a time.
28. Audio streaming performance via network can be lower compared to earlier versions of the application.
-Reduce track count or partly stream from local disk.
29. Automation problems on plugins in Output Bus Channels. Plugin automation is not read in realtime correctly.
-Make sure that the parent Output Bus Channel is set to WRITE mode before the Plugin itself is set to read.
30. "Timing problems if multiple computers are synchronized via a System Link chain (open loop). The computers "later" in the chain may play MIDI inaccurately and Cycle does not work."
-Use MTC for synchronizing systems in an open loop.
31. Adding a MIDI Track can disturb the audio engine: ASIO Sample rate can be changed or lost. If a Direct Music MIDI port (example: MIDEX 8) is opened for the first time (e.g. by adding a MIDI track), it may happen that Windows Direct Music causes a short system halt, which can disturb the audio engine.
-Go to Device Setup/VST Multitrack and execute Reset.
32. Adjustments made on a remote controller affect real-time audio mixdown.
-Don´t make adjustments on the remote controller during realtime audio mixdown.
33. Audio output problems (Sound gets distorted) after program has been running for several hours.
-Use "Reset" function in Device Setup/VST Audio Bay.
34. Automation with the UAD Fairchild plugin can lead to crash sometimes.
-Install an update of UAD Fairchild plugin once available.
35. Crossfading events on lower lanes in the audio part editor does not work correctly. This happens when only one of two events to be crossfaded is selected.
-Make sure both events that shall be crossfaded are selected.
36. Deactivating a "DirectMusic MIDI In" port results in complete loss of all "DirectMusic Midi In" ports.
-Activating any "Direct Music In" cures the situation.
37. Dual-screens: if the right-hand monitor is set to be 'primary', then the mouse-wheel does not work on the left screen at all.
-Set left monitor to be 'primary'.
38. Event lock attribute "other" allows to change MIDI data with global MIDI functions (e.g. transpose).
-Unselect locked (with attribute 'other') MIDI events if MIDI processing functions are used.
39. Events can get slightly dislocated (few samples) after Pitch Shift with MPEX algorithm.
-Use another algorithm if processed range is timing-critical.
40. Export Audio: VSTi responds to incoming MIDI during export.
-Do not play MIDI to VSTi while exporting audio.
41. Extreme settings with realtime processes (time stretch, transpose) can cause very high CPU loads.
-Avoid extreme settings with realtime processes or freeze the realtime processes.
42. Generating Video Cache file doesn't work if the Video Player method was changed during a project.
-Delete the Video Cache file manually and try again.
43. Grouping of Events does not work if Mixer window is set to "Always on top".
-Deselect Mixer window option "Always on Top".
44. If audio offline process is opened by a command from a remote, Preview doesn't work.
-Use a regular key command or menu instead to open offline process.
45. If automation was modified using "Trim" mode, it's not played back correctly at first.
-Stop the cursor once again before playing back the trimmed automation.
46. Re-importing a video file with "extract audio" enabled will not extract the audio.
Delete the already existing media files in the pool before you import a video file again.
47. In some cases the Tempo Definition Tool may show up a wrong number of bars when opening theSample Editor.
-Adjust the bar number manually at bars/beats in toolbar.
48. Input Transformer (Global) does not recall "Active Module" status.
-"Active Module" has to be activated on each project load.
49. Invert selection does not work when grouped events exist.
-Select grouped events manually.
50. Jog / Shuttle via System Link does not work.
-Make sure to have equal project start time settings on all involved systems.
51. Acoustic feedback in MIDI List Editor does not work if you change data (e.g. velocity) in the info line.
-Use key editor in this case.
52. Loading times of a project will increase with the amount of connected MIDI interfaces.
-Try to minimize the number of MIDI-interfaces if possible.
53. Long recordings with AIFF, WAV, BWAV and SDII, which exceed the largest possible recording file supported by these file formats, will result in damaged recorded files.
-If you are planning to record longer than 4 hours in mono and 1 hour in 5.1, select the WAV64 file format for recording in the project settings.
54. MIDI panning in the inspector doesn't work with A1 Instrument. Regardless of panning movements to left, right etc. the sound from A1 comes from the centre all the time.
-Use audio output panning instead.
55. MIDI plugins with tempo sync dependency: Tempo sync information will not be delivered to MIDI plugins until playback.
-If you want to use MIDI plugins in stop mode after changing tempo information, press start/stop shortly.
56. Normalized sine-waves and possibly other signals clip when timestretched with MPEX.
-Reduce gain before stretching normalized material with MPEX.
57. Possible incompatibility with GRM Tools dongle, might cause Blue Screen when plugins are initialized.
-Get GRM Tools dongle driver update.
58. Pre Record: High pre record values (seconds) could lead to memory collapse and application freeze if physical RAM is exhausted.
-Avoid to excess physical RAM limit if you want to increase pre record values.
59. Redraw problems may appear while switching presets of plugins during playback.
-You can avoid these redraw problems if you switch presets in stop mode.
60. Selecting regions in audio clips and processing these with MPEX may produce short dropouts.
-Select either whole clips or regions beginning and ending with silence, or select regions larger than needed and trim after processing.
61. Some VSTi automation adjustments won't work in "touch fader" mode.
-Some plugins provide feedback when the mouse is released, others do not. In the latter case, the automation mode "touch fader" behaves like 'autolatch'.
62. System Link - Synchronization is being affected by "Lower Latency" ON or OFF status when using the Steinberg VSL 2020 cards.
-Run VSL 2020 using "Lower Latency" OFF if you have synchronicity problems using System Link.
63. System Link: VST System Link Slave device plays MIDI to external devices incorrectly.
-Send MIDI to external devices directly from the VST System Link Master.
64. Time Stretch Tool does not work on very short clips.
-Bounce longer clips before time stretching.
65. Tracks with monitor on (manual) are not included in export audio mixdown.
-Turn input monitoring OFF before exporting.
66. Video Playback Pull rate (Device Setup / Video Player) is reset after switching between multiple open projects.
-Set the desired Pull rate manually after switching projects.
67. Video: Thumbnail refreshing needs much performance and audio dropouts may occur while scrolling.
-Use video thumbnail cache.
68. VST System Link can not be deactivated in Transport with sync button.
-Deactivate the sync under Device Settings / Audio Bay / System Link.
69. VST System Link synchronisation: The slaved system doesn't follow "Preroll" of the master correctly.
-Disable "Preroll" if VST System Link synchronisation is required.
70. Warp tab editing may be a little sluggish, if clip is shown in part editor at the same time.
-Open clip from pool or scroll part editor so that clip is not shown.
71. WMA Pro Audio Mixdown may sound distorted if audio card is clocked externally (e.g. by Wordclock) to a different sample rate than the exported WMA file.
-Set audio card to Sync = "Master" before you perform the export.
72. Video: QuickTime playback via firewire out port or Decklink video card is out of sync by some frames.
-The video synchronization process has been modified in Nuendo 3.1. This requires a re-calibration or the video playback offset in the Device Setup / Video Player. The offset that previously had to be set to a value of 7 frames should now be set to a value about 4 frames, depending on the involved components, to assure audio and video running in sync. Please re-calibrate your QuickTime video offset after you have installed 3.1.
73. Score: Changing time signature in Score editor might crash if several MIDI tracks are used and set up to polyphony. This only happens, if you change time signature on lower MIDI tracks.
-Change time signature on first MIDI track.
74. Nuendo won't launch with an ASIO driver selected but the corresponding hardware not being connected.
-When having selected a specific ASIO driver, always connect the corresponding ASIO device before you start Nuendo.
Et quelques autres:
Go_To_End / Macro / Edit menu bug
1] Set up a macro that uses “goto end” command.
goto end
set right locator
2] Create a four bar loop in nuendo
3] Let it play
4] With your mouse try to access any function in edit menu...
Nuendo then automatically goes to the first bar with just this mouse action or if it is in cycle repeat, it will go to bar five and start playing from there.
Remove any macro’s that have “GoToEnd”
Status, Comments
Wrong (underneath) audio is playing
1. Make two recordings with some gap in between.
2. Select the events and do "Events to Part"
3. Open the "Audio Part Editor" and drag event 2 to lane 2
4. Close "Audio Part Editor"
5. Make a recording that starts between the two previous takes and let it overlap take 2.
That's it!
Select all events and do "Events to Part" and open "Audio Part Editor"
Now Take 1 is on lane 1,
take 2 is on lane 2
and take 3 is on lane 1
Status, Comments
Canopus ADVC-100 breaks video output
When Canopus ADVC-100 is connected to the computer, N3 will not show any video ( and that goes for any type : MPEG, AVI, Quicktime ) when the direct show driver is selected. Nothing comes out of the tv out on Matrox p750 and there is black screen when you open the video wimdow in Nuendo 3. When you disconnect the Canopus box, everything works again.
There is no problems at all when you set up the same scenario in Nuendo 2.
Disable the Firewire video device from the Device Manager (no physical unplugging required).
Status, Comments
Confirmed, Nuendo
Fixed Lane: Strange behaviour when glueing audio parts
- Create audio track
- Set to "Fixed Lane" mode
- Add four audio events to that track (all after another)
- Duplicate them underneath (so that there is a 2nd lane)
- Now take the lower lane and glue the audio events from left to right togehter
- When you reach the 3rd event it gets shifted in the upper lane, leaving the 4th one separate
-> Do this again using even more lanes, you can quite easily create a bunch of lonely events
and a lot of wrongly stacked ones.
Status, Comments
Automation Lane doesn't remember correct its order
1. Start a new project
2. Add an Audio Track to the project.
3. Open up the automation lane -> Automate the volume.
4. Open up another lane -> Automate the pan.
5. Open up another lane -> Automate an insert effect (compression threshold for example).
6. Open up another lane -> Automate a send volume.
7. Open up another lane -> Automate another instert effect (like bypass on an EQ for example).
8. Now close these automation lanes one by one until they are all gone.
9. Now open them up again, one by one. They will not come back in the right order.
Click to "Show used Automation".
Status, Comments
Partly fixed in 3.1
The order re-appears correctly except for the last automation track when the mute parameter insists to be displayed instead of the insert bypass.
remove the mute parameter, then the order appears correctly
Toggling (F8) the Direct Show window makes transport bar dissapear.
F8 toggles keep the video window in the same place,
however, when closing it, the focus on the whole Nuendo application is lost, and therefore the Transport bar disappear the same way as if you were to click on another background application in Windows
Status, Comments
Locate Next-previous not working on first automation line
1) Create a new project.
2) Add an FX send track.
3) On the first automation line of this FX send track (the pink one, usually Volume) add randomly some automation points, 3-4 are enough.
4) Be sure to have the track selected, and try to use the "B" and "N" keys (or use the Transport menu function) to move from one point to another. it won't work, but...
5) ... if you add a second automation line to the same track and follow the same process on this second line (add automation points, select the line and use "B" and "N" to move between points) it would work fine. The problem only manifests itself on the first automation line of every track.
Do not use the first automation track.
Status, Comments
Invert selection does not work when grouped clips exist
1. Group some events in project.
2 Select grouped event, and invert selection from the selection menu.
The grouped items are not deselected.
3. Select an non-grouped event.
4. invert selection from the selection menu.
The grouped events are not selected, but the non-grouped events are selected correctly.
Status, Comments
List editor Accoustic feedback not functional
1. In Sx3/N3 open a Midi part in the list editor.
2. Ensure the speaker icon (accoutic feedback) button is lit.
3. Select the data 1 field for a note (note number).
4. Use the scroll mouse or arrow keys to change note number, and no Midi data is sent to the device to audition the sound.
Under Sx2/N2 (2.2 B39) this works, the note is sent as the value is scrolled.
Note that the same technique in SX3/N3 works in the Key editor, selecting the note value field in the Info bar and scrolling does audition the changes.
Status, Comments
Key Command "End" and "Start" Nudge do not work properly in Shuffle mode
1. Activate Shuffle
2. Place an event on a track
3. Cut it with scissor tool. (Don't move the event)
3. Use your mouse to trim or elongate the tail of the the first part
The latter part stays Magnetically connected
4. Do the same while using the Key Commands (Nudging the End left or End Right) on the first part.
-------->>>>> The other part doesn't stay "magnetically" connected as it should.
Status, Comments
Flattening Play Order screws up x-fades.
1. Create a track with a couple of X-fades
2. Create a Play Order Track
3. Flatten Play order Track
-------> X-fades are lost.
Status, Comments
Paste / snap to grid is broken
1. have 2 tracks with one adjacent audio event on each track
2. Position cursor so that it is on top of the event on both tracks
3. Select both events with select tool
4. Audio/Snap point to cursor
5. Copy (Ctrl + C)
6. Postion cursor elsewhere in empty area.
7. Top track selected, Paste (Ctrl + P)
The events are pasted and lose their relative position to each other, top event snaps to grid. Even if events are 'Grouped'!!
-Drag and drop works.
-If you don't use the 'Snap point to cursor', no problem.
-'Snap point to cursor' on one of the 2 events is enough to cause the problem.
See "Nota" above
Status, Comments
double-click add track colouring bug
1. Create new project.
2. Make sure in preferences, Editing/Project Mixer the Auto Track color mode is in either Use Previous track color or use previous track color +1
3. Create an audio track......change the colour of that newly created track..
create another new audio track just below.
4. On my system if my mixer is closed it works as it should, it will create the new audio track to the color of the track above.
-------------------->However if my mixer window is open, it ignores the previous colour and creates all audio tracks to color 10.
----------->and also with the mixer closed but a folder track folded as the last track before the double-click area.
If folder track is unfolded, then behaviour is right, no bug.
Status, Comments
Sync Project & Mixer Selection problem with SHIFT-selection
- Make sure the preference >Editing >Project & Mixer >Sync Project & Mixer Selection option is enabled
- Now create empty project
- Add several e.g. audio tracks
- Select all of them by shift-clicking one after the other
-> All tracks are selected in the Mixer as well = good.
- Unselect them
- Now use shift selection by selecting the first track then holding down shift to select the last track, all tracks are now selected
-> Open the mixer, there only the last track is selected.
Shift-select tracks in project window one after the other
Status, Comments
CTRL+TAB is not working anymore
CTRL+TAB is not working anymore
Description: Since installing the 3.1 update I can no longer toggle between open windows using the CTRL+TAB keys.
Also CTRL+F4 and ALT+F4 are not working.
Status, Comments
AAF project offset shift with 29.97
1. Create a project @ 29.97 fps (repro also works with 29.97dfps)
2. Set project offset to 4 hours (
3. Put a 2pop @ 6 seconds (
4. Export AAF
5. Import AAF
------------------> Project offset is set to which moves the 2pop to 04:00:05;28
Adjusting the project start time (and choosing to move the audio events too) corrects the problem.
Status, Comments
Replace Audio in Video is broken
QT = Broken
Mpg =
Avi =
Status, Comments
Houston Fader Stutter on midi Tracks
Open new project
add midi track
move physical fader up and down on Houston
behaves erratically
move virtual fader up and down in Nuendo
behaves normally
Status, Comments
Frozen tracks can't be disabled
1) freeze a track
2) disable the track
------------------------->>>>>>the track still streams from disk, meters still move, solo still works...
Status, Comments
Tracks placed at "2 folders deep" don't un-arm from parent Track Arm.
Create a Folder (1)
Create an Audio Track (a)
Put that audio track into the folder (a => 1)
Create another folder (2)
Create an Audio Track (b)
Put that audio track into the folder (b => 2)
Put that folder (with the audio track b ) into the first "parent folder" (2 ( which contains "b" ) => 1 ( which already contains "a" )
-collapse the parent folder (1) so you only see one folder track
-arm the parent folder track (1)
-dis-arm the parent folder track (1)
-expand all folder tracks
audio track "b" sub (Which is in "sub-folder" 2) does't unarm when the parent folders arm button is pressed and all folders are colapsed...
Status, Comments
Move To Back -bug
-create an empty project.
-create an audio track.
-record ten pieces of audio on top of eachother, either using cycle record or just recording over the same spot.
-assign the move to back command to "b" and the move to front command to "f"
-select the top piece of audio, hit b.
------->>>>>The top piece of audio should go to the bottom of the pile, the piece underneath should now be highlighted. you should be able to keep hitting b and flip
through the pile.
Usually what happens is the top piece gets deselected but doesnt move, and still plays even though a lower piece in the pile is now selected.
Status, Comments
Je poste, donc je suis
Membre depuis 22 ans
7 Posté le 12/10/2005 à 17:42:48
C'est pareil pour SX 3.1 alors j'imagine ? Ca donne pas envie d'upgrader tout ça
VIM qui n'a jamais eu son tee-shirt...
Posteur·euse AFfamé·e
Membre depuis 21 ans
8 Posté le 12/10/2005 à 18:03:14
Je ne peux pas te dire, j'ai pas trop le temps de trainer sur le forum de cubase mais le pb de crash avec l'hyperthreading est sur SX 3.1 aussi.
Tout ce que j'ai pu lire c'est que steinberg devrait sortir un "fix" pour N3.1
Avant de sortir N3.2 (c'est déja pas mal, il fut un temps ou c'était inimaginable...et vu aussi que la version 3.2 est loin d'etre sortie encore!)
Tout ce que j'ai pu lire c'est que steinberg devrait sortir un "fix" pour N3.1
Avant de sortir N3.2 (c'est déja pas mal, il fut un temps ou c'était inimaginable...et vu aussi que la version 3.2 est loin d'etre sortie encore!)
Squatteur·euse d’AF
Membre depuis 21 ans
9 Posté le 12/10/2005 à 18:18:26
Pas directement concerné puisque je suis encore sous cubase SX2.2 avec un antique celeron 1ghz, j'aimerais savoir si l'hyperthreading apporte réellement un plus à ce type de logiciel, il semblerait que non, donc, ne pas l'enclencher, et donc, éviter les crash, ne devrait pas poser trop de problème?
Pas directement concerné puisque je suis encore sous cubase SX2.2 avec un antique celeron 1ghz, j'aimerais savoir si l'hyperthreading apporte réellement un plus à ce type de logiciel, il semblerait que non, donc, ne pas l'enclencher, et donc, éviter les crash, ne devrait pas poser trop de problème?
Posteur·euse AFfamé·e
Membre depuis 21 ans
10 Posté le 12/10/2005 à 18:26:34
Citation : il semblerait que non
Ben...qu'est ce qui te fais dire ca? Pour ma part (P4 3GHz) c'est le jour et la nuit...
Je peux juste dire que les mixes que je fais depuis que j'ai un systeme en HT ne peuvent pas tourner sans...apres c'est toujours pareil: mon systeme est toujours poussé a bout...avant je mixais des albums sur un P3 1GHz et j'y arrivais, et encore avant ca sur un P2 233MHz!!!
Le systeme (WinXp) est plus gourmand, le logiciel (Nuendo) est plus gourmand et je ne parle meme pas des plugins...mais c'est aussi et surtout parce que j'en utilise toujours plus...
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